Denied Inversion rule change for Thaumotoligist, server, or conduct code wise

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Active member
Apr 3, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This suggestion would add a rule for all reality benders, the rule id like instated, that inversion cannot be used in non-combatant ways ( such as asking another player to shoot you till your full health) making it to where inversion is used only in combat.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
[More roleplay for all those involved in the situation, keeps players from going around asking you to stab or shoot them.]

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
[Inability to ask others to heal you with bullets unless in combat ]

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
[I believe this rule would help make the rp better in our server by keeping reality benders from shooting each other to heal outside of combat]


Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
Let's be real who can tolerate stab wounds in your stomach or .50 cals? After the adrenaline runs out you wont even be able to walk from the shock
true but this is anomalous being after all and most likely doesnt feel pain using inversion

these mfs are anomalous i think a little suspension of disbelief is needed, the entire use of inversion is to gain extra health that they otherwise wouldn't be able to get- if we want to justify things ingame that have no lore with lore, here's some headcanon i came up with:

inversion converts the energy of whatever is being shot at the reality bender into lifeforce, which explains why a small caliber bullet won't heal them as much as a larger one (since it does not have as much energy compared to a larger caliber).
These things don't abide by the laws of physics already and can completely stop bullets in their tracks around themselves, so it'd make sense to believe they can control where energy goes and bend it to their will, eg:
evaporating someone by energising them until they vapourise, concentrating all of someone's energy in their head to pop it, converting the energy of bullets into lifeforce, converting energy into a weapon they can handle, energising someone until they combust, and so on
Jun 6, 2022
Suggestion Denied


Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.

I understand the premise of why this suggestion was created, however we feel that this change is unneeded at the very moment due to how nerfed the inversion ability would become including the impossible moderation of if this rule were to pass.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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