Jam 'Hunter' Johnsons Inspector application [USA]

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Nov 9, 2022
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:48410203
Discord name: casbang
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 3 years nearly
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: Denmark
Time zone:Cest
Character name(s): Jam 'Hunter' Johnson, Lucas 'killer'
Civilian name: Oliver Anderson

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes, I do but I don't use it
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: CI-G holding, nu-7 sgt held, nu-7 cpl held, e11 cpl holding, investigator holding
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: yes I have I don't remember any of them1731262444515.png
Why are you applying for Internal Security Inspector? Because I have been in ISD for a while since IA and I have been arresting a lot of people, and I have a lot of experience as IA, and I personally think I am a good IA.
What makes you suitable for Internal Security Inspector?: I am a ISD member professional, and I can follow orders, and I have respect for others
What do you think describes an ideal Internal Security Inspector?: Professionalism, and respect, knows coe, and coc, and willing to help,
How many major, roleplay-serving documents have you written? What makes a document of this nature good in terms of quality?: Like 2 I don't remember them
What are the responsibilities of the Internal Security Inspector in RP?: To supervise agents/operatives, if they are doing there job correctly or take complaints against people and arrest people off course
Please elaborate on why you think you'd be a good leadership position holder for Internal Security: I am very good at leading things, and I am very respectful, and I know that if I am asked for by a higher cl4 I'll respond,
Please give some lore about your Internal Security Inspector character and what storylines they would be involved in: Jam was an earlier Agent when he was promoted to investigator a few weeks later promoted to ISD Inspector
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Well-known Member
Jun 28, 2024
+/- support
That's quite a lot of warnings, even recently, but I believe in giving everyone a fair shot, I would work on your formatting and overall look of your app, check some previously accepted ones for reference, and add a bit more detail to your lore.


SCP-RP Staff
Aug 19, 2024
-/+ neutral leaning towards +support

- Support
Alright starting off, the main reason for the negative feedback is due to the lack of detail in more or less everything. Your responses for all of the questions are short and lacks detail, especially the lore part. Second reason is the amount of warnings you've recieved 2 warnings quite recently (failrp and Jobabuse I presume), I really don't see an excuse for the warnings seeing as you apperantly been apart of the server/community for soon to be 3 years. I would assume you would have learned the rules by now. I really doubt that you don't remember the warnings given or atleast some context behind it as they were so recent.

Seeing as you have a mic is great but you don't use it, which is quite concerning being that a mic is mandatory.

Looking at your past roles I could say that you are rather fit for CL4 as you've been NCO in 3 regiments and that you are currently an NCO.

My suggestion for you is to work on the detail put into applications, they don't need to be O5 long but they should have more detail than you put in now. I would go onto other applications and look how they've written theirs, maybe implement some of the things they are saying (don't straight out copy them ofc).

Good luck.

Application Denied

Hello, @casper

After a discussion with our Leadership team we have elected to DENY your application for Inspector. Please get into contact with me if you would like to know more.

You may reapply in 1 week.

Director of Internal Security, Barney 'Chef'
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