Jonny 'Bear' Hartman's ECM Application [US]

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Nov 16, 2024
Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
~900 hours


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

Character name(s):
Jonny 'Bear' Hartman - Foundation
Howard 'Bulwark' - GOC
'Bulwark' [MSL-M] - MC&D

Civilian name:
Jon Howard

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

- Director of Medicine [Holding]
- Consultant [Held]
- Combat Medic [Holding]

- UNGOC Attache [Holding]
- UNGOC SGT [Holding]

- E-11 SPC [Holding]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

- 1x namecon warn for trying to call myself 'The Jew'.
Despite being that I am, I understand now why this wasn't okay within the context of the server.

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:

- Ethics Committee Member:
Why am I applying for this role? I want to be part of something bigger and be in a role where I can reach out to help more people. I want to help guide and improve the RP of all players in the site. In the wise words of a certain man "There is always a bigger fish" During my tenure so far in a SR.CL4 position I have gotten a taste of guiding RP within the medical department, and I absolutely love it. I have often had to combat the unethical doctors trying to perform heinous surgeries, ensure the ethical treamtent of all patients coming into medbay, or prevent them from performing unethical testing and so much more. So far I believe I have done a good job in conjunction with my counterpart, I.e. the other Director of Medical. I have gotten extremely familiar with the Code of Ethics in general during my time on site. I have even held presentations for medical personnel on all codes pertaining specifically to them and their line of work. I have always been an advocate for the Code of Ethics and stress it during any trainings I have held with my personnel. But, more than just that I have stressed the ethical treatment of our D-Class and our SCPs. I have encouraged my personnel to perform frequent visits and checkups on sentient SCPs and pushed my CL4s to take on some D-Class trustee assistants. I have a genuine and vested interest in making sure that the time people put in is rewarded with fun, yet serious and engaging RP, so long as they follow the Code of Ethics and uphold the standards of professionalism that are dear to the Foundation.

What makes you the best candidate for the
Ethics Committee?:

I must say this with a grain of salt, I always believe that there is a better person for the job. There will always be someone with more experience, more knowledge, or more tenure. However, I believe, it is more about the potential anddrive that I have to perform the job not just to standard but, above the standard. I don't believe that you could find someone with more enthusiam and genuine work ethic to put into their role than myself. Currently I hold a Sr CL4 role as a Director of Medicine and a Junior CL4 role as an UNGOC Attache, and although I wouldn't consider myself tenured, I have garnered a lot of good experience and knowledge that would, I believe, allow me to perform my duties as an ECM above the standard. I can throw on the uniform on any department I am a part of and have leadership know that I can perform my duties with little or no direction, well. I also know that I can take any criticism well and appreciate any well throughout guidance I am given on how to genuinely perform these roles better. We as humans are fallible, it is in our nature. But, with the Code of Ethics at our back, we can ensure that at least everyone, SCPs included, are ensured protections when that fallibility shows its head and someone suffers because of it. Also, my availability, I still have a life outside of the server but, I am semi-retired am I am able to responsive to the needs of people on the site or with staff.

As an addendum here, before I continue, I would like to mention something else. I have an acronym that I follow, and it has done me well in every aspect of every undertaking I have made from when I first learned it from being in the U.S. Army to even now and will continue through to the future. That acronym is L.D.R.S.H.I.P. (LEADERSHIP), and here is what it means to me.

(L)oyalty - Loyalty is a duty one has to one's team. How far they are willing to go to protect their people. It is not something that is given but, earned. Through hard work and showing your team you can be there for them.

(D)uty - Remember that people look up to you, and that it is your job to guide them. Make time to mentor and make time to a not just answer question but, ask your own so you may be able to improve overall.

(R)espect - Everyone you meet has their own life, with their own problems. Try to make concessions when you can and understand the point from which someone else is approaching you. Be human and be kind, yet stern so that you are respecting yourself as well.

(S)ervice - If you can help someone, or provide something to someone, especially when it is no real inconvenience to yourself, do it. "If I have something, I will give something. And even when I have nothing to give, you can have my time."

(H)onor - Hold youself to a higher standard, be professional. Maintain to others that you have the capacity to be of good mind and heart. Represent well any organization that you are a part of and try to better it.

(I)ntegrity - Be of good standing, do not harm, do not seek to dodge your wrongdoings. Own up to making a mistake and try to always do the right thing when nobody is looking. Help those that need it. Be an example of good virtue so that as a leader people can look up to you as an example to follow.

(P)erseverance - The going will not always be easy. The seas will be rough. Stick it out. Don't abandon what is difficult, attack it from different viewpoints. The sting of hardship makes the sweetness of overcoming the odds so much more sweet

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:

- Here are some, if not all, of the ECM's responsibilities in RP:

Testing - Authorizing tests that may have the unfortunate side effect of someone, or an SCP being treated poorly or exposed to unreasonable harm, ensuring safeties to prevent those outcomes.

Auditing - Working with ISD in ensuring departments and leaders are making a conscious effort to follow and uphold the Code of Ethics.

Departments - Ensuring department leaders have everything they need to excel and perform their duties down to the lowest levels and assisting with any expansions such as sub-regiments.

Tasks - Making tasks and duties for departments and Omega-1 to ensure they stay engaged.

Situational orders - I.e. Authorizing AA, KOS past airlock, code blacks, and mass termination of D-Block when the right conditions are met.

Work permits - Assisting with work permit authorization if needed.

Last resort - Authorizing ERT and in the worst-case scenario, nuking the site.

Leading and being an example - If the rest of the site comes to see an ECM violating their own code, inevitable they would not want to follow it. Be an example, uphold the Code.

Meetings - Conducting meetings with SR CL4 personnel to keep up with anything major going on

Mediation - Possibly mediating between departments over any issues that are causing said departments not to function well with each other

Code Violations and Tribunals - Ensuring that gross Code of Ethics violations are dealt with and bring them to tribunal

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

- Reviewing, voting on, and appointing ISD Director applications
- Reviewing, voting on, and appointing Ethics assistants
- Responding to demotion appeals if they have been elevated to a higher level

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:

As always, thank you for your time and consideration in viewing my application, see you on site!
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Nov 22, 2022
+ Massive Support
This man gets things done. He has a ton of patience and juggles the endless work without getting overwhelmed or making it others peoples problems. In his time as Medical director, he as already helped the medical regiment go so far. Puts an effort into everything and doesn't take the job lightly. I Never witnessed any foul-play from him, he knows how to be empathetic with people and I have no doubt he'd be an excellent ECM.


Game Master
Game Master
May 13, 2024
+Support THE Best DoM I've seen in a long time, and an absolute fantastic mentor towards me, great guy who would do amazing as an ECM


Well-known Member
Aug 25, 2024
+/- Support

I’ve had mixed experiences with you, and just to be clear, this is all based on my interactions with you in character, nothing personal, boss. I’m a blunt and honest person, so I’m just going to speak the truth.

The first time we crossed paths, I was playing as Chaos Insurgency Deep Cover. I kidnapped and killed you to steal your keycard and disguise. Instead of rolling with it like most people would, you came back almost immediately, going off about "important documents" and threatened to drag me into a sit room. You got really angry over something that wasn’t a big deal. Honestly, it was pretty over the top.

Since then, I’ve had some better experiences with you where you didn’t immediately threaten a sit room, but that first impression stuck. You tend to overreact to things that aren’t that serious. I get that you take it seriously, but at the end of the day, it’s a video game. It’s not the end of the world if something doesn’t go your way.

Nothing personal, just my honest take based on what I’ve seen.
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Nov 16, 2024
+/- Support

I’ve had mixed experiences with you, and just to be clear, this is all based on my interactions with you in character, nothing personal, boss. I’m a blunt and honest person, so I’m just going to speak the truth.

The first time we crossed paths, I was playing as Chaos Insurgency Deep Cover. I kidnapped and killed you to steal your keycard and disguise. Instead of rolling with it like most people would, you came back almost immediately, going off about "important documents" and threatened to drag me into a sit room. You got really angry over something that wasn’t a big deal. Honestly, it was pretty over the top.

Since then, I’ve had some better experiences with you where you didn’t immediately threaten a sit room, but that first impression stuck. You tend to overreact to things that aren’t that serious. I get that you take it seriously, but at the end of the day, it’s a video game. It’s not the end of the world if something doesn’t go your way.

Nothing personal, just my honest take based on what I’ve seen.

Oh yeah, man, I was REALLY frustrated. I honestly did not care at all that you were taking my disguise and card, I wish I could say its happened to me less often, actually. In the clip I have, I practically begged you guys to let me put the 10+ documents I had on me into a filing cabinet, and y'all could've just came with me and rolled with it, even though I somewhat understand why you wouldn't. As a DC you're just trying to get the best disguise possible as quickly as possible and why would you trust me? I was just in the middle of reorganizing stuff after becoming DoM and those were docs that were irreplaceable. Sure man, at the end of the day, it is just a game but, when you put time and effort into anything you don't want to see it go to waste, its frustrating. I'm only human, after all. I still appreciate your honesty though, thanks man!
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Nov 16, 2024
-/+ Support.

If you can list what you have accomplished as DoM, then I will change to an +Support.
>Some of our projects are currently ongoing, some small and some large but, I will list everything below:
- The rebirth of the CM sub regiment 'G-1 or Guardian Angels'. [In progress and coordinating with multiple departments such as E-11 and O-1, aiming for March to launch]
- Reorganization and overhaul of the storage system medical uses for physical documents, now in excess of 300+ documents [Completed]
- Reqs being put in place for consultants, as they need more tasks to do other than, and I quote one consultant 'Sit around medbay and wait for people to heal.' [Reqs are going in place tonight]
- Overhaul of the requirements to apply for consultant. Similar to the requirements for Exec Researcher, we will be adding the requirement that -Sr.Doctors need to have completed minimum 1 psych eval, 1 surgery, and 1 physical eval and submit a document for each to be graded before an applications acceptance.
- The successful addition of a CL3 door to inner medbay to reinforce the practice that site members must be escorted by medical or receive permission before entering, unless stated otherwise in the site access guidelines. We have had plethora of issues regarding misuse of medical equipment and facilities, even had one person drink 130+ liters of chems/cures from our communal fridges. This has cut down on these activites to almost none.
- Forum suggestion approved to expand the crediting powers of medical CL4 to include D-Class and GSD, although it has not been implemented yet. Hopefully soon!
- Expansion of the Consultant sub classes to include three slots instead of two to give more Consultants a chance at doing something they are interested in
- External relations has been brought back and contracts have been signed with almost every department, allowing each department's CL3+ combative personnel entry to our CM armory, and granted everyone access during certain codes.
- While I feel this one SHOULDN'T have to be said, I have made it specifically clear that lobotomies are NOT to be performed without first consulting a DoM or Ethics on the matter, it is highly situational.
- A project given by one Site Inspector to 'Kill 096'. [Completed with assistance from GOC and 914]
- Hosting weekly blood drives in medbay, although sometimes nobody shows up [ :( ]
- Psychological project entailing CL4 members of site from another Site inspector. [In progress and almost completed with the assistance of two very good consultants]
- Creation/overhaul of multiple medical documents to include, addiction treatment, some surgery docs, guided therapy sessions, probationary medical license restoration, to list a few
- Giving every opportunity I have time to take on a D-Class trustee as a medical assistant
- Overhaul of the medical roster to include activity trackers for CL4, and constant updates to pages that were not being actively used such as fridge logs
- Constant updates to the medical departments google website whenever policy changes or if I find something out of date
- Visits and more coordination with UK counterparts to give each other good suggestions and ideas, hopefully we will be getting a visit from them soon :)
- Assisting CMs with HVT training and how to protect their CL4s
- Updating the medical license training tape [Ongoing due to needing to confirm certain policies]
- Implementation of Bi-Weekly medical leadership meetings [In-progress]
- Recommending people for awards that perform admirably in their duties
- Changing the Doctor/D-Class of the month to Doctor/Combat Medic of the month. We have had a lull in Trustees requesting permits for medical and simply didn't/Don't have enough to vote for
- Just as well, as my base duties I am still treating patients, performing surgeries, as well as training Doctors, CMs, and new Consultants.

I hope that this has given a good idea of a majority of things I have done or assisted with so far, as one of the US DoMs. I may be missing some things but, I think this response may be too long as it is, LOL.
None of this would be possible without those who work under me as well, so if they see this, thank you Medical!
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>Some of our projects are currently ongoing, some small and some large but, I will list everything below:
- The rebirth of the CM sub regiment 'G-1 or Guardian Angels'. [In progress and coordinating with multiple departments such as E-11 and O-1, aiming for March to launch]
- Reorganization and overhaul of the storage system medical uses for physical documents, now in excess of 300+ documents [Completed]
- Reqs being put in place for consultants, as they need more tasks to do other than, and I quote one consultant 'Sit around medbay and wait for people to heal.' [Reqs are going in place tonight]
- Overhaul of the requirements to apply for consultant. Similar to the requirements for Exec Researcher, we will be adding the requirement that -Sr.Doctors need to have completed minimum 1 psych eval, 1 surgery, and 1 physical eval and submit a document for each to be graded before an applications acceptance.
- The successful addition of a CL3 door to inner medbay to reinforce the practice that site members must be escorted by medical or receive permission before entering, unless stated otherwise in the site access guidelines. We have had plethora of issues regarding misuse of medical equipment and facilities, even had one person drink 130+ liters of chems/cures from our communal fridges. This has cut down on these activites to almost none.
- Forum suggestion approved to expand the crediting powers of medical CL4 to include D-Class and GSD, although it has not been implemented yet. Hopefully soon!
- Expansion of the Consultant sub classes to include three slots instead of two to give more Consultants a chance at doing something they are interested in
- External relations has been brought back and contracts have been signed with almost every department, allowing each department's CL3+ combative personnel entry to our CM armory, and granted everyone access during certain codes.
- While I feel this one SHOULDN'T have to be said, I have made it specifically clear that lobotomies are NOT to be performed without first consulting a DoM or Ethics on the matter, it is highly situational.
- A project given by one Site Inspector to 'Kill 096'. [Completed with assistance from GOC and 914]
- Hosting weekly blood drives in medbay, although sometimes nobody shows up [ :( ]
- Psychological project entailing CL4 members of site from another Site inspector. [In progress and almost completed with the assistance of two very good consultants]
- Creation/overhaul of multiple medical documents to include, addiction treatment, some surgery docs, guided therapy sessions, probationary medical license restoration, to list a few
- Giving every opportunity I have time to take on a D-Class trustee as a medical assistant
- Overhaul of the medical roster to include activity trackers for CL4, and constant updates to pages that were not being actively used such as fridge logs
- Constant updates to the medical departments google website whenever policy changes or if I find something out of date
- Visits and more coordination with UK counterparts to give each other good suggestions and ideas, hopefully we will be getting a visit from them soon :)
- Assisting CMs with HVT training and how to protect their CL4s
- Updating the medical license training tape [Ongoing due to needed to confirm certain policies]
- Implementation of Bi-Weekly medical leadership [In-progress]
- Recommending people for awards that perform admirably in their duties
- Changing the Doctor/D-Class of the month to Doctor/Combat Medic of the month. We have had a lull in Trustees requesting permits for medical and simply didn't/Don't have enough to vote for
- Just as well, as my base duties I am still treating patients, performing surgeries, as well as training Doctors, CMs, and new Consultants.

I hope that this has given a good idea of a majority of things I have done or assisted with so far, as one of the US DoMs. I may be missing some things but, I think this response may be too long as it is, LOL.
None of this would be possible without those who work under me as well, so if they see this, thank you Medical!

promoted from good viber to very big man viber
-i like medical
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