Johnathan Doe's Special Agent Application

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Johnathan Doe

Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Jan 31, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:543788795​

Discord name: Johnathan Doe​

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Almost 2 years now.​

Age: 24​

In what country are you located?: United States​

Time zone: Eastern Standard​

Character name(s): Johnathan Doe | Nikoli Pekovich​

Civilian name: Johnathan Doeman​

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA​

Do you have a mic?: Yes​

What are your total levels?: Combat 32 | D-Class 37 | Research 28 | SCP 18 | Support 32 | Total 147​

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF E-11 CPL | GSD Captain | CI-G | Ethics Assistant | 096 | Senior Agent | 22415​

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?

How long have you been a Senior Agent for?
2 months​

Why are you applying for Special Agent?
I am applying for Special Agent for several reasons. I've grown to enjoy External Affairs and would like to help be apart of the growth and development of said department. I know a good bit of our Special Agents and have a good relationship with most inside of our department. I want to take the steps towards moving up the ladder to help guide some of our newer agents and provide entertaining and good RP for those in our department. I want to help assist in updating or suggesting updates to our handbooks and OOC documentation. Overall, I'm applying for special agent so I can make a bigger impact on External Affairs and help guide newer agents.​

What makes you suitable for Special Agent?:
I believe I am a great fit for Special Agent due to my knowledge of our guidelines and server rules. I know our policies, I know our procedures, I know how to be a CL4 in this department. I'm an active player, I know how to hold tryouts with integrity. I know how to guide and assist other people. I have never missed a quota and do not intend on doing so if their is said quota. I can make an impact to External Affairs given the opportunity.​

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
Over nearly a year and a half I've probably written well over 100 documents. A good document consists of -​
  1. Title Page​
  2. Index if needed​
  3. Clean and organized​
  4. Following some sort of format​
  5. Clear and decisive writing with a true objective​
  6. Summary Page​
  7. Grammar​

What are the responsibilities of the Special Agent in RP?:
* Tryouts for new agents
* Trainings for existing agents
* Observing and reporting behaviors
* Permits for MC&D
* Being a role model
* Normal DEA activities

Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Special Agent Johnathan Doe
- Agent Doe woke up one evening in his bunks as normal. Put on his uniform and gathered his equipment and prepared for the day to come. He was all suited up and about to leave the External Affairs office when the Department Director walked in and wanted to speak. The Department Director told Johnathan that CI has stolen some critical documents and we must get it back. He needed Johnathan to prepare a team of agents and preform a heist of said documentation. Johnathan radios in to his agents to get to surface for a briefing. The agents and Johnathan arrive on surface where Johnathan gives a briefing on the situation and mission at hand. He informs the agents that he didn't want a siege.. he needed a well executed heist that wouldn't cause too much ruckus. The devised a plan to use chemicals the CI gave in exchange for hostages earlier in the month! Three Agents would be stationed on the hill behind CI's base and an assigned agent would use this chemical and walk into CI's base, grab the stolen documents and return to the Foundation. The debrief is now over, Johnathan commands the agents to their positions. No combat was to had on surface, everything was ready. Johnathan instructed the Agent to take the chemical and exfil as soon as possible. Johnathan sat and waited as he watched his Agent enter CI base. You could hear the yelling and gunfire from outside, it was chaos. Our agent runs back out with the documents in his hands! CI following closely in behind Johnathan orders his agents to open fire. CI was flanked, they had lost their stolen documents and in attempts to recover lost many men. Johnathan completed his mission and debriefed his agents.​
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