Josh's Cheif of Security Application [US]

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Nov 20, 2022
in your walls
Steam ID
Discord name
Onion Main#6858
For how long have you played on CG SCP
328 hours
In what country are you located?
Time zone

Character name(s)
"Josh" [AXO-HOP] / "Onion”, Josh “Drug Lord”
Civilian name
Josh Abrams
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA)
Do you have a mic?
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held
Nu-7 CPL (prior), O-1 SPC (current), CI-G (current), Security Captain (current)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?

Why are you applying for the Chief of Security?
I believe there are many places where Gensec can be improved. I have started helping out as a captain but there is much more I’m capable of doing as a chief. For example: More control over documentation, training , and captain management. I feel like I can make great changes with Nexus if I am accepted. I've seen many unprepared and inexperienced Gensec try to do something demanding like a sweep and end up failing due to just not understanding the situation and what's required of them. Not knowing about covering bathrooms, not letting d class jump over them at the gates, walking into airlock to return d-class, and more. In a chief position with more control over Gensec as a whole, I can implement bigger changes that can have a positive effect on how Gensec is run as well as what Sergeants and Captains are capable of doing. Gensec needs more good captains and though the AXO program has produced some really good ones (including me) I think we can do better. Especially with the increased D-Class rioting recently, captains as well as sergeants really need to know what they’re doing during a code 2. Because Gensec is so important to protecting the site as a whole because of D-Class, I want to help improve and develop Gensec to become a formidable force to the D-Class instead of a free keycard and weapon machine.

What makes you suitable for Chief of Security?:
I’ve been in the AXO program under Robin and Nexus since its inception, helping newer members of Gensec from the beginning. Through my time as the Assistant and Head of Program for AXO, I’ve helped with training some great captains and sergeants and have taught many people outside of the AXO program proper procedures when it comes to regular D-Block duties and sweeping. Most sweeps under my watch have been successful. I’ve given my input on challenges facing Gensec as a whole and what can be done to change it and I think I’m capable of implementing them. On top of that, my time in O-1 and as a mod have helped me spot and differentiate whether or not an infraction is an ethical issue or a staff issue which helps keep Gensec clean and ethical. I’ve dealt with many disrespectful and improper Gensec though IA, staff, and job ban punishments. I know the server rules, Code of Ethics, and Code of Conduct well and can enforce them quickly to reduce the amount of issues someone breaking any of them can cause for other players.

What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Security in RP?:
Since chiefs lead the entire division as a whole they must manage captains in charge of the most field work and determine how successful they are in upholding their duties. They are also in charge of managing tryout requirements as well as upkeeping Gensec documentation including the captain roster and master document. On top of that, they run the weekly senior Gensec meetings to discuss issues facing the division as well as how well the captains are doing and their progress.

Please give some lore about your Chief of Security character and what storylines they would be involved in.
Josh was born in Alaska and grew up in a military household. His father was enlisted and was constantly redeployed and every time, Josh and his mom were dragged along with him. Because of this Josh never made many friends since he would just end up leaving the area anyways. His dad always pushed him to follow a military schedule. Intense workouts and combat training even from a young age. He didn’t want to do it but he followed his dad’s orders. He loathed the military and the command structure as a whole and despised his father for constantly dragging him across countries and through hellish training. His only escape from his hated daily life was the sciences. He secluded himself from other people and buried himself in his studies. In college he took an interest in studying the anomalous. First starting with cryptids like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster but started to take notice of odd reports in the news. Bizarre anomalies that made no sense. People losing their memory in a forest. Corpses completely ripped to shreds to the point of being a puddle of gore. What caused these events? Josh thought hard and gained an interest in studying these strange events. He wanted to understand why these things were happening. One evening, however, he managed to see one of these anomalies in person.

He was relaxing in his apartment when something caught his eye. A man staring at him through a window without any hit of emotion. Like it was bored. This was an odd sight for him. Especially since he lived on the second floor of an apartment complex with no balcony. He was more perplexed than anything. Someone standing on thin air? That’s not right, he thought. But the realization slowly dawned on him and he started to get excited. He was able to finally see one of these strange anomalies in person. He started taking careful notes about the appearance of the man, reactions, anything that could be of use. The eyes of it staring at Josh the whole time. Tracking him. Satisfied with his initial notes. Josh decided to break the window. Thinking that might anger it and cause it to do something other than simply stare at him. The loud shattering sound spread throughout his small apartment. Louder than he had expected. He checked all of the other windows in the apartment and after seeing nothing, went to bed disappointed. At least he had finally seen something real. He knew his efforts weren’t wasted.

He woke up in a pitch dark room. Couldn’t see anything. Not even when he brought his hand right in front of his face. Odd. His room hadn’t been this dark even during the night. The sound of faint crying interrupted his thoughts. Who’s there? Is someone in my room? He stumbled and searched for a light switch. The crying was getting louder but he couldn’t determine where the source was. He kept feeling around until he reached a wall but found a mass of damp flesh first. What was this? He felt around some more. Someone’s… back? But who? He could hear the crying distinctly now. It was right in front of him. This is definitely someone’s back. “H-hello? Are you ok?” His fear was obvious in his voice. The crying started getting louder and turned into scouting, screaming. Louder and louder the voice of the creature rose. Josh stumbled backwards, terrified. What the fuck is this thing?! What’s going on?? He kept moving, getting as far away as he could and stumbled backwards, hitting his head on a wall. A wall! Light. Light. I need to defend myself. He shot up to his feet, legs still shaking and frantically searched for a switch. His fingers rubbing up against nothing but cool, hard metal. Metal…? I have bigger issues than that. His fingers were stopped but a bump on the wall. A switch. He pressed it and the room lit up. Brighter than anything Josh had seen before. Brighter than the sun itself. His eyes needed to adjust. He brought his hand up to block the light out of instinct but realizing this was a bad idea against a hostile, lowered it. Before him stood a monster like nothing he’d ever seen before. Hunched over. Screaming its lungs out. Louder than should have ever been possible. It filled his ears. His head. His very soul. It brought its bald, pale head up and looked at Josh, making eye contact with him. Its mouth hung inhumanly wide. Impossibly so. Its limbs stretched like hot plastic. The screaming continued. Managing to become even louder than before. Josh stood petrified. What the fuck is this thing?!?! Josh’s thoughts meant nothing as it started standing up. Before it had even come to full height, it charged at Josh. Its long legs made strides longer than Josh was tall. Closer and closer it got and Josh could do nothing but stand and watch. Its long arms reared back for an attack as it got close to Josh and took a massive swipe right at his face.

He woke up sweating and terrified. He looked around himself. Back in his bed. Back in his apartment. Still night out. A nightmare? I’m okay? His hands darted to his face and once he was sure everything was as it should, he relaxed. Not noticing the pounding on the door that he’d been hearing. The door suddenly slammed open to the sound of splintering wood. He ran to a window to look outside. A police raid? What had he done? As he got up he locked eyes with someone. The man. Back in another window. His blank stare was replaced by a mischievous grin. Josh slowly approached the window, puzzled. So it had reappeared. Is this why the police were at his door? Why he had a nightmare in the first place? His thoughts were interrupted by his bedroom door being opened. Roughly. Armed men swarmed into his room. They weren’t police. One of the men then knocked him out with the butt of their rifle. He woke up in a room he hadn’t seen before. A man in a suit sitting across a desk in front of him. That was how he was recruited by the Foundation. He had found his opportunity to study the unknown. He reveled in it, happy to do the work the Foundation needed. As he gained experience. He encountered more of the dangerous anomalies contained. He realized that the Foundation was the only thing protecting the public. He needed to protect the staff and civilians from these monsters. These thoughts circulated through his head and some of his friends for a few months until he was sat down again by the same shady people. He was asked to join the security force of the Foundation. They knew about his military background and wanted his help. Starting out from the bottom. He had to deal with the command structure he hated so much. He acted out at first but came to see it as necessary. Important. Structure kept people obedient. Listening to orders when needed. Tight structure was required for these kinds of dangers. His loathing turned into acceptance and he started to climb the ranks and prove himself to those above him.
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Active member
Dec 5, 2022
- Good interactions
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- Very good in combat
- Is dedicated to his roles

Man Manson

Civil Gamers Expert
May 17, 2021
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Records and Information Security Administration

From the Office of ████████
Regarding Chief of Security Applicant - Josh

Application Denied

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of Chief of Security.

Your application has been denied at this time. We have decided to go with another candidate at this time. You may reapply again in 2 weeks if a slot is avaliable.​
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