As CoS I have a lot of experience with the General Security Department, as such I have formed a few opinions on a couple things, and heard complaints regarding others. So I am here to suggest a couple changes, hopefully at least one will be added
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
1. Additional SGT Slots (Ideally 4 Total Slots)
2. Centering the Riot Shield
3. Security Sergeants holding overrides for the D-Block CL 4 Bulk
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
These are mostly minor things that haven't been brought up before
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Regarding Sergeants, me, current, and previous Chiefs from both the US and UK server agree there isn't enough SGT slots. I believe that if the SGT slots are increased it will increase retention and security numbers by allowing more people with the Sergeant whitelist to flag on Sergeant, opening more Officer roles for those with access. It would also give security more active "NCOs", allowing them to handle groups of security on patrol, or in areas of D-Block, covering for Captains or allowing Captains to focus on broader issues.
For the Riot Shield change, I mean having the riot shield entity be more center with the hitbox, similar to how the deployable shields is held. As of right now the Riot Shield is very situational as the current position it is held in game leaves a chunk of the left torso and the left leg completely exposed. Centering it would make it more useful, encouraging more use outside of body blocking the D-Class cells.
Lastly, Sergeants having overrides for the D-Block CL 4 bulk would allow them to act autonomously during D-Block riots or other severe incidents in D-Block. Part of a Security Sergeant's job is to lead sweeps and manage D-Block in the absence of Captains, it is only natural that they have the ability to close the CL 4 Bulkhead so they don't need to repeatedly ask for another CL 4 to come close it. Greatly speeding up responses and making security more independent if Captains aren't around
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
1. Excess of Security CL 3s with the addition of two new CL 3 slots
2. Abuse of D-Block CL 4 bulk by Sergeants
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
The limit on Sergeants causes an indirect limit on security numbers as a portion of security players will not flag on roles that don't have a CL 3, allowing more SGTs to switch off Officer and onto SGT would open more slots. There is the benefit of more SGTs allowing for more flexibility in security as CPTs and Chiefs can have additional security handle smaller situations or groups and lead more patrols
The Riot Shield as previously stated is very limited in terms of uses since it leaves a large portion of the hitbox open compared to the deployable shield. Placing the shield entity more in the middle would make it more practical for SRUs and CPTs in providing cover to their fellow security.
Sergeants being able to independently run sweeps would reduce the frustration as they wouldn't have to constantly ask CL 4s to close the bulk when Captains or the Chiefs aren't around. Abuse can also easily be prevented as the position is white-listed, and any confirmed reports of abuse will result in a removal from Sergeant for abuse
That's all from me, if you -support this suggestion I would greatly appreciate your reasoning so I may adjust future suggestions
-Chief of Security Jack "Cornelious" Edwards
Always Ready! Always There!
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
1. Additional SGT Slots (Ideally 4 Total Slots)
2. Centering the Riot Shield
3. Security Sergeants holding overrides for the D-Block CL 4 Bulk
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
These are mostly minor things that haven't been brought up before
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Regarding Sergeants, me, current, and previous Chiefs from both the US and UK server agree there isn't enough SGT slots. I believe that if the SGT slots are increased it will increase retention and security numbers by allowing more people with the Sergeant whitelist to flag on Sergeant, opening more Officer roles for those with access. It would also give security more active "NCOs", allowing them to handle groups of security on patrol, or in areas of D-Block, covering for Captains or allowing Captains to focus on broader issues.
For the Riot Shield change, I mean having the riot shield entity be more center with the hitbox, similar to how the deployable shields is held. As of right now the Riot Shield is very situational as the current position it is held in game leaves a chunk of the left torso and the left leg completely exposed. Centering it would make it more useful, encouraging more use outside of body blocking the D-Class cells.
Lastly, Sergeants having overrides for the D-Block CL 4 bulk would allow them to act autonomously during D-Block riots or other severe incidents in D-Block. Part of a Security Sergeant's job is to lead sweeps and manage D-Block in the absence of Captains, it is only natural that they have the ability to close the CL 4 Bulkhead so they don't need to repeatedly ask for another CL 4 to come close it. Greatly speeding up responses and making security more independent if Captains aren't around
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
1. Excess of Security CL 3s with the addition of two new CL 3 slots
2. Abuse of D-Block CL 4 bulk by Sergeants
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
The limit on Sergeants causes an indirect limit on security numbers as a portion of security players will not flag on roles that don't have a CL 3, allowing more SGTs to switch off Officer and onto SGT would open more slots. There is the benefit of more SGTs allowing for more flexibility in security as CPTs and Chiefs can have additional security handle smaller situations or groups and lead more patrols
The Riot Shield as previously stated is very limited in terms of uses since it leaves a large portion of the hitbox open compared to the deployable shield. Placing the shield entity more in the middle would make it more practical for SRUs and CPTs in providing cover to their fellow security.
Sergeants being able to independently run sweeps would reduce the frustration as they wouldn't have to constantly ask CL 4s to close the bulk when Captains or the Chiefs aren't around. Abuse can also easily be prevented as the position is white-listed, and any confirmed reports of abuse will result in a removal from Sergeant for abuse
That's all from me, if you -support this suggestion I would greatly appreciate your reasoning so I may adjust future suggestions
-Chief of Security Jack "Cornelious" Edwards
Always Ready! Always There!
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