John the Ripper - MaxNet Edition


Active member
Aug 26, 2023
H3110 411!

I spy with my little eye, something beginning with "A"... That's right it's "another library"!

This library can automatically decipher all possible hashes returned by bf_password. This has been tested for about 2 hours with no failures!

Yes, that means you can automatically decipher passwords. Supports numbers in both types of ciphers.

It also includes some helpful functions.


1. Copy the John code.
2. Place it on your Maxnet account.
3. Compile it with mnscript compile John.msc John
4. Use it with include.


They are all included in the John class. Return types are before the function name.
string John.AsciiToString(string ciphertext) - Turns comma separated ASCII values to an actual string.
string John.StringToAscii(string plaintext) - Turns a string into comma separated ASCII values.
string John.CaesarShift(string text, number offset) - Caesar shifts a string by the specified offset.
bool John.ContainsWordFromList(string[] wordlist, string str) - Returns if a string contains a value from the array.
StringResult John.Decipher(string ciphertext) - The one you want. Returns a string result containing the deciphered string (or an error). This supports comma separated ASCII values and Caesar shifts.

Example Usage​

using Console;
include "John.mscx";

John John = new John();

StringResult res1 = John.Decipher("78,101,118,101,114,71,111,110,110,97,71,105,118,101,89,111,117,85,112");
StringResult res2 = John.Decipher("Zsskpip33x"); // This is a Caesar shift, so it must contain a valid word.

// Check the string results here.

Console.WriteLine(res1.GetString()); // Outputs "NeverGonnaGiveYouUp"
Console.WriteLine(res2.GetString()); // Outputs "Vooglel33t"


You stole my idea!
- Hydro (probably)

using Array;
using Console;
using String;
using System;
using Util;
class John {
    string[] _wordlist = ["Apple", "Banana", "Ben", "Cameron", "CGSF", "Chan", "Chicken", "Christmas", "Civil", "Company", "Dash", "David", "Deadblawer", "Egg", "Eggy", "Europe", "Family", "Foster", "Green", "Hacker", "Holiday", "Jackie", "Jackson", "Kevin", "Keyboard", "l33t", "MaxNet", "Meghan", "Mitchel", "Mole", "Orange", "Patrick", "Paul", "Pie", "Pink", "Plane", "Planet", "Plank", "Purple", "Quazar", "Rainbow", "Red", "Richard", "Shadow", "Shadown", "Skeleton", "Sparkle", "Star", "Terry", "Therisa", "Turkey", "Twilight", "Voogle", "Voshiba", "Vunescape", "Wing", "Yellow", "Zealot"];
    constructor() {
        // Please keep these credits in :)
        Console.WriteLine("John the Ripper - MaxNet edition by Anthony Fuller.");
    function<string> AsciiToString(string ciphertext) {
        if (Util.IsNull(ciphertext)) { return ""; }
        // Doing it this way is still faster than using an array.
        // This may not intuitively make sense, but there's a few reasons for this:
        // 1. There's less amount of "fake lag".
        // 2. The actual ASCII conversion is handled by Lua directly (we also don't have to worry about incomplete ASCII tables).
        // It's also cleaner.
        string[] strBytes = String.Split(ciphertext, ",");
        number len = Array.Length(strBytes);
        number[] bytes = new number[len];
        number i = 1;
        while (i <= len) {
            bytes[i] = Util.ToNumber(strBytes[i]);
            i = i + 1;
        return String.Chars(bytes);
    function<string> StringToAscii(string plaintext) {
        if (Util.IsNull(plaintext)) { return ""; }
        number[] bytes = String.Bytes(plaintext, 1, String.Length(plaintext));
        return String.Concat(bytes, ",");
    function<string> CaesarShift(string text, number offset) {
        if (Util.IsNull(text)) { return ""; }
        if (Util.IsNull(offset)) { return ""; }
        while (offset < 0) { offset = offset + 26; }
        offset = offset % 26;
        // Technically should never be 26 when we get here, but just in case.
        if (offset == 0 || offset == 26) { return text; }
        number[] bytes = String.Bytes(text, 1, String.Length(text));
        number len = Array.Length(bytes);
        number[] cipher = new number[Array.Length(bytes)];
        number i = 1;
        while (i <= len) {
            number byte = bytes[i];
            if (byte >= 97 && byte <= 122) { // Lowercase
                // Thanks to Shrimp for this idea!
                cipher[i] = 97 + ((byte - 97 + offset) % 26);
            } else if (byte >= 65 && byte <= 90) { // Uppercase
                // Thanks to Shrimp for this idea!
                cipher[i] = 65 + ((byte - 65 + offset) % 26);
            } else { // Not an alphabetical character, just add it anyway.
                cipher[i] = byte;
            i = i + 1;
        return String.Chars(cipher);
    function<bool> ContainsWordFromList(string[] wordlist, string str) {
        if (Util.IsNull(wordlist)) { return false; }
        if (Util.IsNull(str)) { return false; }
        number len = Array.Length(wordlist);
        number i = 1;
        while (i <= len) {
            if (String.Contains(str, wordlist[i])) { return true; }
            i = i + 1;
        return false;
    function<StringResult> Decipher(string ciphertext) {
        if (Util.IsNull(ciphertext)) { return new StringResult(false, "Ciphertext is null!"); }
        if (String.Contains(ciphertext, ",")) {
            // This is a "getchar" string, simple.
            return new StringResult(true, AsciiToString(ciphertext));
        // It's Caesar shifted, so we have to use the wordlist.
        number offset = -5;
        while (offset <= 5) {
            if (offset == 0) { offset = offset + 1; continue; }
            string shifted = CaesarShift(ciphertext, offset);
            if (ContainsWordFromList(_wordlist, shifted)) { return new StringResult(true, shifted); }
            offset = offset + 1;
        return new StringResult(false, "Could not decipher string.");

If you have any questions or issues, let me know!
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