Jack Frederick Security Captain [UK]

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Well-known Member
Jun 18, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:544854176
Discord name: KFC is LIVE
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Around a month or two, roughly.
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone:

Character name(s): Jack Frederick
Civilian name: Dick Jimmy
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK

Do you have a mic?:
Yes, I own multiple as I used to stream on twitch. (My mic is very clear)

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-MTF Nu-7 medic
-MTF Nu-7 Operative

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have been warned, I wouldn't know about anything else. I think I was banned once but I wouldn't know what for.

Why are you applying for Security Captain?
Gensec is out of control, honestly needs a good kicking. I don't believe we should blacklist roles unless absolutely necessary an example:
-cadet isn't following orders and is breaking code of ethics;
-cadet isn't following orders and is being extremely disrespectful to other on sight personel (this would be a 1/100000 chance of a blacklist) most likely they'll get a warning and if they continue we'll take it to IA. Only if they continue after that then we'd start to think of punishing them.

We were all new to the server, Gensec deserve the benefit of the doubt. But (there are still issue that need to be resolved) Gensec is far from perfect. Although if we can get Gensec into a working and functioning unit, not only does this make this easier for Gensec, it also makes it easier for the facility as a whole. MTF will have to help less, meaning they can deal with stuff instead of babysitting cadets same for internal security and IA agents, I also will 100% make sure that my cadets are following the (code of ethics) as they seems to not know what it means lmao. I want to also do more RRT tryouts, I think that we need more RRT to help MTF maybe a special Gensec RRT group to help MTF and reward good behaviour and help MTF when understaffed or in need of more assistance (a win win situation) although only if Gensec itself has enough staff.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?
I am a very good leader, I've shown my abilities before ruling over Gensec like Margaret Thatcher and making sure that every single Cadet is following the (code of ethics) and is where he is supposed to be (not patrolling around the facility). I've also got some very good ideas for Gensec as a whole as I stated in the "Why are you applying for Security Captain" and I've got plenty more where that came from, I honestly think RRT as a whole is a great idea but the unit isn't used to it's full potential. I also think that a select amount of Gensec officers should be given a "LDR" in their names, meaning Leader. This way that the officers we see as "good", can order Gensec when a SGT+ isn't around.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?
Instead of giving an answer and writing something out, I'd prefer to make a list.
Gensec captains responsibilities are:
-making sure D block is well staffed (most of the time it is understaffed);
-giving RRT orders such as, research escorts, helping MTF, setting up checkpoints;
-making sure that all Gensec are following the code of ethics;
-if needed, call in a sweep of D block if they're armed and rioting;
-give Gensec orders and make sure they are doing their jobs correctly (keeping them in the airlock);
-if and when a sweep happens, give a brief on what Gensec will have to do in a sweep;
-taking Gensec onto the "catwalk" if needed to take down a Class D with a gun or keycard;
-disciplining Gensec if they're not following ethics, orders, speaking over you in a breif before a sweep (I've had this one before and it is fucking annoying);
-hosting RRT tryouts.
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
DoB: (redacted)
BIRTHPLACE:: (Redacted) Ireland
Jack Frederick was born into a lower class family, being young he decided to join the "IRA" (due to British oppression) building up a reputation for being one of the most disciplined soldiers in the Irish republican army. Serving in "the troubles" he soon ranked up and picked up a reputation for being an amazing Leader, becoming a Lieutenant very quickly. He used his surroundings to his advantage using gorilla warfare only having a 100 men to his disposal (a platoon) all of whom were poorly equipped, inexperienced he fought on, he ran into battle like a man with nothing to lose. Every man he lost only fuelled his anger towards these "people" that came into his land and oppressed him, his family, his country. He once fought off a force 5 times the size of his platoon saying to his men "We may die today, we might loose our friends. Our loved ones but every last one of you will die with dignity and pride for your country. You will fight with your guns, if and when you run out of bullets and if you do you will fight with your hands, teeth, you will fight to the last breath for your country. May god fuck the queen, Glory to Ireland!", he made Napoleon look like teletubby. He made his country proud, his men burning, shot. But not forgotten, he fought on, eventually being known by the SCP foundation for his amazing performance. Some men from the foundation after the troubles, came too Jacks house (he was keeping it down low). They came into his house and explained what the SCP foundation stood for and that he wouldn't go too prison if he went with them, and why they needed him. He (to their surprise) agreed to come with them. All of Jacks family were killed during "the troubles" making it easier for Jack to leave everything behind even though he knew this was his one shot at not going into a British prison "Terrorism" they still didn't think he'd actually go with them, when he entered the facility he was told that he had to change his name so that no one could recognize him he changed it too "Jack Frederick". They had a funeral in which very few people attended, Jack had no more loved ones left, after the troubles most fought along side with him, dying in his arms hardening Jack for the harsh realities that await him in D block and making him the person he is today. And then Jack was shipped off to the facility in (redacted) where he is still stationed at till this day running D block with an iron fist, holding a reputation for being one of the if not. Best Captains to set foot in D block to this day.​
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Well-known Member
Jun 18, 2022
I have improved the "Lore" to the best I can, I've tried to make a troubling yet interesting backstory. I hope you all enjoy it, I spent ages writing it out as I personally really like history and the troubles is one event in history that doesn't get a lot of traction. People focus on other things. All of this is (make belief) but I've spent time to write this out and make it as interesting as possible! Have a good day!?!?!

Harry Bright

Active member
Jun 18, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:544854176
Discord name: KFC is LIVE
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Around a month or two, roughly.
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: BST

Character name(s): Jack Frederick
Civilian name: I've never played as a Civlian before in my 2 months or so of playing on the server.
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK

Do you have a mic?:
-Yes, I own multiple as I used to stream on twitch. (My mic is very clear)

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-MTF Nu-7 medic
-MTF Nu-7 Operative

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-I have been warned, I wouldn't know about anything else. I think I was banned once but I wouldn't know what for.

Why are you applying for Security Captain?
Gensec is out of control, honestly needs a good kicking. I don't believe we should blacklist roles unless absolutely necessary an example:
-cadet isn't following orders and is breaking code of ethics;
-cadet isn't following orders and is being extremely inpolite (this would be a 1/100000 chance of a blacklist) most likely they'll get a warning and if they continue we'll take it to IA. Only if they continue after that then we'd start to think of punishing them.

We were all new to the server, Gensec deserve the benefit of the doubt. But (there are still issue that need to be resolved) Gensec is far from perfect. Although if we can get Gensec into a working and functioning unit, not only does this make this easier for Gensec, it also makes it easier for the facility as a whole. MTF will have to help less, meaning they can deal with stuff instead of babysitting cadets same for internal security and IA agents, I also will 100% make sure that my cadets are following the (code of ethics) as they seems to not know what it means lmao. I want to also do more RRT tryouts, I think that we need more RRT to help MTF maybe a special Gensec RRT group to help MTF and reward good behaviour and help MTF when understaffed or in need of more assistance (a win win situation) although only if Gensec itself has enough staff.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?
I am a very good leader, I've shown my abilities before ruling over Gensec like Margaret Thatcher and making sure that every single Cadet is following the (code of ethics) and is where he is supposed to be (not patrolling around the facility). I've also got some very good ideas for Gensec as a whole as I stated in the "Why are you applying for Security Captain" and I've got plenty more where that came from, I honestly think RRT as a whole is a great idea but the unit isn't used to it's full potential. I also think that a select amount of Gensec RRT officers should be given a "LDR" in their names, meaning Leader. This way that the officers we see as "good", can order Gensec when a SGT+ isn't around.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
-Making sure that D block is ran to it's full potentinal, (keeping Gensec on their toes), making sure that they're not breaking any ethics.
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
DoB: (redacted)
BIRTHPLACE:: (Redacted) Ireland
Jack Frederick was born into a lower class family, being young he decided to join the "IRA" (due to British oppression) building up a reputation for being one of the most disciplined soldiers in the Irish republican army. Serving in "the troubles" he soon ranked up and picked up a reputation for being an amazing Leader, becoming a Lieutenant very quickly. He used his surroundings to his advantage using gorilla warfare only having a 100 men to his disposal (a platoon) all of whom were poorly equipped, inexperienced he fought on blowing up tanks with grenades, he ran into battle like a man with nothing to lose. Eventually being known by the SCP foundation. Some men from the foundation after the troubles, came too Jacks house. They came into his house and explained what the SCP foundation stood for, and why they needed him. He (to their surprise) agreed to come with them. They had too change his name, his date of birth and burned all files of him existing. All of Jacks family were killed during "the troubles" making it easier for Jack to leave everything behind, when he entered the facility he decided on changing his name so that no one could recognize him, he changed his name too Jack Frederick. They had a funeral in which very few people attended, Jack had no more loved ones left, after the troubles most fought along side with him, dying in his arms hardening Jack for the harsh realities that await him in D block and making him the person he is today. And then Jack was shipped off to the facility in (redacted) where he is still stationed at till this day running D block with an iron fist, holding a reputation for being one of the if not. Best Captains to set foot in D block to this day.
Been seen being very.. flexible with his ethics whilst shooting up the entirety of D-block
Regard for human life

Gun go pew pew
Show human decency


Well-known Member
Jun 18, 2022
maybe getting a grip on whether shooting up D-block is ethical would be a good place to start
How about you stop backing up your friend "Harry Bright" in calling me "unethical" :D
It's not very nice when people try to sabotarge something, I do a good job in D block and run things very well. Harry Bright has never met me, I don't know who this "Harry Bright" and why he's commenting on my on my Captain application but je can shove his "Gun go pew pew" up where the sun don't shine. Don't comment and make fake rep on his application as well to boost him up. It's not very pleasent.


Well-known Member
Jun 19, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:544854176
Discord name: KFC is LIVE
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Around a month or two, roughly.
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: BST

Character name(s): Jack Frederick
Civilian name: I've never played as a Civlian before in my 2 months or so of playing on the server.
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK

Do you have a mic?:
-Yes, I own multiple as I used to stream on twitch. (My mic is very clear)

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-MTF Nu-7 medic
-MTF Nu-7 Operative

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-I have been warned, I wouldn't know about anything else. I think I was banned once but I wouldn't know what for.

Why are you applying for Security Captain?
Gensec is out of control, honestly needs a good kicking. I don't believe we should blacklist roles unless absolutely necessary an example:
-cadet isn't following orders and is breaking code of ethics;
-cadet isn't following orders and is being extremely inpolite (this would be a 1/100000 chance of a blacklist) most likely they'll get a warning and if they continue we'll take it to IA. Only if they continue after that then we'd start to think of punishing them.

We were all new to the server, Gensec deserve the benefit of the doubt. But (there are still issue that need to be resolved) Gensec is far from perfect. Although if we can get Gensec into a working and functioning unit, not only does this make this easier for Gensec, it also makes it easier for the facility as a whole. MTF will have to help less, meaning they can deal with stuff instead of babysitting cadets same for internal security and IA agents, I also will 100% make sure that my cadets are following the (code of ethics) as they seems to not know what it means lmao. I want to also do more RRT tryouts, I think that we need more RRT to help MTF maybe a special Gensec RRT group to help MTF and reward good behaviour and help MTF when understaffed or in need of more assistance (a win win situation) although only if Gensec itself has enough staff.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?
I am a very good leader, I've shown my abilities before ruling over Gensec like Margaret Thatcher and making sure that every single Cadet is following the (code of ethics) and is where he is supposed to be (not patrolling around the facility). I've also got some very good ideas for Gensec as a whole as I stated in the "Why are you applying for Security Captain" and I've got plenty more where that came from, I honestly think RRT as a whole is a great idea but the unit isn't used to it's full potential. I also think that a select amount of Gensec RRT officers should be given a "LDR" in their names, meaning Leader. This way that the officers we see as "good", can order Gensec when a SGT+ isn't around.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
-Making sure that D block is ran to it's full potentinal, (keeping Gensec on their toes), making sure that they're not breaking any ethics.
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
DoB: (redacted)
BIRTHPLACE:: (Redacted) Ireland
Jack Frederick was born into a lower class family, being young he decided to join the "IRA" (due to British oppression) building up a reputation for being one of the most disciplined soldiers in the Irish republican army. Serving in "the troubles" he soon ranked up and picked up a reputation for being an amazing Leader, becoming a Lieutenant very quickly. He used his surroundings to his advantage using gorilla warfare only having a 100 men to his disposal (a platoon) all of whom were poorly equipped, inexperienced he fought on blowing up tanks with grenades, he ran into battle like a man with nothing to lose. Eventually being known by the SCP foundation. Some men from the foundation after the troubles, came too Jacks house. They came into his house and explained what the SCP foundation stood for, and why they needed him. He (to their surprise) agreed to come with them. They had too change his name, his date of birth and burned all files of him existing. All of Jacks family were killed during "the troubles" making it easier for Jack to leave everything behind, when he entered the facility he decided on changing his name so that no one could recognize him, he changed his name too Jack Frederick. They had a funeral in which very few people attended, Jack had no more loved ones left, after the troubles most fought along side with him, dying in his arms hardening Jack for the harsh realities that await him in D block and making him the person he is today. And then Jack was shipped off to the facility in (redacted) where he is still stationed at till this day running D block with an iron fist, holding a reputation for being one of the if not. Best Captains to set foot in D block to this day.
Idk if I can do this but...

+Support for lore

I saw “The Troubles” and that’s all it takes to get a yes off of me lol. However I’m not sure how many “tanks” you blew up...


Well-known Member
Jun 18, 2022
Idk if I can do this but...

+Support for lore

I saw “The Troubles” and that’s all it takes to get a yes off of me lol. However I’m not sure how many “tanks” you blew up...
Should change it something else lol, I was thinking of how like in "The warsaw uprising" they used anything they had on hand, blowing up tanks with grenades. Of course though I should and will change this. Thank you for your input!
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Well-known Member
Jun 19, 2022
Should change it something else lol, I was thinking of how like in "The warsaw uprising" they used anything they had on hand, blowing up tanks with grenades. Of course though I should and will change this. Thank you for your input!
Could say Landies you blew up because god knows they were susceptible to a few hand grenades through the windows. However Land Rover Defenders are sacred and if you damage one I’ll destroy you ?
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Harry Bright

Active member
Jun 18, 2022
How about you stop backing up your friend "Harry Bright" in calling me "unethical" :D
It's not very nice when people try to sabotarge something, I do a good job in D block and run things very well. Harry Bright has never met me, I don't know who this "Harry Bright" and why he's commenting on my on my Captain application but je can shove his "Gun go pew pew" up where the sun don't shine. Don't comment and make fake rep on his application as well to boost him up. It's not very pleasent.
I commented on what I saw, I didn't sabotage your application because we firstly have no past interaction and secondly I have no desire of becoming involved with gensec in any way shape or form. I only have the best interests for the server in mind in this situation so when I saw you shooting up D-block I understandably commented a negative rep on your application.

Dr J.Bright backing me up in this situation is not personal to you but it's because he was also on D-class at the time and didn't agree with your actions as i'm sure he can confirm if need be.

Sorry if you take it personally but don't expect to play stupid games and not get stupid rewards.

I honestly didn't mean you offence by this statement, but i'm giving my honest opinion on the matter.


Hope this has cleared up the -REP for you, and if you can't take the creative criticism then i'd recommend not breaking the rules during your time on gensec as to give yourself a reason to recieve +REP.

James Kaczynski

Well-known Member
May 17, 2022
How about you stop backing up your friend "Harry Bright" in calling me "unethical" :D
It's not very nice when people try to sabotarge something, I do a good job in D block and run things very well. Harry Bright has never met me, I don't know who this "Harry Bright" and why he's commenting on my on my Captain application but je can shove his "Gun go pew pew" up where the sun don't shine. Don't comment and make fake rep on his application as well to boost him up. It's not very pleasent.
Dude its not fake and you don't need to meet someone to shoot them. If you can't take criticism then maybe you wouldn't be a very good Captain.

Application Pending

Hello, @KFC is LIFE
At the moment you have potential to becoming a Gensec Captain but I need to see more further leadership from you and to make sure that you now all the COC & COE when dealing with D-Class. Your application will be pending until you are seen fit to becoming a Gensec Captain.

Please be patient as acceptance can take time.​

Signed by:
Chief of Security Nate Mercer
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