Joeses intel ambassador app

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Sep 1, 2022
Steam ID:76561198326458584
Discord name: moony#4190
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 7 months i think
Age: 19
In what country are you located?:USA
Time zone:CST
Character name(s):Joese
Civilian name:Boat hemia
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:YES
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Nu-7 Commander and CI-G
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:1 ban for ltarp and like 20 warns but all should be expired.
Why are you applying for Intelligence Ambassador?
-Because Intel and Nu-7 are very similar I believe I would be very good for the department.
What makes you suitable for Intelligence Ambassador?: I am the commander of Nu-7 so there's that. And I am always willing to help others like new intel agents to know what is to be expected and done.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?: I have written None, but i have 20+ CI interviews that contain all personal knowledge of certan CI and i plan to make even more as intel.
What are the responsibilities of the Intelligence Ambassador in RP?: The responsibility's Is to direct and lead the agents, give tests to upcoming agents, Kill CI, negotiate Hostages and of course gather intelligence.
Please give some lore about your Intelligence Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in: Joese has always been on the surface. From The beginning as a Nu-7 PVT to now, a commander. And Being part of the intelligence department has always been in the back of his mind. Simply because its more to do. What really made joese want to join is because CI has captured him, Joese thought he would be forced to turn against the foundation or simply be executed. At that moment a CI walked in. And told Joese to follow him, He did as he asked, and he and 2 other CI started killing everyone else. Joese thought "what the hell is going on" And soon to find out it was none other than Intelligence that saved him that day. Joese figured applying for intel is the way he could pay them back.
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Oct 27, 2022
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"Sunny" / Bubba G.

Well-known Member
Mar 5, 2023
+ Big Support

-Always Active
- Great Roleplayer
-Knows what he is doing
- Joese is the best leader I have ever had the pleasure of meeting on the server to date.
Jul 16, 2022

Thank you for showing interest in the position of Intelligence Ambassador. But due to not really seeing you on the job/server with you,we do not think you are currently fit for the position but would love for you to reapply.

feel free to reapply in 2 weeks
if you have any questions message me on discord
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