Jamie/Cain Morris's DoIA Application UK

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While the Ethics Committee is processing this application, if you wish to comment on it please be respectful and constructive, there are a couple comments here that are degrading and downright rude that are unhelpful to the applicant and the Ethics Committee in our analysis of it. Regardless of your opinion or experiences please be considerate and fair in what you chose to say about another player.

-Active RDM Warn and very recent
-Not the best person to be put in DoIA
-PTed recently in E11
-Questionable RP
-Very unprofessional

Cain you are a good person at heart but a good intention will not help IA, You are Active, Which is a good thing but I personally do not care about tenure and activity much when looking at who to choose, I rather have a in game inactive DoIA but active within meetings chats changes ect. which i think you would not be suited for.

You are also not very mature which is something to take into account.

I do think you have gotten better but not the best, I hope you change and become even better.

Please do not contact me in game or TS3 or Discord asking me to explain further respond to this comment instead.
Jul 22, 2023
Your maturity has greatly increased during your time as ambassador, although it still isn't amazing, but for everyone to expect that from you is unrealistic at your age, you do a good job within your role, I have seen you tone down arguments and perform great arrests, while I don't think your the best candidate for the role, you definitely should be considered, as an improvement as big as yours from agent to ambassador should be desired.
As people have mentioned, you have great potential for the role, and I wish you the best of luck with your application.

Good Luck Cain / Jamie / Homeless / Flynn / Whatever fucking name you use.

EDIT: The guy below me has a fire pfp
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Aug 13, 2023
You're a decent person OOC but IC I feel like you can be too much of a goof at times. You have also matured a decent amount and you did reach Ambassador and props to you for that but I feel like you don't live up to the standards of an Ambassador. You're active but you're not an active character. I feel like the jump to DIRECTOR Is not suited for you.
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Well-known Member
Mar 15, 2024
/neutral support

Cain, you're actually annoying af, but at least you care about IA. But people raise some seriously stupid complaints about you:

- A 13-year-old being immature is the most hilarious thing. Like, what do you expect out of someone who is 13? Most of the people here have the same level of maturity and even less emotional maturity. You're holding a 13-year-old to the same level of maturity as people in their late teens and 20s - you know, adults. Raise the age of the application requirements or don't bring maturity into question because no child is mature - as much as some of you want to pretend you are.

- Recently warned for RDM? So what? 99% of the server have warnings because they're over 90 rules for a server that really only needs like 10. People are going to slip up and staff punishments have nothing to do with an IC application as long as he's not banned what's the problem?

The rest of the points people like Monke raise are just IC issues that shouldn't really make a difference either way. You annoy a lot of people with the way you behave, I saw it in E-11 a lot, but it's fixable if you just calm down a bit and stop getting yourself involved in every single little thing. It's pretty clear you aren't going to get accepted this time, these applications are based on popularity, but goodluck next time.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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Nov 7, 2022
+/- Neutral

Hey, Cain. I can see you becoming a DoIA... eventually... personally I believe that your current track record is a little bumpy with a few instances of misconduct perhaps. But I won't get too much into it.

Regardless of that, I believe a lot of people give you very degrading and horrible comments to make fun of you purely because of your age. Personally, it shows immaturity in those people, but in my eyes you can still prove them wrong by putting your part in by trying harder to be more professional, and then of course people might see you differently.

You show the activity that could work well for a DoIA, but I don't know how well you could upkeep yourself as DoIA, but it doesn't mean you should be disregarded a chance to try at least, if not be given something along the lines of a trial DoIA to see how you suit the position before you're fully brought in as DoIA.

You also seem to be quite the personality among IA, and well... probably the ambassador everyone speaks about (not to fuel your ego). Soo, I'd feel IA may not look the same if it wasn't for you ahah.

Anyways, enough me rambling about useless crap. Good luck Cain, I hope for the best.
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New Email Received
From: The Ethics Committee
Subject: Internal Affairs Directorship Application

>>Open Email

Attached: Position Request Results

A Letter from the Ethics Committee

Greetings Jamie Flynn,

The Ethics Committee would like to thank you for your interest in becoming the Director of Site-65's Internal Affairs Department. We can see you have the initiative, drive and ambition to make such a bold request. Your position and eagerness to work for the foundation has been noted and is greatly appreciated.

The Ethics Committee has carefully reviewed your application and has run the necessary background checks on your person. After deliberating with the Committee regarding your request, we have come to a unanimous agreement. This request has been denied . We hope this result does not cause any disruption or offence. Feel free to request elaboration on this result with a Member of the Committee. We look forward to your next application and observing how you will grow to hopefully be in a position of being accepted. You may re-apply in no less than two weeks time should the position remain open.

Have a lovely day,
Ethics Chairman Oisín McKenna
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