Kaiko's Second Gamemaster Application

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Well-known Member
May 28, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): welshlewis2
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: Since the start of May this year - vTime is roughly 6 days
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: Wales
Time zone: BST
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): MTF O-1 SGT 'Kaiko' Jaquavian
UNGOC name: UNGOC 1SGT 'Kaiko' Owens
Civilian name:
"Tokyo" - (Varies Often)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:85208066
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What server are you applying for?: SCP-RP UK
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
- No this is not my first application, As of current I have posted three applications. These being ;

*-1 https://www.civilgamers.com/community/threads/uk-kaikos-moderator-app.4143/

*-3 https://www.civilgamers.com/community/threads/uk-kaikos-gm-application.6271/

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Throughout my time on the server I have received a single warn for FearRP, this was due to my inexperience with this servers style of roleplay. I also have a single warn for FailRP. I have no other warns/bans which is a prime example of exactly this.

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
- I have got excellent experience as a Gamemaster in several communites, although both of which were StarWarsRP communities. Firstly, I was a GM on a small UK based CWRP server which has since been disbanded. The time I spent holding this position was extremely valuable to both myself and the playerbase of the server. This opportunity allowed me to learn a plethora of new features in the Garry's Mod "Q Menu" that I was blissfully unaware of beforehand, I maintained the position for around a month. After my short but valuable time on this server I moved onto a rather popular USA based CWRP server. After thoroughly enjoying my initial time in the community I put my then small skillset to use and applied for GM. Swiftly, it was accepted which kickstarted my second stint as GM. As I mentioned in my moderator application (*-1) I held this position for a lengthy 5-6 months in which I greatly developed my skills in GMOD, whether this was via improvements in my technical skills (building developed and intricate sets for my events) or even my communication skills and confidence as a whole, skills both clearly needed for leadership within an event. All together my time within the community was of great personal value, this vital role enabled me to communicate with players effectively, often assisting other Game Masters helping them build confidence in their event/storytelling skills along with guiding them on the technical side of things whilst also familiarising myself with GMOD and ULX commands.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
- I have extensive experience with serious roleplay throughout my 3000+ hours of GMOD playtime. I have held several high command positions across several servers, with me being a Medical Commander within a Clone Wars RP community. The simple fact that I held this roleplay heavy position proves both my creativity and undying ability to roleplay, as I'm sure many of you readers know, medical roleplay is not a simple category and requires great creativity and focus to partake in. I also have extensive experience in a militaristic setting as I held the position of "Shadow Colonel" on the larger Clone Wars RP server. This posting required both strong leadership and management skills to keep the regiment afloat, I held this position for a lengthy period of time before I stepped down. But the point remains, my creativity and roleplay skills were excellent, allowing me to host intricate trainings and develop battle deciding tactics amongst fellow officers. In regards to this current server, Civil Gamers SCP-RP, I maintain the position of E-11 CSG, A handpicked, Junior Officer position. The handpicked factor in itself proves my ability to partake in the server in a serious manor, but I also make use of my rank by leading the rest of E-11 to success in both breach situations and trainings designed by myself. I aspire to improve the quality of these very trainings with this new GM position.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:
- As I'm sure they do with most people, my playtime greatly varies. Whether it be 2 hours in a day or 10. It largely depends on the content of my day and my enthusiasm to play the server as I strive not to get burnt out.

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
- I aspire to be a Gamemaster on SCP-RP for a plethora of reasons . Firstly, as a former CSG in Epsilon-11 and a current member of Omega-1, I strive to make the gameplay experience as unique and interesting as possible, Therefore, as previously mentioned I would use my GM perks to develop and create interesting training situations and missions to keep the ranks of O-1 occupied in-between the usual schedule of Escorting > Patrolling > Escorting etc. Aside from Omega-1 I also believe that everybody in the server deserves equal opportunity to participate in events. For far too long I have seen certain groups in the facility get far more action event wise than others, these primarily being Alpha-1 and Omega-1 often partaking in events that don't even match their job description. As a GM I will ensure that there are events for everybody and that they actually cater to the qualities of RP that they should be partaking in. I also generally just want to make the server a better place, striking passive RP for certain groups that don't come under the category of large scale events but still engage the playerbase enough for them to comment positively on the scenario.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
As a Gamemaster on SCP-RP I will be able to make the quiet times more interesting, I believe I have a great ability to work both in a team but also alone meaning I can construct and display events whenever the server runs quiet and the opportunity calls for it. As a result of this I believe I can bring order to the chaos throughout the later hours of the evening, by giving the D-Class objectives when their nightly escapes occur or even constructing areas on surface to make interesting scenarios out of thin air to occupy the lower player counts during the twilight hours. But most of all I believe I am special over other applicants due to my extensive and valuable past experience in this exact position. Although it has been a decent time since I last held my GM positions 2020/2021, I can guarantee you that I will rapidly readjust to the posting and be in action shortly after the role is received.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
The Heist :
Word has spread throughout Site-65's surrounding counties, a military base, unaffiliated, is sat just off of the side of the rundown, forgotten town known as pinewood. Word about what one may ask? Money, lots of it. An upcoming group of infamous criminals from a nearby city have caught wind of this mighty score just at their finger tips. Yes, you thought right, they are hitting the foundation's reserve.

A group of criminals dressed in the standard bank robbery attire infiltrate the facility with the goal of hitting the reserve, Will they get past the traps? But most importantly will they make the daring escape after the alarms begin to blare?

The Pretender :
It's a normal day in Site-65, unknown to the foundation an ethics member has been taken by an unknown organisation, This Group of Interest will use this ethics members credentials to blend into standard day to day life in the foundation. The Group of Interest has already formed connections with MC & D and the Chaos Insurgency allowing them to gain access to valuable information allowing them to blend in. Will they do good for the foundation? Or will the Foundation crumble under their command?

This event will require an ECM to be kidnapped, therefore 2 possible plot lines are possible with both "The Pretender" and the actual ECM. The ECM will need to find his own way out of captivity, later arguing their identity.

Mystical Merchants :
A party of traders from hundreds of miles away have made the mighty travel all the way down to the town of Pinewood after getting a tip from an unknown source regarding the foundation, The trades sell all sorts of oddities with many of which being anomalous . Curious members of the public flock to the wagons to purchase all sorts of things. This doesn't go unseen by the watchful eye of the foundation. NU-7 are deployed to investigate and clean up the mess these travellers have made.

This event will require citizens to engage in RP which I will control as the GM, The way the event is largely handled by the players allowing them to choose their own path regarding the Merchants and the way the civilians are dealt with. Maybe the "Mystic Merchants" will be allowed to sell in the Foundation? It is up to the players themselves.

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)
"The Flesh That Hates"
An instance of SCP-610 has been transferred to Site-65 for a cross-test of the upmost importance, SCP-049 and SCP-610 will be moved to the Cross Testing Room after several requests from SCP-049 to conduct research on the hivemind like anomaly. SCP-049 will evaluate SCP-610 to determine whether it was the root cause of the pestilence, As the test is commencing and the stationary sample of 610 is exposed to the air one fatal flaw has not been considered... Mutations. SCP-610 has developed to spread in a close range airborne fashion, this tragically infects the two E-11 standing guard in the cross-test room, thus starting the rodeo. The Flesh will slowly begin moving throughout Heavy Containment Zone infecting anything and everything it touches, Any and all units who come into contact with the flesh will be instantly infected (Those wearing Biohazard suits have limited resistance of up to 10 seconds before the flesh begins to tear through the material. Infected will turn red in colour and begin to have hyper aggressive zombie like tendencies, also infecting all that are attacked by them.
SCP-610 will spread throughout Heavy Containment until the research department makes a major breakthrough. Mixing SCP-500 and Canisters of nerve gas, as a last ditch effort foundation scientists start to hand out this experimental gas. //

-----> Message Received <-----
18:01 BST
Recipient ---> ██-█ EYES ONLY

It is of vital importance The Foundation that SCP-610 is contained successful and DOES NOT leave the Heavy Containment Zone, in the event SCP-610 reaches entrance zone, it is advised that either nearby ERT Teams respond to the active situation, or the onsite ████████████ is activated to ensure minimal surface exposure .

List an example mission for each of the following:

O-1: After many long years of searching, The Foundation has finally discovered the location of a former Ethics Assistant which unfortunately betrayed them. The Ethics Committee has agreed to deploy Omega-1 to make the poor assistant regret that. Omega-1 will be deployed on a breach and clear type mission, clearing the residence and *DETAINING* all members of the household. Why was the assistant removed? Why did he run away? The answers will soon come out...

A-1: The nerves of the Alpha-1 operatives have been at an all time high. The O5 Council have felt distant, to the trained eye they almost look uneasy. Then, news breaks. A set of codes, priceless to The Foundation have been discovered by a small secretive GOI unknown to most. A-1 are to embark on a mission which they know little about, they only have their training to stick by - BREACH and CLEAR.

Nu-7: During "Mystical Merchants" - NU-7 Will be deployed to surface to intercept the trafficking of anomalous goods, They will be tasked with collecting the anomalous items from the citizens or even having to trade and barter with them to peacefully obtain the goods. Nu-7 of course are not spokesmen and will have to ENSURE that the Chaos Insurgency do not get their mittens on a single anomalous item. If they do, a raid may be in order...

E-11: Mystery at hand: Epsilon-11 have got a mystery on their hands, anomalous objects and hume distortion fields have began to appear all over the facility. Site Command has issued direct orders to E-11 to deal with this disruption and fast. The problem is, rumour has spread that an individual of unknown rank, believed to report directly to █████████████ known simply as "The Inspector" is enroute to the facility, will they clear up and brush away these anomalous objects to the sites on-hand "Non-Specialised" sectors? Or will they face severe punishment from "The Inspector" ? // Several anomalies will be spawned throughout the site, some of which being custom, E-11 will have to clear them away to Non-Spec for research to commence before "The Inspector" arrives, this will also be done whilst dealing with several Hume Distortion Fields popping up throughout site. Although this event is primarily catered towards E-11, research will be granted some passive RP either during or after the event with time being given for them to RP and research the new "SCPs" .

CI: I'M HERE - The Chaos Insurgency has had enough. The Terroristic Organisation has taken the entirety of Pinewood hostage. A lone ranger that slithered out of the towns plains has made it to the gate of the grand military bunker begging for help. The Foundation listen to his story which sets the rollercoaster on route. That's right, this is the biggest hostage situation yet - the insurgency are dying to be noticed. The Chaos Insurgency will set up extensive defences around Pinewood's perimeter in an attempt to make a fortress, The Foundation will be forced to besiege them and negotiate, or even commence a daring assault. // Throughout this event the conclusion is entirely in the players hands, it is up to them and them only how this plays out whether the RP or Combat Focus is stronger - WILL REQUIRE A GROUP OF TRUSTED PEOPLE TO PLAY CIVILLIAN.

Foundation Staff: The Great Foundation Bake Off - Leaflets litter the corridors of the Foundation, yes you guessed it, it is finally that time of year for The Great Foundation Bake Off! All non-combatant personnel are encouraged to join this traditional and prestigious foundation event. The task you may ask? The first person to cook every single item on the foundation menu, yes that's right, every-single-item. The GRAND Champion of this cookoff wins a whopping £50,000 along with an all inclusive luxury trip to pinewood with 3 friends! Will you be partaking in this great challenge? Ready to prove yourself amongst your peers? Be there or be square!


Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
Group Moderator
Apr 30, 2022
Kaiko has fantastic ideas, even if they are not written up here. He has an amazing imagination and a fantastic way of creating a story. He has also had amazing experiences with other servers and is a great person to be around overall. No one is more perfect for the position in my opinion.
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