Izzy [542] SAS Blackist Appeal


Active member
Jul 30, 2024
Name: Izzy [542]

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:197399873

Level of Appeal: 3

Have you already carried out a level 1 appeal?: Yes, it was refused and I was directed to the forums.

Rank Blacklisted From: PVT.

Who blacklisted you?: NHC

Date of Blacklist: 30/09/2024

What is the case against you: Rank Transfer without permission, telling LTCOL+ in SAS it was approved by NHC.

Is this true?: No the case NHC have that I purposely accepted a rank skip is not true.

Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: No I have never been demoted within SAS.

Please list any previous demotion appeal: I have no demotion appeals ever on the forums recorded.

My Side of the Story:

To put it into my own words, I miss-read Henrik's dm's as that he accepted a transfer from me to 17th to SAS at a SSGT, so I happily told Squiddy and Mute hey can you accept the transfer request as Henrik seemingly, accepted towards the transfer. But what Henrik really meant was he would speak to Mute about whatever and get back to me.

To me if someone says after being asked for something for example, "Hey can I get a large t-shirt from the back of the store" and the employer says let me go and check for you, they have initiated your request and accepted it, and went to look. Similarly in this instance, he never said "yes" or "no." he said he will "speak to Mute." About me transferring. So that can confuse anyone and make them assume the transfer request was accepted when it wasn't. I do not agree with this being malicious nor on purpose to get an unfair advantage over other people but a common misunderstanding that NHC has poorly dealt with.

Other people whom, I have asked before doing this forum have shared similar experiences where NHC are poorly dealing with incidents of misunderstandings and mistakes that people have assumed things. Instead of teaching them to be like "Hey this isn't really what happened." They are jumping straight to demotion - blacklisting people from regiments.

Additionally, instead of NHC just putting this incident together, they pull up my past within SAS and add irrelevant points that weren't even true and at the time I was in a VC with a friend and he was like "What the fuck?" and I just sat there and was speechless as they was adding more points onto the reason why I was originally getting spoken to, to make me get a worse punishment