Kaz's Overseer Assistant [UK]

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MilitaryRP Staff
Content Team
Jul 30, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:583001241

Discord name: Wardenmain#0115

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 27/7/22 (924 Hours)

Age: 15

In what country are you located?: Ireland

Time zone: GMT

Character name(s): "Kaz"

Civilian name: Kaz O'Leary

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- MTF Nu-7 CPL (Held)
- MTF O-1 LT (Holding)
- GS Captain (Holding)
- CI Alpha (Holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
RDMx10: When I first joined as dclass
NLR: Accidental backspawn
Failrp[A]: Gun was invisible for me (Combat cuffing)
Kicks: Only for being AFK

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:

I believe I am fit for the position of Overseer Assistant for a few reasons such as that I'm trusted with a CL4 position as I'm already currently holding 2 of them and have had 0 complaints in terms of abusing the privileges/trust that's been given along side the card. I am extremely active which means whenever one of the 4 Overseers needs assistance or has something for me to do I will be there to do it immediately for them. I also try my absolute hardest to uphold a calm and professional manor at all times no matter how much pressure I may be under from other foundation staff in and out of site. Which I believe is important for people who represent the O5 Council to do as otherwise the Councils reputation would drop if they're choosing unprofessional staff to represent them as the one of the highest powers on site.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:

The responsibilities of an Overseer Assistant include representing the Council, passing messages directly from O5 to leaders of different departments such as Internal Affairs and General Security, overseeing MTF A-1 and commanding them whilst on site, making sure Advisors and Directors are doing what's expected of them in their position, Ensuring the Code of Conduct is always being followed by every foundation personel regardless of clearance level and generally making sure Site-65 is functioning properly at all times.

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

File Creation: 13/04/██
Name: Walsh, Kaz
Clearance Level Required: 4
Date of Birth: 19/12/██
Place of Birth: Ireland, Cork
Kaz Walsh born on 19/12/██ worked as a director of services for the Cork County Council being the head of information and communications technology. They spent eleven and a half years working for the council from 05/07/██-03/06/██ they were a very well respected member of the council and very well known to the public as they made many changes through helping other departments such as the housing department to sort out an ongoing housing crisis which made them very known among the public. On 07/08/██ the town hall where Kaz Walsh was at the time to have a meeting with other departmental leaders within the council when a group of heavily armored men carrying high caliber firearms stormed the County Hall they looked to be affiliated with no country or organization as their uniforms were completely black bearing no insignia indicating rank or affiliation as the directors were informed of the intruders gas could be seen filling the ventilation. The men made it into the meeting room where they shot and injured the head of finance and the head of planning and development. They rushed over to Kaz Walsh placing a gasmask over their face and leaving what looked like smoke grenades to fill the room. Both the men and Kaz Walsh were never seen again and no official records of Kaz Walsh's existence can be found anywhere.

The foundation employed Kaz Walsh to assist with improvements to the department of general security's communication also improving the communication between departments and MTF Units such as Nu-7 and Intelligence. They slowly gained popularity for their massive improvements on these departments and was greatly thanked for it by site staff and others. Rumors among CL4 Personnel have come about saying Kaz is likely to apply for the position of Overseer Assistant soon.


Active member
Nov 23, 2022
Kaz is an execptional individual and is more than worthy for this position. He has always proved his worth with his well kept professionalism and ability to perform well in high pressure situations. However, his application is shorter than others. Although being relatively short, I am confident that Kaz has stated all the necessary and correct details into what the role of the Overseer Assistant contains.

Due to the reasons stated above, I will be giving Kaz a..


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Well-known Member
Aug 30, 2022
I always have a good time RP with them, Kaz also does a spectacular job with being a leader and making sure that everyone does as they are told by them.


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