Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
I currently have 410 hours clocked on the server, most of which is active playtime.
In what country are you located?:
United States
Time zone:
Character name(s):
Foundation - John Iceland | CI: Hans Richtofen
Civilian name:
Marc Klaus
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF Nu-7 x2 [Held & Holding] | MTF Alpha-1 [Held] | SCP-096 [Holding] | Executive Researcher [Holding]
[Licenses - All]
Misc. - IA & Intel Agent Approved, Riot Sergeant.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- One 3 day ban is on my record. This ban was for LTAP and this wasn't on purpose. In my first week or so of playing the server i wasn't aware D-Class couldn't kill D-class. So I for some combat XP, as at the time I was Combat lvl 2, got on D class, Bought a Knife, then stabbed 2 D Class and DC'd as it was 2am and I had to get off. Since I left for the night it was LTAP and I received the 3 day ban. I also have 1 warn for FailRP/Hitbox Abuse, This is due to me jumping once in a firefight and mentioning FearRP once in VC. I have sense learnt from this and made my RP **MUCH MORE "STRICT" AND IN CHARACTER, I always stay as in character as much as I possibly can now, to good results**
What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
- Personally, My position within the role of Exec. Researcher has gotten to a point where I understand it and most likely could take another new person under my wing to show the ropes, which tells me its time for a new experience to gain more and more knowledge as I slowly but surely move up the ranks to hopefully reach my end goals. With this quickly gained knowledge I feel I could not only take on the role of Site Inspector Assistant but leant it fairly quickly and work well with the Council, and Site Administration as both work closely many times.
1: I am ALWAYS available on Discord for communication, My messages are never closed and I will respond within the hour unless I'm doing something or in school.
2: I will get stuff done when asked, I always have freetime and enjoy helping out where I can so that I can gain experience in a second CL4 position. and hopefully use this experience to move onto other positions eventually.
3: I am a dedicated and mature individual, I make it a goal and target of mine to enhance my personality to that of one that would benefit my current position, I would ensure to keep up a strict professionalism and ensure to always be trying to learn how the position operates and trying to get better at it.
4: I want to learn. Ever since receiving Executive Researcher I have made it a goal to learn the ins and outs of the Job. And I feel I have done this exceptionally well. I understand the job of a Cl4 and Exec. in general really well and have true aspiration to advance within the foundation to help.
5: My previous work shows for itself. one of my previous jobs for the foundation include the Scientific Department of Site-56 Website ( which received praise from all over the department.
To continue, I always have made it a strict policy of mine to have an **Open Door** Message policy. As people who have worked alongside me have come to realize I will respond whenever possible and that I try my hardest to be as polite and courteous as I can to those around me especially those I work alongside. I have been on GMOD RP Communities for 5 years now, putting over 133 days of playtime (3.5K hours) into GMOD all for the sake of helping communities and enjoying the game. I feel I can take the lessons I have learnt around and implement them here into how I play and operate on a daily basis to not only help myself but to help teach those around me. IE. In research using my knowledge of how to do trainings to help junior researchers with the test as a Executive Researcher, without giving them the answers but instead TEACHING and not SHOWING. I also genuinely WANT to gain the experience listed within the job description of Overseer Assistant, and if given the chance will learn every step of the way with the hopeful end goal of being able to help other new assistants one day. Further CL4 Experience is also a big reason behind me applying, I want to help out the site more and more with each passing day and without the proper experience to do so I am very limited in my ability to do so, With this position I can work alongside many great people who can shed light on the knowhow and tips and tricks along with the expectations set by being a level 4 personnel that is involved in a more administrative standpoint.
[Alpha-1 Removal and Blacklist Situation]
As many have seen from my other application I was removed and blacklisted from Alpha-1 due to "Not only leaked O1 sensitive info but tried to dispute its worth and severity." (Quoted from the roster). Am I one to claim something didn't happen or deny it?, No. I fully admit my wrong doings, failure to do so is the #1 best way to fail and never learn. This instance however was not of my ill intention against O-1 or the server as a whole, and for anyone wondering the in-depth to the situation feel free to contact me at Pup#1341, I WILL sit down and talk about it, and answer any questions. I made the decision to bring this up here because if I didn't, Someone would, and to me personally I don't like others admitting my mistakes for me, I want to admit them and learn from them myself. This was a mistake, and oversight on my part and my behavior was inexcusable, however sense then I have learned and improved from this. These past few weeks I have reflected on my actions then and truly wanted to correct the wrongs I've made. I'm attempting to appeal the blacklist once I get a chance to speak to the proper people, Have practiced my self control, and built an aspiration to show to everyone that I've worked on and improved myself. I truly hope that people reading this and the Council can look past my previous wrong doings and give me a chance to learn more and show my intentions and aspirations to help the site, council, and the server as a whole.
What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
- The responsibilities of an Overseer Assistant is a varying one, as it is determined by the current needs of the ██-Council. The assistant to the ██-Council will be in charge of
1: Operating the site when in absence of an Overseer / managing the site affairs when an Overseer isn't present. This includes taking situations that require Overseer intervention being CoC'd up by the assistant when required.
2: Commanding and ensuring ISD has a duty when in the absence of an Overseer (If Alpha-1 Choose to escort the Assistant).
3: Ensuring the duties placed upon them by the ██-Council are completed in a timely manner and provide ample work. and finally
4: Attending to standard CL4 duties.
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Security Camera 1 - Executive Researcher Office
1/3/████ - 22:43:23
*An Executive Researcher is seen looking through a filing cabinet, As he leans up to look at his computer he hears a knock at the door*
"Mr. Iceland, Internal Security Department. Open the door please."
"Internal Security Department? What type of joke do you think this is..."
*Mr. Iceland opens the door to see 3 members of A-1 standing outside*
"John Iceland, You have been summoned by the site inspectors, Please follow us, Failure to do so may result in termination."
*John Iceland mutters something under his breath, but reluctantly follows the militants to a room on Floor 3, A place familiar to John although he doesn't remember it, the O5 Council Office. Within is seated a man in a suit, ██-█*
"Good evening Mr. Iceland, please take a seat." [The Overseer signals the A-1 to guard the door, without question they move outside and set up a 2 sided guard on the door]
"You have been called for a very important reason Executive, would you happen to know the reason why?"
"I have a few guesses, could it perhaps be about my application for 'Site Inspector' Assistant?"
"Ah, a smart one. That's what we like about you Mr. Iceland, but to stay on the task at hand, yes. We have decided you would be a proper fit to join the ever growing team of assistants we have. However, before we can really accept you you must tell us something. Are you sure you can be trusted to proceed up in the ranks here at the foundation, can we trust you to keep the veil of the foundation under your watch at all times, and ensure the proper containment and security here at the foundation?
"You can trust me sir, I wouldn't apply if I wasn't ready. I'm ready to take the step."
"Good to hear Mr. Iceland, or as you should be getting used to being called as "Aether", your new codename. *The Overseer slides a document to John*... Here, take a look. As your old position knew so little, only about that which regarded your research, should you accept, this new position will allow you much more knowledge of this foundation and your role within it. You are trusted with keeping all of this a secret along with ensuring the general well being of those placed under you, however above all. You are expected to Secure. Contain. Protect. Do you accept?"
*John reads over the document before looking up at the Site Inspector with a new expression*
"I accept."
"Welcome to the team." *The Overseer hands a new level 4 keycard to John and a new suit.* Good luck "Aether", Don't disappoint us.

Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
I currently have 410 hours clocked on the server, most of which is active playtime.
In what country are you located?:
United States
Time zone:
Character name(s):
Foundation - John Iceland | CI: Hans Richtofen
Civilian name:
Marc Klaus
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF Nu-7 x2 [Held & Holding] | MTF Alpha-1 [Held] | SCP-096 [Holding] | Executive Researcher [Holding]
[Licenses - All]
Misc. - IA & Intel Agent Approved, Riot Sergeant.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- One 3 day ban is on my record. This ban was for LTAP and this wasn't on purpose. In my first week or so of playing the server i wasn't aware D-Class couldn't kill D-class. So I for some combat XP, as at the time I was Combat lvl 2, got on D class, Bought a Knife, then stabbed 2 D Class and DC'd as it was 2am and I had to get off. Since I left for the night it was LTAP and I received the 3 day ban. I also have 1 warn for FailRP/Hitbox Abuse, This is due to me jumping once in a firefight and mentioning FearRP once in VC. I have sense learnt from this and made my RP **MUCH MORE "STRICT" AND IN CHARACTER, I always stay as in character as much as I possibly can now, to good results**
What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
- Personally, My position within the role of Exec. Researcher has gotten to a point where I understand it and most likely could take another new person under my wing to show the ropes, which tells me its time for a new experience to gain more and more knowledge as I slowly but surely move up the ranks to hopefully reach my end goals. With this quickly gained knowledge I feel I could not only take on the role of Site Inspector Assistant but leant it fairly quickly and work well with the Council, and Site Administration as both work closely many times.
1: I am ALWAYS available on Discord for communication, My messages are never closed and I will respond within the hour unless I'm doing something or in school.
2: I will get stuff done when asked, I always have freetime and enjoy helping out where I can so that I can gain experience in a second CL4 position. and hopefully use this experience to move onto other positions eventually.
3: I am a dedicated and mature individual, I make it a goal and target of mine to enhance my personality to that of one that would benefit my current position, I would ensure to keep up a strict professionalism and ensure to always be trying to learn how the position operates and trying to get better at it.
4: I want to learn. Ever since receiving Executive Researcher I have made it a goal to learn the ins and outs of the Job. And I feel I have done this exceptionally well. I understand the job of a Cl4 and Exec. in general really well and have true aspiration to advance within the foundation to help.
5: My previous work shows for itself. one of my previous jobs for the foundation include the Scientific Department of Site-56 Website ( which received praise from all over the department.
To continue, I always have made it a strict policy of mine to have an **Open Door** Message policy. As people who have worked alongside me have come to realize I will respond whenever possible and that I try my hardest to be as polite and courteous as I can to those around me especially those I work alongside. I have been on GMOD RP Communities for 5 years now, putting over 133 days of playtime (3.5K hours) into GMOD all for the sake of helping communities and enjoying the game. I feel I can take the lessons I have learnt around and implement them here into how I play and operate on a daily basis to not only help myself but to help teach those around me. IE. In research using my knowledge of how to do trainings to help junior researchers with the test as a Executive Researcher, without giving them the answers but instead TEACHING and not SHOWING. I also genuinely WANT to gain the experience listed within the job description of Overseer Assistant, and if given the chance will learn every step of the way with the hopeful end goal of being able to help other new assistants one day. Further CL4 Experience is also a big reason behind me applying, I want to help out the site more and more with each passing day and without the proper experience to do so I am very limited in my ability to do so, With this position I can work alongside many great people who can shed light on the knowhow and tips and tricks along with the expectations set by being a level 4 personnel that is involved in a more administrative standpoint.
[Alpha-1 Removal and Blacklist Situation]
As many have seen from my other application I was removed and blacklisted from Alpha-1 due to "Not only leaked O1 sensitive info but tried to dispute its worth and severity." (Quoted from the roster). Am I one to claim something didn't happen or deny it?, No. I fully admit my wrong doings, failure to do so is the #1 best way to fail and never learn. This instance however was not of my ill intention against O-1 or the server as a whole, and for anyone wondering the in-depth to the situation feel free to contact me at Pup#1341, I WILL sit down and talk about it, and answer any questions. I made the decision to bring this up here because if I didn't, Someone would, and to me personally I don't like others admitting my mistakes for me, I want to admit them and learn from them myself. This was a mistake, and oversight on my part and my behavior was inexcusable, however sense then I have learned and improved from this. These past few weeks I have reflected on my actions then and truly wanted to correct the wrongs I've made. I'm attempting to appeal the blacklist once I get a chance to speak to the proper people, Have practiced my self control, and built an aspiration to show to everyone that I've worked on and improved myself. I truly hope that people reading this and the Council can look past my previous wrong doings and give me a chance to learn more and show my intentions and aspirations to help the site, council, and the server as a whole.
What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
- The responsibilities of an Overseer Assistant is a varying one, as it is determined by the current needs of the ██-Council. The assistant to the ██-Council will be in charge of
1: Operating the site when in absence of an Overseer / managing the site affairs when an Overseer isn't present. This includes taking situations that require Overseer intervention being CoC'd up by the assistant when required.
2: Commanding and ensuring ISD has a duty when in the absence of an Overseer (If Alpha-1 Choose to escort the Assistant).
3: Ensuring the duties placed upon them by the ██-Council are completed in a timely manner and provide ample work. and finally
4: Attending to standard CL4 duties.
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Security Camera 1 - Executive Researcher Office
1/3/████ - 22:43:23
*An Executive Researcher is seen looking through a filing cabinet, As he leans up to look at his computer he hears a knock at the door*
"Mr. Iceland, Internal Security Department. Open the door please."
"Internal Security Department? What type of joke do you think this is..."
*Mr. Iceland opens the door to see 3 members of A-1 standing outside*
"John Iceland, You have been summoned by the site inspectors, Please follow us, Failure to do so may result in termination."
*John Iceland mutters something under his breath, but reluctantly follows the militants to a room on Floor 3, A place familiar to John although he doesn't remember it, the O5 Council Office. Within is seated a man in a suit, ██-█*
"Good evening Mr. Iceland, please take a seat." [The Overseer signals the A-1 to guard the door, without question they move outside and set up a 2 sided guard on the door]
"You have been called for a very important reason Executive, would you happen to know the reason why?"
"I have a few guesses, could it perhaps be about my application for 'Site Inspector' Assistant?"
"Ah, a smart one. That's what we like about you Mr. Iceland, but to stay on the task at hand, yes. We have decided you would be a proper fit to join the ever growing team of assistants we have. However, before we can really accept you you must tell us something. Are you sure you can be trusted to proceed up in the ranks here at the foundation, can we trust you to keep the veil of the foundation under your watch at all times, and ensure the proper containment and security here at the foundation?
"You can trust me sir, I wouldn't apply if I wasn't ready. I'm ready to take the step."
"Good to hear Mr. Iceland, or as you should be getting used to being called as "Aether", your new codename. *The Overseer slides a document to John*... Here, take a look. As your old position knew so little, only about that which regarded your research, should you accept, this new position will allow you much more knowledge of this foundation and your role within it. You are trusted with keeping all of this a secret along with ensuring the general well being of those placed under you, however above all. You are expected to Secure. Contain. Protect. Do you accept?"
*John reads over the document before looking up at the Site Inspector with a new expression*
"I accept."
"Welcome to the team." *The Overseer hands a new level 4 keycard to John and a new suit.* Good luck "Aether", Don't disappoint us.

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