James's SCP-096 Application

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James Wilson

Well-known Member
Jan 4, 2022
Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
I've played every day for over a week and a half now. (last updated 1/6/22)


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

Character name(s):
James Wilson, Jackson Murphy

Civilian name:
Jacob Robinson

Do you have a mic?:
Yes, I do have a mic.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
I do not hold any of the above yet.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have received one kick, but that was for being AFK (to avoid causing too much server lag). Since I saw many high clearance players and SCPs go AFK, I thought that it was allowed, and so I kept my game on while I went to eat dinner. Nonetheless, I now avoid from going AFK at all times.

What makes you suitable for SCP-096?:
Although I recently joined this server, I have known about SCP and its lore for a couple of years now, and have always enjoyed doing things related to SCP, such as reading about it, watching videos talking about certain SCPs, and even played the SCP - Containment Breach game. Therefore, I know a lot about SCP-096's lore. Moreover, even though playing as all the "unlockable" SCPs is already fun, all of them have more or less the same fundamental play style: wait for your breach, breach another SCP if possible, try to get through firing lines, and kill as many people as one can. On the other hand, with SCP-096 this play style is radically changed, as SCP-096's goals are different from those of most SCPs. SCP-096 needs to kill people that have seen its face; it does not kill for the pleasure of killing. On top of this, it is one of the few SCPs with a unique breaching procedure, where the goal of the Mobile Task Forces is not to shoot you down until they can contain you, but to help you calm down and go back to a docile state. Further, since this role requires more RP than others, it will allow me to put to use even more of my role playing skills, which is great as I am fond of role playing. Furthermore, I am also aware of all the server rules (I check them regularly), on top of the in-character rules (I have played as an Internal Affairs Agent), and always make sure that I never transgress any of them.

What is the usual behaviour of SCP-096 when pacified?:
The usual behaviour of SCP-096 when pacified would be to sit, cover its face, and pace generally along the eastern wall of its cell, all while occasionally sobbing.

When breached, where is SCP-096 allowed to go? Can SCP-096 beeline straight to D-Block?:
When breached, SCP-096 should head straight for SCP-096-1, which is the person that saw its face, to kill them. SCP-096 is not allowed to beeline straight to D-Block. It is only allowed to kill instances of SCP-096-1. If, and only if an instance of SCP-096-1 happens to be in D-Block, SCP-096 is allowed to go to D-Block to kill them. It is also not allowed to force people to look at its face.

How is SCP-096 re-contained? Please describe all steps of the process:
1. As soon as SCP-096's breach is announced, MTF should grab and wear SCRAMBLE gear from the nearest MTF armory to avoid becoming an instance of SCP-096-1 and help in the containment of SCP-096.
2. If the reason for the breach was somebody seeing a photograph of SCP-096, a small team of MTF have to search the facility for this photograph and destroy it.
3. MTF have to go get a bucket, which will aid in the containment of SCP-096.
4. MTF should place the bucket on SCP-096's head, to avoid any more people seeing SCP-096's face, therefore stopping the creation of instances of SCP-096-1.
5. MTF should then allow SCP-096 to kill any remaining instances of SCP-096-1. During this process, they should stay near SCP-096, and help kill instances of SCP-096-1 when needed.
6. Once the last instance of SCP-096-1 is killed, and that SCP-096 is pacified, MTF should proceed to restrain SCP-096 using containment cuffs, and bring it back to its containment cell.
7. Lastly, it should be announced that SCP-096 has been contained.
8. All breached doors have to be repaired and shut. If no other SCPs have been breached, activities in the Facility will resume as normal. (additional step)

Thank you for considering this application.
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