James "Wolf"s Site Advisor Application [UK]

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James K.

Well-known Member
Jul 22, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:196792033
Discord name: Kinlep
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Around 3-4 Months
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: UK, England
Time zone: GMT (+0)
Character name(s): James "Wolf"
Civilian name: James Kennedy
What server are you applying for?: SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- CI-A (Holding)
- IA Ambassador (Holding)
- SCP-096 (Holding)
- E-11 LCPL (Held) (Resigned)
- DEA Agent (Holding)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- FailRP, I entered the Facility as a Civ. (Inactive)
- Mic Spam, my soundboard was louder than i wanted it to be. (Inactive)
- Meta Gaming, i said "Missclick" in in-person chat. (Inactive)
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
- I am looking for something new within the SCP-RP server after i have gotten bored by having to repeat the same simple tasks and having to deal with people who speak to me in a less than polite way as an IA member, also I believe I will be well equipped to fit the role as my IA ambassador background would certainly be beneficial to those in the Site Administration positions, the reason i'm looking to switch to Site Administration is because in my IA background I unfortunately don't see anyway of progressing my in-character career so I believe I can benefit Site Administration with my skill set.
I also hoped to have a big impact in the in-game community as an ambassador yet i think that have lacked in that area, whereas I can hope that I can provide a bigger impact as a member of Site Administration by hopefully changing the site for the better.
The last reason for me wanting to join as a Site Advisor is that I enjoy writing documents, It feels relaxing to listen to music and write, so hopefully I can benefit Site Administration by writing the long documents that other people don't want to. : )

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
- I am suitable for Site Administration for various reasons, I have CL4 experience as I have been Ambassador for a little under 2 months now, within IA it also gave me experience in writing documents, as I often write arrest reports and investigation reports, in my current roles I also have experience in de-escalating situations, this could be helpful in the site advisor role as i'm sure it is something they will need to do a lot when they are doing their general duties.
- I have experience in watching whole departments for investigation reports, this could come in handy in the site advisor role since one of there common duties is to watch other departments to keep them operational and to keep an eye on them for monthly reviews, I also have good writing experience as I have wrote scientific reports before, some of them reaching a good length while maintain the high quality.
- I'm also very active, so if anyone needs me I will be happy and there to help, since i'm very active I have learnt how to make fun and interesting role play so hopefully I can use that knowledge to make site administration role play that isn't just interesting but is also beneficial to the server.
- I also have experience with training people, within IA i have not just done the standard introduction training, but i have managed to come up with one on my own, such as the IA FLC training in which I made, this will prove beneficial in the site administration role as it means i can come up with various ways to improve people within the foundation.
- I have got experience with working with all sorts of people, from Jr researcher's reporting crimes to the Overseer council coming to talk about investigations, this goes to show that i am eligible to work for anyone that is in need of help, furthermore i am always ready to accept DMs on discord if help is needed while i'm not on site, as even when not in-game i am always happy to help.
- I am also often found helping agents within IA, as one of my usual duties is to support agents in there actions and to help them improve when they have done wrong, this can correlate to help with site administration because they are often found helping people, it just usual that they are helping people who are more of a higher rank.
- I also have great knowledge of the FLC so i will know when a department is not being ethical and i will also know how to deal with such a situation, now i have finally said all that i can think off all i can say now is i promise to show my upmost strongest effort into the Site Advisor role.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
- Site Administration have lots of responsibilities within the foundation, some of these including calling on CL3 comms that the advanced armory is authorized for NCO+, they would do this by saying this into comms "(!) AA is now Authorized for NCO+ | E-11 Takes priority (!)"
this would only be called when the situation is out of control or there are more than 3 SCPs breached.
- Another thing site administration do is they watch departments and keep track of 7 things, Activity, Professionalism, Interdepartmental Relations, General Conduct, Efficiency, Leadership and Ethical Overview, this is so they can write them down and use it in the monthly reviews, they also keep track of the strengths and weaknesses of the department.
- Site Administration also keep a general watch over the site to ensure that nothing is going wrong and anything that does go wrong can be fixed / corrected by them, this also includes watching staff to see if they break the FLC and if they do, to turn them into internal affairs.
- They're required to also do duties and/or projects that have been assigned to them by people who outrank them such as the Site Director or Site Managers, they are expected to carry out this duties to a high quality while maintaining the upmost professionalism.
- They especially need to watch CL4 personnel to make sure they are doing there duties correctly, this can included them having to study the duties of that role so that they can appropriately judge them, also to make sure they are not committing any violations to the FLC or general unprofessionalism that could result in them being striked or even loss of there jobs.
- If needed, they can do general CL4 duties such as operation of the CL4 blastdoors incase of intruders or breached SCPs, also allowing tech experts inside of the electrical center encase of electrical failures.
- Site Administration also allows testing on CL4 SCPs or cross testing, but to do this the scientist must provide a valid reason for the test and a appropriate document telling you what the goal of the test is and how it will be performed.
- They are also tasked with helping people outside and inside of the Site Administration department, weather that is to help with issues to do with a document that was uploaded or calling IA to arrest someone, they are tasked with helping in as many ways as they can.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
James "Wolf" Site Advisor Lore (a complete rewrite of my old lore)

<:CL4 Required:>
<:Case File: James Kennedy:>
DOB: 03/05/1998
Full Name: James Arthur Kennedy

Aliases: James "Wolf"
Status: Unknown
Next of kin: Deceased

James Kennedy, later known as "Wolf" belonged to a Christian family, his mother died during child birth, his farther is unknown and for the rest of his family, they couldn't care for him, born out of wedlock, the bastard child.
After being nothing but abandoned he was raised in a small orphanage in the North of England into a little town called Lancashire, rough fights, busted lips and broken femurs were endured during his time in the local public school, James was happy to off finally left the shit hole of a school he was at, on the day of his graduation he enlisted in the Royal Navy, he was an exemplary NCO until he was tasked with a special mission, code named "Para watch".
He was brought to a government black site to investigate special appearances in Canada they were each given code names James was called the "Wolf", this would turn out to be a name he would become more than familiar with .
His crew was comprised with several people who were unknown to each other, there was "Wolf", "Whitetail" and "Robbin" they were given one strict order, do not learn of each others true identity, they were placed in civilian outfits and were told to stay put.
After several months of no contact, the static of the radio turned into a voice, "Your mission, Infiltrate the Military Installment"
Confused at first, "Wolf" complied, after days of scouting they found a ventilation system leading inside,
What is inside? Where am I? What is that thing?
Questions enveloped them, it looked like a lab?
They moved further inside until they heard a loud alarm "CODE 1, INTRUDER ALERT"
Did they get found? Nervous but they still pushed forward, they made there way down an elevator,
that's when they approached a sign, "SCP-008"
"Huh?" "Wolf" questioned it but proceeded to attempted to hack the electronic keypad,

Clearance Level 4
Attempt 1
Brute Forced Attempt...........
Failed, Attempted Logged

Attempt 2
Brute Force Attempt............

Success ...
Access Granted

He knew his first failed attempt would of alerted the guards.
He proceeded to enter the the air lock corridor,
that when two loud gun shots, "Whitetail" and "Robin" Both dropped dead outside of the airlock,
the door just manages to close before the security team opens fire on the clearly bullet proof door.
Then they stopped firing?
A man emerges from the security team, unlike the others he wasn't kitted out in bullet proof padding,
he was wearing a suit, Four important looking security members followed him,
he walked up to the door,
"I'm impressed....."
"You managed to get through our state of the art security system"

"I'm not usually impressed these days"
"How would you like a job?"

James with a clear nervous stutter spoke,

<:Case File: James Kennedy:>
<:End of Doc:>

Sorry this was so long : ) have good day
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Mark Belgrum (Dutch)

Active member
Oct 5, 2022
The Netherlands
I would advise that you make more of a story instead of just bulletpoints. If you do use bulletpoints be sure to explain what and why because it looks really pale.
I will change my verdict if this is changed but for now
+Support after feedback
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Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Aug 25, 2023
-James has been an incredibly helpful person during his time as ambassador
-Works very hard within IA
Overall I think he would be a great fit for SA
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James K.

Well-known Member
Jul 22, 2023
I would advise that you make more of a story instead of just bulletpoints. If you do use bulletpoints be sure to explain what and why because it looks really pale.
I will change my verdict if this is changed but for now
Yes, to be honest was really tired when making this application, so anything that gets pointed out to me I will happily improve upon,
I have fixed the what makes you suitable and the responsibilities questions , if there any other points that lack, please tell me as i'd love to improve.

-Thanks "wolf"
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SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Jul 25, 2022
Hi Wolf,

Today I have decided to give you a ( -/+ Neutral )

My reason behind this feedback is that you are professional and mature and I have had nothing but good intentions with you. But I think you could get some more CL4 experience before going for Site Advisor. I would recommend going for OSA or ECA first.

I wish you the best of luck!
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