joe "money" lifts legacy leave

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this gonna be last message on forums i do or open forums
im not gonna lie arachnid and the a1 that are butt hurt from this message, you need to get a life being so butthurt from a message on gmod is crazy, you all proved my point of being a friend group as you all responded in an instance after one person responded, arachnid i never talked to you one time in the server or at all so your completely irrevelant to this conversation, ur not currently in a1 so u being so butt hurt from this is crazy ur a femboy because u can never pull the opposite gender and because of that you stick to men because no decent woman would like you,
wish the rest of you a good life i aint comin back, and thats it if u gon keep crying i aint gonna look because im done with the CN in general, last time on forums bye, should try get good in life wish you the best
i mean ur friends dming arachnid with the f slur
Jul 18, 2022
guys this was supposed to be a moment for our friend joe money lifts to talk about his leave from the server. not for us to be fighting this isnt the miyagi do way guys lets all lock in and be nice to one another. remember what they always say, " Treat others how you want to be treated".
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