JIMMY DaGOAT Security Captain Application (SCP-USA)

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Active member
Feb 17, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:47936829
Discord name: yoyo9321
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I've played on CG SCP for just about 200 hours now and loved every second of it.
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: PST (West Coast)
Character name(s): JIMMY "Jawbreaker" DaGOAT (CI), JIMMY DaGOAT (Foundation)
Civilian name: Jimothy the Goat
What server are you applying for?: SCP USA
Do you have a mic?: YES
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Nu-7 SPC, CI-G, Senior Agent, Medical License, Marksman License, Drivers License, Riot License, BoE-M, A-6 LCPL
Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
-I received 3 RDM warnings in my first two weeks on the server but never any others since then, I received these warnings while learning the rules and have done a very good job since.
Why are you applying for Security Captain?
- I am applying for Security Captain mainly because of the joy I find in helping others, many times while I'm playing as security officer cadets are asking for help with various things and different rule clarifications. I like to assist people in the best way possible so that the server runs as smoothly as possible and cadets can grow into bigger roles and responsibilities in the future. Other reasons on why I am applying for Security Captain is my passion for the department and my leadership role capabilities. I want to be a captain who is looked up to for guidance and be able to improve GSD for the better. All of these responsibilities will depend on a person who is active in the community and has a desire for growth and challenges.
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
- What makes me suitable for Security Captain is that I mainly play through the night because I can't pull myself away from the immersion which means I can fill in for any spots where a captain may not be on or work with the one or two that are on. In all of my combative roles, I've seen that initiative drives the server for people to have as much fun as possible which I find myself doing in many things. For example, leading main raids on CI, showing lower ranks the best strategies for deep cover raids, holding many trainings/tryouts, and working closely with the group of people that's on to fulfill the roles of the department that I'm currently playing on.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
- The responsibilities of a Security Captain in RP include many things but aren't limited to, leading D-block sweeps, coordinating so researchers have weapon-checked D-class & escorts, hosting license tryouts, and teaching/training other GSD personnel.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Young JIMMY DaGOAT grew up on a ranch in Texas, where he developed a passion for hunting and target practice from a young age. He loved hearing the ding of metal targets shooting from hundreds of yards away and was compelled by the fast pace and competitiveness of skeet shooting. In his teenage years he honed in his skills to become a skilled marksman and his most noticed trait was that he was an ambidextrous shooter.

Instead of pursuing a traditional career through college or the military, JIMMY chose to work at a shooting range where he took on the role of a firearm instructor and worked for around three years before becoming a manager of the Diamondbacks Sporting Club (Range name). His dedication to teaching others and and creating a culture of safety and responsibility did not go noticed.

One day a strange man came into Diamondback wearing an all-black fine-tailored suit and requested one of the expert trainings that was offered. After observing JIIMMY's exceptional marksmanship and teaching abilities during the training session, the mysterious man approached him with an offer that would change the course of his life forever. Revealing himself as a recruiter for the SCP Foundation, the man explained the organization's mission and the need for individuals with JIMMY's unique skills. Intrigued by the opportunity to serve in a role that aligned with his expertise while delving into the unknown, Jack accepted the offer.

Similar to JIMMY's experience at the Diamondback Sporting Club, his dedication through combative roles led him to the position of Security Captain, where will find himself tasked with various responsibilities and challenges that will test his skills and abilities. JIMMY's hopes to create his legacy as a Texas sharpshooter working for the Foundation as a Captain and is known for his determination, courage, and leadership.



Well-known Member
Dec 18, 2023

Had a failrp incident with him yesterday, but seems qualified for the position and is quite active on GENSEC. Also he has DaGOAT in his name so he's gotta be goated.

Tommy G

New Member
Mar 20, 2024

Always a fun and helpful person to play with. Definitely think he would suit the role quite well.

-Tommy G.


Active member
Feb 17, 2024

Had a failrp incident with him yesterday, but seems qualified for the position and is quite active on GENSEC. Also he has DaGOAT in his name so he's gotta be goated.
Were you the combat medic? My bad brother, glad we figured it out lol,
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