Is this thing on?

This a pretty late introduction, but here we are. Hello civil gamers, for those of you who don't know I'm known as Alpha Toon, Alpha and Mark Nagoa. I joined cg back in March of 2020 after being bored one day and saw the cg darkrp and decided to give that a try. I had joined it with a friend originally just to pass time for the day, thinking that it was just going to be another copy and paste server, but upon experiencing the server for the first time, I was amazed at the content that was developed for the server. The idea of having player owned businesses and banks was something that I had never seen on any other darkrp before and knew I had wanted to start my own business. With that goal in mind, I started Umbrella Corporation and sold viruses from the GenLab addon. With the release of MNScript and dispensers, I was set on learning it and created one of the first automatic gunshops that was purely gui based. I then eventually made my way to CC to also make a presence there, running a gunshop with my custom gunshop script.

With the fall of cgrp, I mainly played cc until I got tired and took a break. Upon return to cg, I heard about scprp which was still fairly knew for the community and decided to try the server out. I instantly took a liking to it and have been playing ever since. I had a short term role as Ethics Committee when the US server was launched, but I'm here for the long run and would like to climb the ranks again.

Some people I've met a long the way:
@Foufasto Why did you buy vpoints from me on cgrp
@Metropolitan Long live Hive and Imperium | Top tier on cgrp and cc
@NightWolf Good IA ambassador & director
@Cassius Top tier in IA
@Marc Brekker Very ethical indeed


Well-known Member
Feb 15, 2022
Welcome back from the dead.

Highest Regards
Internal Affairs Agent
Tarquin Cassius
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MRP War Criminal
Dec 31, 2020
Finnaly not imactive anymore ??
Welcome back lad!

Kind regards,
-good ia ambassador & director