Is the current scp rp rule system broken?

Do you guys agree with my points

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So just as a quick disclaimer all of these critiques are on uk scp rp
Ok so to sumarise it these are the sections il be talking about :
Rules are way to open for interpretation they made rule clarification which did nothing but add more rules instead of clarifying the current ones and now its just used as a excuse to add more rules and its impossable for any player to object to these rules as most of them are discussed and decided in staff meetings which you dont have access to so you cant even defend your points
Every staff has a diffrent opinion on them
staff have varying opinions on every rule and at this point its pointless to ask about any rule for anyone bellow super admin as even the super admins cant agree on certain things an example being ia being allowed to use footage to identify individuals by name
Unenforceable rules
this refers to rules such as 3l per scp or mixing aswell as self supplying as its just way too easy to bypass it as staff cant watch every single person at all times aswell as these rules are just not taken seriously and theres only a handful of people that actually follow them which puts them at a huge disadvantage which is not fair for them
Not working warning system

STEAM_0:0:112491915 this person has over 106 warnings at last time of checking and guess what hes not even banned right now ive spoken to many ssl by this point about it they refuse to do anything about it the repeated rule breakers are free to do whatever they like as long as they play smart also that guy still continues breaking rules
Staff removing heads of department when not neededrecent example of this being jason m but this has been done in the past most notably with tactitian and bolt aswell as the entire ci co team before them so the jason m situation im not gonna say if he did or did not do was wrong as i dont know the details but what i can say is that ssl screwed up as bad as they could effectively killing goc on the spot instead of immediately getting a new gen they just lost a massive player base they couldve done it way better

Staff should not be able to promote themselves to rp ranks
whenever they do it leads to nothing but chaos the exception being sly idk how that worked out but they did it in ci before for like good 3 months we had winkie yeke luft and they were always inactive it leads to heavy discouragement to most players as its seen as unnecessary as they already have ltcom and others that are suppose to replace them incase something happends most people work really hard twords there ranks and to see your superiors just replaced by some randoms leaves a bad taste twords ssl


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Ashla Mazen

New Member
Sep 23, 2023
idk seems like a non issue to me ive heard no one but you complain about it constantly complaining in the SCP discord mess hall and pinging about it no one else seems to have a issue