John John Executive Researcher Application [USA]

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Feb 4, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:623601683

Discord name: We0thebeast

For how long have you played on CG SCP: I have been playing since late December 2023 and have over 350 hours

Age: 14

In what country are you located?: Australia

Time zone: AEDT

Foundation Name: John John [BoE-M]
Civilian Name: John John

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes I do and I use it a lot

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: SCP-096(Holding) NU-7 SPC (Held) E-11 LCPL (Holding) CI-B (Holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Fear rp-I was moving when an O-1 was trying to search me for a keycard as a D-class.

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher? I am applying for Executive researcher because I feel as though I have shown the attributes to be a good Executive researcher to help and improve the research community, I have spent many hours writing documents as I find it enjoyable. as well I have joined [BoE] as a mentor to help out juniors in the research department which has been a success so far. It would also help the research community as I get on during late times when there are a lot fewer executives online and I feel as though it would be another beneficiary.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?: I believe I have shown dedication towards the research department as I love to do testing and make fun tests enjoyable to read and to be a part of. I have helped a lot of juniors so far as a part of BoE as I have found it enjoyable and pleasant to grow the Research community.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent? I have so far written 4 Excellent grade Documents in my research career, that I have put great effort into making, and would like to produce more sophisticated documents in the future.
What makes an Excellent document is one that has proper formatting dialect and understanding, The proper format I have successfully used for most of my documents consists of:

Title: A title page adds information about what the test is about and makes the document look professional all around.

Index: A Index is key ingredient into proper formatting, it is used to show where the different segments are located in the document.

SCP Information: This section is about explaining and communicating what the SCP looks like, Abilities, CC, and lore. these are all key factor within the documenting being the main source of information.

Goal of Study: This page contains information about what is going to be explored and how it will be done, it will show the reason and how to conduct the test. This page helps give a piece of clear information and purpose to the test.

Method: this page is The method it represents what happens and in what order. This indicates the format of how it's done and what the test should look like. With this it can help the researcher have a plan for the whole test to make it proceed easier.

Participants: This is where all the people partaking in the test are documented. This helps show who partakes in the test and helps a lot in the RP section with maybe taking pictures for the page.

Hypothesis: This is a page where your thought of what will happen is placed. this page shows that you understand what the test means and how it will most likely partake.

Findings: Documents what happens within the test. This is a segment written after the test has been finished it shows how you communicated the test into your clipboard. This helps the researcher understand the test much more thoroughly.

Conclusion: This is the finalization of the test. this shows what you have learned what to do in the future and any new discoveries. helps communicate with the reader and reminds them of the goal.

Authorization: this is to have the document approved if needed. this is needed during chemical tests some sampling and a clearance level above with the guy who signed it following.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?: The responsibilities an executive is tasked with is helping other researchers whether that's basic information, authorization or just to teach them something new. Being an executive also comes with serious responsibilities to give job bans to researchers if it is needed. the main purpose of an executive is to be a role model for all of the researchers and help guide them all.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in: Sr. researcher John John is an aspiring researcher who loves to watch and perform experiments to better his and the foundation's knowledge on the SCP's contained within, this led him to climb that ranks to Executive Researcher. As an Executive John John had grown a fond taste to cheese and anything involving cheese, this lead him to make countless test about cheese being still ongoing today.
Aug 12, 2023

-Your lore is very lacking which is a red flag for me
-I have never seen you do good RP
-Seems to young to be a good Exec

However if you had more time into the server I would say you would be a good Exec


Active member
Feb 4, 2024

-Your lore is very lacking which is a red flag for me
-I have never seen you do good RP
-Seems to young to be a good Exec

However if you had more time into the server I would say you would be a good Exec
the lore is mainly a placeholder until my character bio gets approved and I'll work off of that. and what is your in-game name?

Dr. Ternith Plague

Active member
Dec 13, 2023

Greetings Mister John.

Unfortunately, your application for the position of Executive Researcher has been

Please contact me if you require any more information regarding your denial.
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