Kevin "DJ" Slayers IA Ambassador Application [US]

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Kevin "DJ" Slayer

Active member
Jun 19, 2022
Steam ID:
- STEAM_0:0:5773372

Discord name:
- DragRune#9999

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
- 2,980,540 seconds

- 16

In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

Character name(s):
- (F) Kevin "DJ" Slayer
- (CI) Jack "Knocker" Ace

Civilian name:

- Willy Joseph

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):


Do you have a mic?:

- Of Course

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

- MTF O-1 SGT [Held]
- MTF E-11 CPL [Held]
- CI-G [Holding]
- SCP-096 [Holding]
- Intelligence Agent [Holding]
- Internal Affairs Agent [Holding]
- Riot Control [Holding]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

- Don't have any, never will either

Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?

- I'm applying because I would like to have CL4 experience so I can one day become an Ethics Committee Assistant, but also because I have a big interest in Internal Affairs so I can assist any Internal Affairs (IA) Agents with anything, keep the facility staff in check (including IA Agents), and train any new Agents that may be interested in playing the role of being Internal Affairs (IA). Of course, this is a big responsibility, but after everything I have been through I feel I am more than ready to undertake the responsibilities than an Internal Affairs (IA) Ambassador is given and more.

What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:

- What makes me more than suitable is my skills in Leadership, Patience, Maturity, and how Active I am on the server.
- I read the C.O.E daily making me a very Ethical person/enforcer.
- I feel that i am best when it comes to Leadership. An example of this Is when I'm playing IA maintaining order within the facility among the foundation personnel.
- My second best skill is definitely my activity. I'm on the server every day for hours and I feel this will make me better over the other people applying.
- My third best skill would be Maturity. I know when to have fun, and I'm a generally respectable guy because of it, but most importantly i know when to be serious.
- Lastly, my 4th best skill out of the 4 i listed is Patience. I can be patient there's no doubt about that. I once guarded airlock back when I was gensec for around an hour which just shows I can wait if i need to. The reason I just put it last is because I feel the other 3 skills I mentioned outrank this skill I have

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:

- I have written 4 Excellent Grade documents
- To write an Excellent Grade Document, you need to keep your sentences and paragraphs as detailed as possible without going off topic. An Excellent Grade document includes an Index, Description of what your doing, who is included, how your doing it, and your results. Taking careful and descriptive notes will tell the reader exactly what they want to know, but it also tells them that you can continue to produce quality grade documents. The main objective though of making an Excellent Grade Document is making it interesting, lure them in, make a hook if you have to as long as it interests them. Lastly, while making sure your document is a masterpiece and guaranteed an Excellent Grade in your opinion go back and check for correct punctuation, grammar, spelling mistakes and word usage.

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:

- Oversee what your Internal Affairs (IA) Agents are doing, and correct them if they are doing something wrong or have the incorrect mindset
- Maintain order within the facility
- Train anyone interested in playing the role of an Internal Affairs (IA) Agent
- Enforce the C.O.E upon every foundation personnel equally and bring justice to them if they break it
- To write descriptive documents on how your department does its job and what they could improve on
- Hold lectures for your agents to help orient them and help them with any questions they may have
- Enforce the C.O.C upon all personnel equally and bring justice to them if they violate anything listed

Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:

The day that DJ was promoted from an IA Agent to an IA Ambassador by his director was an amazing day for him. However, that day would take a turn very quickly. It seems SCP-3448 also known as "Death" decided to travel the facility taking lives as he pleases. He had a list of people's names, and DJ's name was one of them little did he know.

Shortly after being released after having the Scipnet updated, his radio started going off like crazy. Screams of "The day of judgement" and "Run for your lives" echoed through the background of the guy speaking on the radio in a signal at which only personnel with authorized CL3+ can hear. "CAN ANYONE HEAR ME! WE NEED *static* BACKUP OUT HERE! HE'S KILLING *static* ALL OF US! I REPEAT BACKUP *static* IS NEEDED HE IS KILLING EVERYONE"

After hearing this through his radio, DJ immediately went out of his office to make a break for the breach shelter. Unfortunately for him though, Death was 30 feet away from him, cleaning his scythe and reading through his list of names. DJ was petrified by fear, but that ended quickly when Death charged at him readying his scythe. Right as DJ thought it was over for him, Death was stunned by a Containment Beam, an E-11 Operative had just saved a CL4 personnel's life. "Quickly, run! i cant hold him for long!" The E-11 yelled at DJ. He didn't say anything back just made a break for it.

As he inserted his newly registered CL4 access card into the scanner at the breach shelter, he felt relief rush over him. In fact, he sat down on one of the benches and just tried to relax after seeing his life flash before his eyes. Just thinking about all the things that just happened to him he just wanted to take a nap to clear his mind. Right before DJ tried to take a nap Death just passed through the wall in front of him, a scythe in hand. Luckily for DJ though, he had grabbed a fully charged Containment Beam by the cabinet.

Before DJ could charge up the Containment Beam Death got scared by it and went back into the wall where he came from. Now that Death was gone, DJ could finally clear his mind for around half an hour while he waited for things to calm down. (33 minutes and 45 seconds later) After DJ woke from his nap he went to check on the Director of IA to make sure he was alright. Good thing is he was fine, more than fine actually. he had his radio turned off and didn't even hear what was happening. After checking on the Director of IA making sure he was alright he went to find that one E-11 that saved his life about 35 minutes ago and thank him, but he couldn't find him.

DJ eventually gave up searching and went to his new Ambassador office to use his computer and watch the cameras to see what happened after he ran.


"Load camera logs for camera 4B and show me what happened around 40 minutes ago" DJ tells the computer


The screen lights up with the feed of him walking out of the Department Of Internal Affairs offices and Death at the end of the hallway. DJ fast forwards the video to the part where he ran up the stairs. He saw that he never looked back at the E-11, but if he did he would have known what happened to him sooner. DJ observes that while Death was being stunned he managed to throw his scythe and kill the E-11. After seeing that happen, he sat back in his office chair and felt bad for the guy after seeing him sacrifice his own life for him.


Well-known Member
Aug 6, 2022
From what I've seen & heard you've been doing great as an agent, so I hope you can continue as Ambassador

[Request roles in discord & call a sit for ingame]
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