Jay 'Polo' Coleman's Intel Ambassador Application (US)

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Mar 13, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:7140299

Discord name: Polo™#5445

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 20h 39m 50s (hours got reset but i've been playing since like 2020)

Age: 15

In what country are you located?: US

Time zone: EST

Character name(s): Foundation Name: Jay 'Polo' Coleman, GOC Name: Elijah 'Sleepy' Logans

Civilian name: DEA Agent Jay 'Polo' Coleman

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: (MTF O-1 CPT, MTF A-1 LCPL, MTF E-11 LCPL, CI DELCOM) Current Intel Agent

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I have some warnings for stuff like FearRP and FailRP and stuff like that I've
received only a couple bans on was MRDM when I was brand new to the server and didn't know killing other D class was a bannable offense. I have another for LTAP because I killed a guy not knowing he would report me and I decided to leave considering it was late for me. I also have one last ban for minor exploiting because I crouch glitched onto the catwalk.

Why are you applying for Intelligence Ambassador? I am applying for intelligence ambassador because I have some relative experience with Intel and want to get more and try to get a shot at Intel.

What makes you suitable for Intelligence Ambassador?: What makes me suitable for an intelligence ambassador is that I'm able to effectively write documents I'm also able to effectively operate on the surface and make sure everything is going accordingly up there. I'm mature at most time and on at least 6-8 hours a day which makes me able to be on Intel ambassador for a good amount of time considering you don't see that many Intel ambassadors around. I might not play Intel as much now but I do have previous Intel experience in the past and I know what duties they conduct and such like dealing with civilians, surface operations, and going undercover into certain areas of conflict and such.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?: I've written at least 5-10 documents something like that, A good document consists of multiple images, more than 4-5 pages, all of your information must be organized on the document and finally the document must have lots of information on it regarding to each subject on the document you have.

What are the responsibilities of the Intelligence Ambassador in RP?: The responsibilities of an intelligence ambassador are to oversee other Intel agents and deal with surface operations, civilians or chaos insurgency members that were captured, going undercover into certain areas of conflict and overall just being a leader for other Intel agents and be a role model for them.

Please give some lore about your Intelligence Ambassador character and what story lines they would be involved in:

Coming straight out of college towards the marines I thought would be an amazing choice later did I realize it would be a lot more than I thought it would be. While in boot camp most of the drill instructors saw my potential and thought I was something from out of this world. I graduated top of my class and was put into a platoon and sent off to Afghanistan to help fight the war. After serving some time as a marine I decided to become a Marine Raider and was sent back out on another tour, During my tour my right arm was blown off when me and my squad were holding out in a building in the middle of a firefight a grenade was thrown through a hole that was in the wall. Knowing me a dumb and crazy 22 year old I quickly sprinted towards the grenade and chucked it under handed as fast as possibly the grenade got 1-2 feet before exploding sending the upper half of my arm flying off. The shock that was sent through my body immediately made me faint, Later after I was discharged from the military and sent to the Moncrief Army Health Clinic. While I was in the hospital bed two men in suits came up to me and offered me a job as a security guard in some sort of facility and to give me a cybernetic arm, Considering it was that closet thing to the army I'd get I accepted the offer not knowing what would be ahead of me. First day on the job I realized it was like one big correctional facility holding some weird creatures of some sort, I never decided to question it but after a while the Mobile Task Force, Epsilon-11 or known as "Nine Tailed Fox" caught my eye considering they directly dealt with these creatures I attended a tryout that was hosted by the E-11 Commander Ryan "Flames" Helldiver and passed with flying colors. On the first day I realized the dangers of this job while I was dealing with my first containment breach but thought of the fun that was apart of the job. After my great work in Epsilon-11 a Task Force named Omega-1 or commonly known as "Laws Left Hand" caught the eye of me and took me in for a tryout I also aced that tryout and was a Operative for Omega-1, I was one of the best operatives for a bit while in the lower ranks, I quickly rose the ranks and made it all the way up to the rank of Captain in Omega-1 while having some memorable moments and being known and respected by most Omega-1, After I lost interest in Omega-1 I transferred over to Alpha-1 or known as "Red Right Hand" in an attempt to have some more fun. My duties as protecting and O5 and doing things that aren't so ethical amused me a lot and I had a lot of fun during the job and rose up to the rank of LCPL while doing my job at some of the best levels, After a bit I decided to come back to the thing I first did and was excited by, Containing SCPs. I rejoined E-11 as a PVT and performed by job amazingly and was one of the best and most capable E-11 members, I became and E-11 LCPL after a while then decided to resign to pursue other careers in the foundation. After a while of ordering GENSEC and doing intel duties I was taken by Omega-1 LTCOM Bryann "Yobi" and inducted into Omega-1, At the moment this is the regiment I reside in. After serving in Omega-1 for a short amount of time, I decided to retire from the foundation entirely, But a couple years after retirement I was sent an email from the foundation regarding a job opportunity as an Intelligence Agent, Hesitantly I decided to take the job opportunity and resume my career in the foundation. Soon I was informed of an Group of Interest named the Global Occult Coalition. After noticing that this could be a good job opportunity for me I decided to shoot my shot at it and send out an application of interest to the Global Occult Coalition. While continuing my job as an Intelligence Agent.
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Active member
Dec 2, 2022

-You have a lot of warns also LTAP, MRDM, and EXPLOITING bans
- You’re young. (immaturity issues can come into play)

-you griefed a roster and didn’t include it in this application…..
I understand age doesn’t automatically determine your maturity levels, but considering you have been reprehended a handful of times it shows you don’t understand the rules

Ex: I'm mature at most time
I would hope when you’re on a important job you’d act mature all the time.
I think this position would be better suited for someone else.

These are just a few things I noticed while reading your application. Goodluck and I wish you the best of luck! Cheers :)
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Yes he is activte
And he is friendly sometimes.

And Yes he has those postions, but didn't bring this up.


You say you were a DELCOM yes, but you also greifed the roster.
I also have not seen you ( may just be me though). So With all this in place, I would reccomend getting that blacklist appealed, and then make yourself known.

Other then that
Stay safe,
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Mar 13, 2022
Yes he is activte
And he is friendly sometimes.

And Yes he has those postions, but didn't bring this up.

View attachment 4146

You say you were a DELCOM yes, but you also greifed the roster.
I also have not seen you ( may just be me though). So With all this in place, I would reccomend getting that blacklist appealed, and then make yourself known.

Other then that
Stay safe,
Cheers, I'll make sure to get it appealed soon.
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Well-known Member
Dec 11, 2022
I've worked with Polo for the majority of my time on the server and he has been nothing short of amazing at any job he does, from enforcing ethics on O-1 to leading CI to glory as a DELCOM. and to further cement that he is/was an integral part of O1 culture in the good ole days, there's a code about him! Overall he's changed a lot in the months he's been gone and I believe he has matured greatly. Say: Man, I Miss Polo Response: Did I hear Code Polo? O-1 Challenge Code


Dec 11, 2022
Polo's A great guy; as someone who works with him in Intel, he's a great person to work with and talk to. Due to his past leadership, he would be a great person for this position, and I would love to work under him. While he may have been blacklisted in the past, I genuinely believe that he has changed and will work toward getting the blacklist appealed to regain trust in the server.


Active member
Dec 2, 2022
You have the whole cat gang on your steam friends list and their fourms accounts are all brand new and they comment directly on ur app. Sussy Cat gang rise up90B60044-F111-423B-8828-D06189EC5782.png
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Well-known Member
Dec 11, 2022
You have the whole cat gang on your steam friends list and their fourms accounts are all brand new and they comment directly on ur app. Sussy Cat gang rise upView attachment 4155
I've been on civil since the launch of the USA server I just never created a forums account, You can also check literally any roster of any regiment I've been in, I will be there.


  • E-11 tryout log 2.0.png
    E-11 tryout log 2.0.png
    11.1 KB · Views: 15
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Mar 13, 2022
You have the whole cat gang on your steam friends list and their fourms accounts are all brand new and they comment directly on ur app. Sussy Cat gang rise upView attachment 4155
adding onto what dura said we've been friends since civilgamers came up basically, we've been playing on civilgamers for a very long time so know each other and overall just know what each of us can do they are basically just stating they know me and know what i can do and how iv'e changed.
Mar 13, 2022
Yes he is activte
And he is friendly sometimes.

And Yes he has those postions, but didn't bring this up.

View attachment 4146

You say you were a DELCOM yes, but you also greifed the roster.
I also have not seen you ( may just be me though). So With all this in place, I would reccomend getting that blacklist appealed, and then make yourself known.

Other then that
Stay safe,
blacklist was appealed
Jul 16, 2022

Thank you for showing interest in the position of Intelligence Ambassador and sorry for the late response, but due to you recently being blacklisted from Beta 1 who we work closely with and your past of mingy behavior, we do not think you are currently fit for the position.

feel free to reapply in 2 weeks

if you have any questions message me or doofus on discord
Doofus- TwoOreos99#9751
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