Kieth Lemons Executive Researcher Application [UK]

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Active member
Aug 7, 2022
-Steam ID: 76561198864207790

-Discord name: Stalepudding#5016

-For how long have you played on CG SCP: 10 Days playtime

Age: 16

In what country are you located?: UK

-Time zone: GMT +1

-Character name(s): Kieth Lemon

-Civilian name: Dinka Dingleton

-What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK

-Do you have a mic?: Yes

-List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

- 096 Whitelist

(Not a whitelist) but I'm a memetic developer in COG-3 within the research department

-Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

- Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?:
I am applying to become an executive due to my passion for RP, especially with research and the development which takes place in the department. Often as a SR Researcher, I am tasked with supervising other researchers conducting experiments and am always eager to view documents that are written by researchers, and provide feedback and or criticism where needed. As an executive, I believe I'll be able to expand my own and others' roleplay to higher quality and extent, being able to oversee and participate in more experiments. Bettering my own lore-friendly understanding of the foundation and others.

-What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
I already hold a Senior position so my understanding of the ability and procedures needed to fulfill the role as an Executive is sufficient.

(OOC): In ties to my real personal life, I study 3 sciences at A-levels so I genuinely have an understanding of the process of conducting experiments, having a clear Aim, Method, Hypothesis, and the ability to write a detailed and informative conclusion to an experiment. My understanding of the SCP-Foundation I'd say is above average as I grew up watching playthroughs and spin-offs of SCP content when it was at its peak (Things like infinite Ikea, containment breach, secret laboratory). Right now I'm on break before college resumes so my playtime will be consistent to provide for the research team.

(IC): I strive to provide enjoyable and engaging experiments for D Class as I understand the monotonous process of being dragged to SCP and forced to eat candies till you drop dead for a bit of credit isn't fun nor progressive to anyone's experience within the foundation. Every experiment I conduct is unique with little turns here and there to immerse the D class fully into the experiment by abiding by ethics and trying to keep the D-Class alive (Unless it's 860 where no matter what I do 860-2 gobbles my D-class). On multiple occasions when visiting D-block to retrieve a D-class for tests, the inmates have said things like. "Don't let that researcher take me I want Kieth, he does the fun experiments" - (You'll have to trust me on that one, I don't have video evidence but it boosted my ego a bit hence why I'm mentioning it XD).

I always follow the intended research protocols often hearding all the researchers back to PW during a code 5 to ensure theirs and others' safety so that tests aren't interrupted which could possibly lead to further breaches or liability if CI were to accost one of them. I announce in comms when testing a potentially dangerous or high-value SCP such as 914, 1162 e.t.c and am always accompanied by an E11 member where needed.

I've just received clearance from site administration and executives to carry out a cross test between 049 and 035 a KETER-EUCLID test showing I am capable and willing to contribute valuable information.

The test went well there were no unexpected casualties, 035 was transported without any issue and I got 4/7 of the answers I wanted, 035-1 was terminated without difficulty. Results were valuable but inconclusive further testing needed.

-How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
3 but I'm hoping for some more
SCP-330 "Candies"
SCP-096/178 Cross Test

What makes a document excellent is pretty simple, it has to be legible and easy to read to provide those reading the most concise and accurate detailed information possible, this can be obtained with an Index for example which allows the reader to quickly navigate to the aims, the methods, the hypotheses, and even the conclusion. Diagrams are also very helpful in aiding in understanding the document, as not all viewers are as literate and absorb information easier through images.

Next, the document has to be detailed (within reason) by providing sufficient information for the researcher but not too much that if wrongfully obtained could lead to a data breach or sensitive info being exposed. A document should have a clear detailed aim with all outcomes documented as concisely as possible.

All documented research should adhere to the Code of Ethics any documents documenting blatant violations of these from the researcher evidently lower the value of the experiment by disallowing the experiment to be repeatable, and could even subject themselves or the entire research team to an investigation by Internal Affairs.

-What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
The executive researcher most predominantly deals with the submittal of documents to SCPINET and oversees the quality and ethics of tests conducted by researchers. They are tasked with grading these documents fairly without bias.

Furthermore, the responsibilities as previously mentioned are to provide quality and necessary research experiments to provide the foundation with purposeful intel to aid the chances of containing or neutralizing SCP subjects where possible.

To support and supervising JRs Researchers and SRs with their experiments and documentation is another priority of executives.

-Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Sr researcher Kieth Lemon was a straight A Student constantly going above and beyond and always testing the ability of his limits until one day he did a bit too much digging and stumbled across the foundation. They were quick to sweep him up, and as he had not leaked nor told anyone of his discovery he was offered a place as a Jr Researcher at Site-65. Upon his arrival he fit in straight away, being given the responsibility to perform tests on SAFE SCPS. He found them thrilling but was slightly concerned about the fellow researchers' demeanor toward their D-Class. Kieth's mother passed during childbirth so he understands the value of life and as a result was repulsed by some of the other JR's lack of empathy for the D-Class, although they were criminals they were still human life to him.

After countless hours of tests and documenting Kieth's work was noticed and he received a promotion to Researcher. Immediately after this promotion, Kieth began assisting JR's and reprimanding them for blatant ethics violations. With his newfound rank he began studying and documenting new higher class SCP's such as 860-1 and 1162 their apparent defiance of the laws of physics fascinated him which led to a new idea, he began performing tests for hours on end once again, even requesting permission for some cross-testing between 330 and 714 which yielded new, never documented before results, which allowed the D-Class personnel to survive the effects of 714. Once again his work was swiftly recognized and his dedication to research became apparent, later that year he received another promotion this time to SR Researcher.

Upon his promotion to SR, he was stationed in the personnel wing when a CODE 5 blared out, as he was fairly new to his position he desperately ordered all research personnel to the PW to preserve life, he was at the door of the PW where he heard the sounds of violent scratching followed by blood-curdling screams, a tall white figure appeared with a bucket placed on its head yet it somehow located a researcher running for his life to PW, when he was ripped to shreds in front of Kieth Lemon. After this traumatic event, the SCP sat with its back to the PW crying to itself. Kieth was stunned but his researcher initiative took over and he grabbed a sample syringe. Stealthily he was able to obtain a full syringe of this SCP's DNA shortly before MTF arrived and re contained it. Kieth handed over the syringe to his seniors who revealed the SCP was 096 and provided brief information about it.

Kieth documented the entire encounter and uploaded it to SCPINET under 096 called "The Breach" where he detailed his point of view. Ever since the breach, he has become obsessed with 096 and its ability to ruthlessly slaughter an innocent life while having its face covered, then sit and cry over the corpse. Kieth saw the fact that 096 seemingly expressed emotions and began planning tests to see whether 096 could obtain trauma or regret over its actions, and highlighted how the foundation could use this as a means of containment or further understanding.

Kieth is hoping for the Promotion to Executive where he wishes to lead group tests on 096 specifically for closure mainly during the breach and to study the violent nature of 096 with hopes for cross tests and teaching other researchers vital information in the aim to preserve life and prevent any more innocent deaths.
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Active member
Jul 25, 2022
- I don't believe I have ran into you before (Timezone differences probably)
+ Detailed application, decent lore

Good luck!
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Well-known Member
Jun 17, 2022
good lord you application is the definition of dedicated hope you pass dude
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Well-known Member
Mar 28, 2022
+ Support
+ Detailed application

+ Good understanding of the role
+ I feel you could be a great addition to the executive team, and I hope to work with you!

+/- I don't believe I've seen you in-game, however I won't let that effect my final verdict.
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Well-known Member
Jun 23, 2022
+ Support

Amazing/competent division member [cog-3]
Put work into App
Great person to talk to/work with
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