Jimmy Reed's Ethics Application [US]

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Active member
May 6, 2022
Steam ID
Discord name
For how long have you played on CG SCP
7 months give or take.
In what country are you located?
United States
Time zone
Central Standard Time (CST)
Character name(s)
Jimmy Reed, Prophet R, Richard Bald.
Civilian name
Richard Bald
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA)
Do you have a mic?
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held
O-1 CSG, CI-A, IA Ambassador, A-1 PVT, Site Advisor.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?
I have two warns if you want me to go in detail about them please let me know. Both are failrp.
What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why?
I am applying for Ethics Committee member. The reason I am applying for Ethics Committee Member is because I would like to be more involved with the site. I am already apart of Site admin but I believe Ethics would allow me to be more involved within the site and more site affairs. I use to be O-1 for awhile working with closely Ethics and I believe now that I am fit for such a position.
What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
I believe I am the best candidate for the Ethics Committee, for my experience within O-1 and with Site Administration. I believe I have proven myself competent enough to handle myself with a level 4 card and for the responsibilities that came with the roles of which I have held such as IA Ambassador and Site Advisor. I now believe I am able to handle the responsibilities that come with this role and any other problems that may arise that I may take care of.
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
The responsibilities of the Ethics Committee within RP is to up hold the Code of Ethics. I am to make sure every department and every staff member is following the Code of Ethics. If any staff is seen breaking Code of Ethics I am to reprimand them and arrest them promptly. I am to either approve or deny any tests that may seem to not go along the guidelines of the Code of Ethics. I am to look over any policies that departments may try to implement. I will work with Site Administration for any reports that they make weekly about departments or MTF regiments.
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
Internal Affairs Director, Ethics Assistants, and Medical Director
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in
Jimmy Reed was a former CIA agent who dug too far into the foundation. when doing a simply recon mission he heard sirens go off within the distance and went to go investigate further what was causing them, as he comes over the hill he sees the site being evacuated conveys of Humvees and military transports. He sees something following them a human riddled with bullets and a jaw hanging from a single muscle, that thing had chunks taken out of it what it seems like it was being eaten. It screamed and more followed, they grabbed a fleeing what Jimmy can only assume is an accountant with a black suit. Jimmy ran as fast he could away from the site but as he ran he saw one was following him, Jimmy draws his M9 only kind of gun he was carrying and unloads into that monster but just as he thinks it's dead it starts raising again to keep attacking panicked Jimmy drops his mag as he tries to load it in and as he hopelessly tries to grab his magazine a bang came from behind Jimmy and the creature fell dead and lifeless as Jimmy turns behind him to see who his savior is he's met with a .44 barrel straight at his forehead. "Who are and how do you know about this place" said the holder of the .44 Jimmy scared to give up his position tried to lie to his former savior now captor "I just was on a simple hiking trip and heard these loud sirens and wanted to see what was happening." He sheepishly said "Bullshit." the captor barked "We know who you are, Mr. Reed and you're coming with us." the captor said as they pistol whipped Jimmy knocking him out. Jimmy awakened with a bag over his head and his hands bound, the bag was removed of his head and he winced from the bright light being shine on him something he's never been on the other side of it and it terrified him. "Mr. Reed." a voice from behind the light said " We know what you're here and what you're investigating." the voice said "Usually with these things with simply take care of the individual but you seem to be a special case, we've been monitoring you and may I say its impressive what you've found out." the voice pauses and takes a breath "We'd like to make a deal with you Mr. Reed come join us or forget everything and start a new life." the voice said. Jimmy was ready for whatever the foundation was ready to throw at him "I'll join." he answered "Good choice Mr. Reed."

"Dirty" Dan

Active member
May 16, 2022

+ Support

+ Good RP
+Good Lore
+Good App

I believe, as getting to know him better in game, that Jimmy is a well suited fit for the EC. He has shown his way around Ethics and provided the necessary requirements to shine in this department.

Best of luck to you!

- O-1 LT "Dirty" Dan
- IA Ambassador
- Moderator
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Active member
May 6, 2022
+/- Support
Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe I have just recently seen you on Site Advisor. Going from that, I personally have not interacted with you so I will keep my comment neutral, nor seen you interact with Ethics much. I think you should get some more experience in the Site Advisor portion and interactions with Ethics before applying.
Side not, put VTime in instead of real time.

Best of luck to you regardless!

- O-1 LT "Dirty" Dan
- IA Ambassador
I understand your concern I talk to Ethics as much as I can and I have just been less active I have been getting on more later then normally. I appreciate the neutral either way.

Chris Henderson+

Active member
Mar 29, 2022

+Has spent a LOT of time in many different positions around the server
+Solid dude to work with and always has a positive attitude
+Plenty of CL4 experience

Get this man into ethics


Well-known Member
Apr 24, 2022
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The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: Jimmy Reed's Ethics Committee Application.

Thank you for showing your interest in the position of Ethics Committee Member, the committee is in agreement that you are suited to be a Member. Please contact me on Teamspeak once you are available. You will be closely looked at by the committee.

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