Jonquontavius Tiggle The 3rd's GSD Captain Application

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Aug 26, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:569500739

Discord name: Jonquavius Tiggle The 3rd

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2 months

Age: 12

In what country are you located?: Canada

Time zone: PST

Character name(s): Foundation; Jonquontavius Tiggle The 3rd. CI; "Tiggle"

Civilian name: Joe Bob.

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes

-List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

CI Alpha, Holding.
Nu-7 SPC, Holding.
Riot Response Team License
Heavy Weapons License

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: None

Why are you applying for Security Captain?

I am applying for the position of Security Captain because I am deeply committed to the mission and values of the SCP Foundation.

My experience and expertise in security management, coupled with my dedication to upholding Foundation protocols, make me well-prepared to take on the responsibilities of Security Captain. I understand that this role is not just about enforcing security measures but also about fostering a culture of vigilance and readiness within the security teams.

As a Riot Sergeant, I am well-versed in the management of security personnel and the coordination of responses to potential threats. I have successfully led teams in handling situations that require swift and effective responses, which will be invaluable in my role as Security Captain.

I am eager to contribute to the continued success of the Foundation by ensuring that our sites remain secure, our personnel are protected, and our vital mission of containment, including the management of security teams and responses to anomalies, remains uncompromised.

I have also tried to be more professional, a week ago I was not taking my job seriously, now that people have mentioned this to me, I have strived to be more professional to everyone around the site.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:

Managing Gensec
Ordering Sweeps
Code of Conduct, Legal Codex, and Code of Ethics
Hosting Tryouts
The main job of a Security Captain is to manage the gensec, along with the department director, the Captain makes sure all operations go smoothly within the facility. They oversee all of gensec.
The Security Captain also orders sweeps. When a code 2 is called, A Captain, Chief, Ethics Committee, Site Administration, and Site command can authorize a sweep, the Captain gives duties for each of the Gensec. Ex. Vent Team, this usually consists of 2 people. bathroom Team, and restraining D class.
Gensec Captains also have to make sure all of their Cadets, Officers, and Sergeants are following the Legal Codex, Code of Conduct, and the code of ethics, they will report the offending officer to an IA Agent, preferably with a clip of the incident.
Another job of the Gensec Captain is hosting tryouts, this can be For, RRT (Riot Response team) HWL (Heavy weapons license) and sometimes AXO and Alef 6.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:

"I am applying for the position of Security Captain, as believe my qualifications and experiences make me highly suitable for this role. With a background that includes serving as a Nu-7 Private, DEA Agent, IA Agent, my commitment to the mission and values of the SCP Foundation is unwavering.

My journey within the Foundation has been marked by a deep dedication to maintaining security, upholding ethical standards, and fostering a culture of vigilance. I have progressed from roles such as a Technician to a DEA (Department of External Affairs) agent.

As a Riot Sergeant, I have successfully managed security teams and coordinated responses to high-stress situations, demonstrating my leadership and crisis management skills. This experience equips me with the ability to make sound decisions under pressure and ensure the safety of Foundation personnel.

Additionally, my dedication to maintaining the highest levels of security and confidentiality aligns perfectly with the responsibilities of a Security Captain. My background also includes exposure to the sensitive role of D-Class personnel in containment procedures, reinforcing my understanding of the unique challenges faced by the Foundation.

My journey within the SCP Foundation has equipped me with a comprehensive understanding of security protocols, containment procedures, and the complexities of managing security teams. I am ready to lead, train, and collaborate with our security teams to face the unique challenges presented by the anomalous world and to maintain the utmost confidentiality and security in all Foundation operations.

In summary, my qualifications, experiences, and unwavering commitment to the SCP Foundation's mission make me a strong candidate for the position of Security Captain. I am eager to contribute to the continued success of the Foundation by ensuring that our sites remain secure, our personnel are protected, and our vital mission of containment and security remains uncompromised.

I am also very active, I am able to play 3-5 hours a day on this server alone.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:

The Security Captain oversees the whole security team. They are one of the highest ranks in the security department, just under the chief of security. Security Captain's, also lead, train, and collaborate with our security teams to face the challenges of, managing D-Class, and hosting tryouts for RRT License And HW License. I have also tried to be more professional than I was before.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:


Jonquontavius Tiggle The 3rd was born in the village of Pinewood in Northern Canada. His familial connection to the SCP Foundation played a pivotal role in his career choice. With his father already serving as a Security Captain within the Foundation, Jonquontavius Tiggle The 3rd was exposed to the organization's inner workings from a young age. This exposure kindled a deep fascination with the Foundation's mission, ethics, and the pursuit of knowledge in the face of the anomalous.

Current workings:

Today, Jonquontavius Tiggle The 3rd holds the role of a Riot Sergeant within the SCP Foundation. His career progression from a Technician to a Riot Sergeant signifies his dedication to the Foundation's mission and his unwavering commitment to its core values.

In his current capacity, Tiggle plays a crucial role in fortifying the Foundation's security against potential threats including but not limited to; Class-D management, including managing riots, and escorting tests. He also Is deeply involved in the foundations security.

Steven [A-6 Commander}

Active member
Sep 12, 2023
very young
does not follow gensec orders properly
argues with superior officers frequently
responses do seem ai generated

+ No warnings/bans
+ Application is well-formatted and looks good
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