ivik's staff application

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Well-known Member
Sep 13, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): I think it was ivikTV. Now you can know me as only "ivik".
How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): 50 hours
Age: 18 years old
In what country are you located?: Czech Republic
Time zone: +2 GMT
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): ivik
Chaos name (include your rank): N/A
Civilian name: ivik
Steam ID: 76561198104622732
Do you have a mic?: yes
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
Yes. This is my first application I am making on civil networks. I was thinking about other rank applications but I wanted to have this one as the priority first. I just sent a thread once in support but it was only question about VIP rank so just lettng you know for sure.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?:
Yes. I have many experiences as a staff member. I was often staff member on DarkRP servers and StarwarsRP servers. Why i left? On DarkRP one server died, second server died too and on starwarsRP I was staff member on high position too and I was there over one year but then I stopped having fun there so I have resigned. I have some binds from the past still like noclip, freeze, cloak/uncloak. Other commands I was typing by hand. One day I made a DarkRP server for czech and slovakia people and it was starting being famous in the first day already and I was creating new experiences even as a developer but it was long time ago and the server died because of my friend who betrayed me (the second owner).
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
Yes, I do. I already mentioned it in question before this one. I was playing a lot on DarkRP and StarwarsRP servers but on DarkRP I was so often. On garry's mod I have over 2K hours and DarkRP civilgamers server was one of them where I had almost half of my life hehe. Anyways on civilgamers DarkRP server I was never staff member. I started playing there when I was 13 I think and I had a lot of warnings there because I was just learning meanwhile the play and that's why they didn't even let me in the staff team but anyways it's in the past and over the 5 years it changed a lot. The server isn't anymore there and I started playing here on SCP:RP server and I am having so much fun so I decided to make a staff application here. Anyways I do have a lot of experience from serious roleplay servers, yes.
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
Normally I can play 2 hours minimum everyday. Because I got sick for one week I was playing now 5 days in a row and everyday I played at least 8-10 hours a day. It depends how the school will go on but 2 hours a day minimum can be promised.
Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?:
I want to become a moderator because I know I have lots of experiences and I could help boost the server as being the active staff member on the server who will help the people who need the help. I want to meet more the community and help rise it higher. My behaviour is very well controlled and I can handle very well the stressful situations. My head is always calm if someone is aggressive, disrespectful and full of swearing. I always can find a good solution. How? Because it is something what is filling me, it is something what is bringing me in front because it was always my hobby. I think I would be really a useful staff member on SCP:RP civil networks server. I am very patient person and from the past I met a lot of people and a lot of ways of reports that I needed to handle so I can handle it pretty good and I am already ready on different kinds of problems. Anyways I have readen the rules and met admins with their solution to the problems and I could even learn something how did they do that and why they do that. I know what is possible and what cannot be possible.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
Why am I so special? I already said something about it in the previous question but let me tell you this. I am very patien person how I said and I come with great solution and I always know what should I do, what can I do and what I shouldn't do. I am experienced with the rules of SCP:RP civil networks server. Anyways I would be able to help you with lot of things. If there is low percent of staff members in the server I could always join and help if needed. I am very experienced with RP and with experiences from actually being a staff member. I am very calm when I handle some situations and I am the type of guy who can literally speak with anyone in different kinds of speaking (that is just meant that I know how to speak to people). I am available to help the people who need the help. I can always make the time to make someones life better (I am the kind one). Maybe my language isn't main english but I am a good english speaker I would say from my view. My accent can tell a little bit of where am I from but you can rate it from your view and inform me anyways. I love learning from my mistakes, that's how I am getting better. I am also special because I don't actually need to grow that much in staff team. Yes, the promotions are great but I will just concetrate on my job to do it well and someone someday will decide of my rank because if I get accepted I will begin as trial moderator anyways and I will be that one who will be seeing all staff members in their work doing great job and having someone who can help me if it would be needed in some situations (depends what permission I will have of course). I always listen to order from the higher ups in staff team and I do not say a thing against. Only if I think that something is really wrong I just say what is going on but I never argue. I am the calm person who doesn't want to have any toxic conversations with anyone. I just want to help the server to grow, to have fun with helping people because I like it as a kind person. I hope you will like my staff application. If not I guess I will be trying to do my best to make it work next time.
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Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022
Very detailed app. I met him couple of times and always was kind to me . good luck

Man of Culture

Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 27, 2022
Neutral leaning towards +Support

Past Experience
Detailed Application

No Interactions


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 13, 2022
- Neutral

- Unaware of activity as personally I have not had any interactions with you.
- Lack of interactions makes it hard to form a complete verdict.

+ Past Experience and detail within your application is good.

Good Luck!
first off @ivikTV please do not respond to each verdict individually (as stated in the application rules) and now for my verdict:
I am giving you this ivik cause I have seen you on quite a bit the past few days. However your name of "Ivik" is a break of the naming convention and every time I have noticed you, you have been afk or (when i pulled you after you spoke in OOC less than 10 seconds ago) afk again and then a few minutes later you returned when i was busy and couldn't pull you for it.
Your application is in great detail as well but is missing points like your Foundation name.
here is my verdict


Well-known Member
Sep 13, 2022
first off @ivikTV please do not respond to each verdict individually (as stated in the application rules) and now for my verdict:
I am giving you this ivik cause I have seen you on quite a bit the past few days. However your name of "Ivik" is a break of the naming convention and every time I have noticed you, you have been afk or (when i pulled you after you spoke in OOC less than 10 seconds ago) afk again and then a few minutes later you returned when i was busy and couldn't pull you for it.
Your application is in great detail as well but is missing points like your Foundation name.
here is my verdict
Hi. I will take it on my mind. Thank you for you respond. Anyways about the afk thing. I don’t remember you taking me when you needed. I wasn’t that much afk because I could play 3 hours in a row and then when i was needing to handle something I was afk, yes but I don’t remember it was that often. Anyways thank you for reminding me and I will try my best to make your opinion better and join more your interactions. It was probably just bad timing. I am sorry for that.❤️


Well-known Member
Mar 11, 2022
Neutral -/+

Missed out key details within your app, Make sure to change it
"Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): N/A"


Well-known Member
Jun 30, 2022
+Past Experience
+ No Warnings/Bans
+Detailed Application

- No Interactions
Hey Ivik i will be giving you a -Neutral verdict for reasons above, I also suggest joining a MTF regiment or joining a C4 position so you can improve your reputation and notarity within the community and the server, I may also change to a +Support later on after i've had interactions with you.


Well-known Member
Sep 13, 2022
+Past Experience
+ No Warnings/Bans
+Detailed Application

- No Interactions
Hey Ivik i will be giving you a -Neutral verdict for reasons above, I also suggest joining a MTF regiment or joining a C4 position so you can improve your reputation and notarity within the community and the server, I may also change to a +Support later on after i've had interactions with you.
Heyy. Thank you for your reply. We actually had few interactions but I hope we will have more soon. I was actually thinking of joining MTF regiment but I am having so much fun as being researcher. Anyways I will try to go first time on the tryout. I believe it will be fun too:love:. For now I was planning to become executive researcher. I am trying to do my best to do excellent documents hehe.
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Active member
Mar 27, 2022
Application Accepted

Hi @ivikTV ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a moderator application.

Congratulations on having your application accepted, please join the Interview Waiting Room in TeamSpeak and put "Waiting for Interview" in your name so we can proceed with the next stage of the process.

Resource Lead,
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