Joey "Lemon" Caruso's Ethics Committee Application (USA)

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Well-known Member
Apr 13, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:53294753
Discord name: Lemon#7295
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 7 days, approx. (Vtime is broken)
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: United States
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Joey "Lemon" Caruso
Civilian name: Tommy Mancini
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Nu-7 PVT, E-11 PVT, A-1 LT, O-1 LT, Ethics Assistant
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
No, I have not
What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
Ethics Committee Member

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
I consider myself a rational, level-headed individual who takes their job seriously and is knowledgeable about the codes, principles, and rules of the Foundation. I'm eager to learn more, and always open to improving my conduct and work product. I am also highly active on the server, making sure I get on for at least a couple of hours every day. As a product of my experience, I am adept at taking and carrying out orders, as well as issuing them myself when necessary, and I'm good at staying calm and rational under pressure.

Though, what truly sets me apart from other candidates is my dedication to improving whatever unit, regiment, department, or committee I'm a part of. Even if it can only be in a small way, I pride myself on my ability to leave somewhere in better shape than I found it in. From making detailed, well-written docs, to creating training protocols, to managing complex roleplay situations, I believe I am fully capable of doing whatever the Ethics Committee needs of me, and far more.

I believe that my experience in all four of the MTF Regiments on-site has given me a broader perspective about the operations of the facility, and the potential ethical issues that could arise. My time in Nu-7 and E-11 gave me a firm grasp of the dangers that can be posed when proper procedure and ethics are not upheld, and my time in A-1 and O-1 has given me a sharp eye for even small violations. Extensive combat experience has trained me to keep my cool, and to respond to pressure with swift, decisive action.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
The Ethics Committee is tasked with upholding the SCP Foundation's Code of Ethics. They are to monitor the activities of all department to ensure that no violations to the code are made, along with punishing those who d violate the code. Ethics is also tasked with overseeing and directing O-1, ensuring they also hold themselves to the Code of Ethics.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
The Ethics Committee handles Ethics Committee and Ethics Committee Assistant Applications. The Code of Ethics itself is also managed by the Ethics Committee, who will update and make revisions as needed.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Born in Brooklyn, New York in 1998, Joey had a relatively rough upbringing. In a poor neighborhood with an absent father and a mother who just never had enough time for him, he found himself desperately starved for career opportunities. As many in his place do, he quickly enlisted with the United States Army as soon as he came of age, where he was given his basic combat training. After serving a tour in the Middle East, he was injured in combat following an ambush on a convoy he was a part of. Despite his injuries, he managed to save the lives of three of his squad members.

After returning from his tour, he was approached by the US Army Rangers with an offer to join them. Without any hesitation, he accepted and began his time at Ranger School, where he picked up his specialized combat training, and planned to serve another tour with the Rangers. Before he had a chance, though, he was approached by a strange man, who offered him a secretive position, but refused to offer many details. He hesitantly accepted, and reported for his first day at the SCP Foundation.

Joey quickly found himself put in with MTF Nu-7, where he got his first taste of life as a Mobile Task Force member. Despite enjoying his time in Nu-7, he found his interest in anomalous objects growing, and moved on to MTF E-11 to assist with protecting the facility, and the world at large, from the danger posed by anomalies. His work quickly gained the attention of MTF A-1, who recruited him and introduced him to the type of work carried out by the highest levels of the Foundation. After a while, he felt a stronger affinity for the principles of the Foundation, and transferred to O-1 to do his part in upholding them.

After some time passed in O-1, and Joey received the Ethics Assistant position, he quickly felt a drive to take things further. His dedication to upholding the Code of Ethics would not falter.

Nico | Od1n

Active member
Mar 17, 2022
-Barely any experience
-Seems rushed
-Haven't really seen any RP

I'd suggest getting more Lvl 4 Clearance experience, you just became Ethics Assistant.


Well-known Member
Mar 9, 2022
+/- support leaning towards support

I’ve known lemon for a bit and working with him I’ve noticed some things. Although he is fairly new to ethics I still feel as if he could make a good member of it. He is mature, he shows very good leadership. He worked his way through both A-1 and O-1 to LT to sum this up I think Lemon is already ready for ethics and I would be glad to see him as it. He also does good rp to my eyes

(Application does seem rushed though)
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Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 14, 2022

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The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: "Lemons" application for a position as Ethics Committee Member.
Thank you for showing your interest in the position of Ethics Committee Member, the committee is in agreement that you are suited to be a Member. Please contact me on Teamspeak once you are available. You will be closely looked at the committee.​
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