Jay's CPT Re-apply [UK]

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Jan 2, 2022
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:232302008
Discord name: jayflockdoa
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2 years
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: The Netherlands
Time zone: CEST
Character name(s): Jay 'Ghost; Jackson, Jay 'Ghost'J.
Civilian name: 'Ghost'
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?:
Yes i do

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF e-11 PVT [Holding], UNGOC PVT [Held] Nu-7 LCPL [Held] SCP-096 [holding GSD CPT [Held]
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Yes [ss below]
Why are you applying for Security Captain?
I am applying for GSD Captain, because i used to be a good captain. I was very known in the community. I also have the capablity to lead and give out orders to GSD personell. As a former CPT, i did many good try-outs, and did very good trainings. My leadership in the foundation was always accepted and never negative. Ofcourse i was strict sometimes.. But that's why we learn our role. I also am online quite often, and if needed would be a great help in the foundation. I will Secure.Contain.Protect the foundation with my life. And i will make sure D-block is save! CPT 'Ghost' at your service!

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
Why do i think i am suitable for Captain? now, i am and used to be a former captain in the foundation! I was as i said before well known. I will train and guide cadets,officers and sergeants through the foundation and to make sure they protect anyone form escaped D-class. I also have leadership skills, because as i said, was a former captain that was well known in the community. I will also improve myself even more during the fase that i will be captain. I used to work together along other old captains and former CoS. I will also defend d-block and the foundation from escaped D-class. I will call out codes when needed and will lead GSD to another level. I also make documents about new trainings and new rules for GSD. I helped alot of CoS with these ideas and the trainings where also good, and used back in the days!.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
1. Guard D-block
2. Host try-outs and trainings
3. Ensure D-block is always manned and not unmanned
4. Host sweeps when codes 2 is active
5. Give out commands to GSD personell
6. Make documents about GSD behaviour and acting
7. Ensure research personell is safe inside D-block

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Jay 'Ghost' Jackson Also known as 'Ghost' is a leader that will do anything it takes to make sure the foundation is in safe hands. He always show leadership as an officer and will help anyone that's calling out for help. He will also ensure D-block is staffed at anytime. And if not, he will ask E-11 or Nu-7 for help. During his days as a former captain, 'Ghost' was always on site. And never let his guard down. He had eyes of an eagle. And as soon as a D-class pulled out a knife.weapon or contraband, he would KOS immediately. He also would be taking notes on Misbehaving gensec, to make sure they didn't do anything stupuid or chaotic. Example: Killing other GSD personell, Letting D-class out of Airlock, Shooting anyone in his way Etc. He also would ensure research staff was safe inside D-block and outside. By telling them to go to the breach shelter during code 5. By escorting them out to the research wing ''Core Sector''. He would help and escort Avisors,Assitants and O-5 if asked too. And get them to the location safe and sound. 'Ghost' is a trustworthy and reliable man, if it comes to being a CPT. You can all count on this man.

Signed: J. 'Ghost' Jackson
GSD Captain


The foundation



SCP logo.png
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Dear @Jay Afton
After careful consideration of your application, as well of your qualifications, we have come forward to inform you that you have been accepted for the position of Security Captain.

Please message either @Skinner or @Zack Baker to begin with the on-boarding process. This process will include an Interview as well as a trial phase in order to let us finalise the decision that will possibly let you take on the duties of a Security Captain. Once again, we congratulate you on passing your application in becoming a Captain, and we hope to see you as a fully-pledged member of our team.

- James Siegel

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