Jack 'HOUND' Tescarossa IA Ambassador Application [USA]

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Feb 12, 2023
Steam ID​
Discord name​
For how long have you played on CG SCP​
In what country are you located?​
Saudi Arabia​
AST [Arabian Standard Time]​
Character name(s)​
Jack 'HOUND' Tescarossa​
Civilian name​
Jack Tescarossa​
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA)​
Do you have a mic?​
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held​
UK roles :
NU-7 LCPL [Held]
E-11 CPL [Held]

CI Alpha [Held]
IA Ambassador [Held]
US roles:
IA Ambassador [Held]
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?​
Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?​
I am applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador due to my always wanting to expand my role within the department and the facility, I wish to play a bigger role in the foundation to help it make it a better and safer place and help it achieve bigger success, I have always attempted to do my job to the best of my ability and I would start my CL4 Journey once again as I am a returning player.
What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?​
1. Activity: I make sure to stay active in the Department of Internal Affairs even tho I live on another continent and have a different timezone than the server but it will not stop me from achieving my goals, this shows dedication and commitment to the department
2. Respectful: Being respectful to other people makes you look good in the public eye by showing kindness and courteousness.
3. Responsibility: If I make a mistake I will not attempt to blame it on someone else or try to lie my way out of the punishment, I will man up and tell the truth, I know what to do and what not to do.
4. Maturity: I always make sure to be mature as long as possible, this skill gives me the confidence to walk around the foundation without any worries of ruining up something.
5. Forgivable: When it comes to me getting the choice to punish somebody, I won't punish them depending on the things he did, if an IA agent made a small mistake I will forgive him and let him slide this time, and if his mistake was big I will have no other option then to forgive him.
6. Reliable: When I am giving a task, you can rely on me to finish it or continue it for you, I make sure it goes smoothly and does not ruin it
7. Leadership skills: I was taught how to lead IA agents and be more of a leader to them, if I see agents running around confused I attempt to lead them and get them focused on the task at hand
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?​
When I returned to the server I didn't write that many documents I believe I wrote 2-3[I don't remember the exact amount forgive me]
But here are the reasons that make a document good:
1. Formatted: This helps the document look clean and very easy to read and it helps the person grading it to read it
2. Details: The document should have all the information about what happened, This is the most important thing on this list
3. Understandable: Documents should be easy to read and understand
4. Grammar: this helps the document be easily readable and understandable to readers, even if English isn't your first language try your best
What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?​
The internal Affairs Ambassador's responsibilities are to train and help newer agents settle in the department while overseeing the department, helping agents write documents and giving them tips and grading them, making sure that IA agents are enforcing the Legal Codex, assigning POIs to IA agents, Making sure IA agents are being respectful mature and professional at all times, and handling any troubles regarding an IA agent.
Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in​
In Italy in 1990, A mafia boss had a son with his first love and named him Jack Tescarossa, His father was happy he had a son and made sure his son grew up healthy and strong but soon would teach his son the ways of the mafia, selling drugs, dealing with rats in the family, Jack grew up working alongside his father in the mob, life was good until his mother was killed by the rival family to anger the father, Jack attempted to stop his father but it was too late and it led to the death of his father, Jack ran to avoid being hunted and killed and joined the police to make a living and escape the underworld of drugs and crimes, he would continue in the police until he received a letter from the foundation to work for them as an Internal affairs agent, today we see Jack 'HOUND' Tescarossa chasing a tech expert for violating the legal codex and arresting him, and Jack lived a normal life after he joined the facility.​


Active member
May 28, 2024

Hello, @Hound

After a discussion with our Ambassador team we DENY your application for ambassador, please get into contact with me if you would like to know more.

You may reapply in 1 week

Director of Internal Affairs, Strekel "Sentinel" Kosnykov
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