Joris Bohnsons 1st Medical Consultant App (USA)

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Sep 10, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:148320326
Discord name: buildershammer
For how long have you played on CG SCP: A few months now
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: Northern Ireland
Time zone: BST
Character name(s):
Foundation: Joris Bohnson
GOC: London
Civilian name: Jaxson Brown
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Executive Researcher
Combat Medic

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-I have 1 Warning for RDM(B) it happened back when I was getting into the server. I do not dispute this

Why are you applying for Medical Consultant?
-I am applying for Medical Consultant as I enjoy medical Rp and feel it has a lot to offer. I also feel like it is a position I can do well in as I enjoy, and am skilled at, Roleplaying. This is something which a Consultant should be able to do. Additonally I enjoy interacting with the current Medical Leadership team and I believe I could make a good additon. Finally, I am applying as I feel as though I would be able to help new players begin to enjoy medical by presenting it as a Fun Department for those who enjoy Rp, and not just "Clicking Medkits on injured people Simulator".

What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?:
-I believe that I am suitable for Medical Consultant as I have good knowledge of sicknesses and medical proccedures in game. Additonally, I have expiereince with helping newer players as I am also currently an Executive Researcher. This means that I am involved in helping new players (Specifically Jr Researchers and sometimes Thaumologists) learn how to do their specific roles. And recently I have began helping other people involved in the medical team, such as showing Trainees how to test for broken limbs and use a medical cabinet. I also have expierience in the duties of a Combat Medic and I help keep people alive during combative situations. This means I have a wide understanding off the duties which the Medical Department needs to perform on a daily basis.
As well as that, I have conducted Several Psyche Evals on several patients, which gave me expierience on how to properly write up a Psyche Eval and use several forms of In-Rp activities to help them (Such as recommending a GSD Guard looks into becoming a Response Unit so they have more varied activities)

Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:
Dealing with a Broken Limb
1. Take the Patient into lower medbay and have them lay on the scanner
2. Read the display to see which Limb is broken (With your left being the machines right)
3. Once you have identified which limb is broken, access a Medical Cabinet with the !Medic command
4. Either buy a preemade cure, or make one yourself (E.g, Get a flask and put the appropriate drugs inside it, after that drop it against an empty drug pot to make hte cure)
5. Have the Patient ingest the cure and their broken limb will be fixed, it may be ideal to scan them again just to make 100% sure that all limbs are non-broken

What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?:
-Perhaps the most importiant responsability of a Medical Consultant is to help people join the medical department. This would mainly consist of holding Medical Liscense tryouts and giving advice to anyone who needs it. Consultants are also responsible for whitelisting Combat Medics to allow them access to their gear. As well as that Consultants are also in charge of managing Medbay and dealing with major sickness outbreaks. For example, Consultants would likely be heavily invovled in combating a Common Cold Outbreak within Dblock.

Consultants would also be responsible for In-Rp surgeries, medical evaluations or Psyche Evals on high importiance Site Personnel (For example, a Consultant may be asked by a Site Director to Psyche Eval a Site Administrator if they feel they are acting chaotically)

Finally, Consultants would also co operate with Research Leadership for Certian high importiance experiments, for example. A disection of a 008-1 Instance. And would also be in charge of authorizing certian usage of SCP-500, such as using it for a 008 test

Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
-Joris Bohnson started work at the Foundation as a Researcher, however he was able to quickly advance through the ranks to reach Executive. However, he found that just being an Executive was very tiring on his mental Health, as such he looked into partaking in other careers besides the Research Department, and due to his general dislike of comabt but desire to help people. He soon gravitated towards the Medical Department. During his time there he has found that he is greatly enjoying it. So he has decided he will attempt to become a Medical Consultant in order to help the Medical Department to its fullest extent.

As for stories Joris would be involved in, I am ready and willing to try out a wide variety of stories with him to see what I enjoy and can do well at
Feb 27, 2023

To: Joris Bohnson
From: Dpt Director Coral Lycensoft
Subject: Application Accepted

Dear @Joris "Brexit" Bohnson , thank you for applying for the position. We in the medical team have reviewed your application, and will be accepting your application to our team. The medical leadership team have agreed that you are ready for the next step in your journey through medical ranks. I hope your day goes well. Please reach out to me soon via Email.

- Dpt Director Coral Lycensoft.

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