Kiwi's SCP-RP GM Application

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Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): Spot

For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: Roughly a week. (NOTE: I know I don't meet the requirements of the time played however I have permission of a Super-Admin+)

Age: 18. (18th December)

In what country are you located?: England, UK.

Time zone: GMT.

Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): MTF E-11 PVT Jack 'Kiwi' T.

Chaos name (include your rank): N/A (Don't have a Chaos Char)

Civilian name: N/A (Don't have a Civ Char)

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:153659425

Do you have a mic?: Yes, I use it all the time.

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: This is my first Game master application. I've previously made Staff Applications for the MRP server:

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Never received any warnings, kicks or bans.

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?: Unfortunately I haven't got any experience being a GM or Event Manager within any community. I'm hoping this'll be a great opportunity to prove I can do the job.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?: I have plenty of experience within Serious RP including FiveM, MafiaRP and some SWRP servers which were serious.

How many hours can you be on everyday?: Easily 1-2 and on days I don't have college upwards of 6+

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?: I noticed that the GM team is struggling and I would like to assist in making the RP on the server enjoyable for everyone involved. I'd like to assist in making sure there are consistent events which the playerbase enjoys. I feel like although the current events are good with more preparation from a bigger GM team, they could be more polished and play out better.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?: I have a lot of experience with Gmod staffing, with 6.3k hours at least 2k of them were spent being staff on different servers. With this knowledge and experience I know ULX very well and I know a lot of the commands and how they operate. Furthermore, I am very professional and mature and can demonstrate excellent creative skills when it comes to thinking of events.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

Idea 1.
SCP-079 Breaches without notice, life goes on as normal however, when Executive Researcher [REDACTED] attempts to log on to his computer he realises that it's broken. SCP-079 has breached and taken over almost all of Site-## and the local area IT Systems. It is up to the Tech Experts of the foundation and the CIs top hackers to contain SCP-079 and regain the lost data.

Idea 2.
SCP-035 has breached and has taken over an O5 councils body as its host. It's up the MTF to come up with a plan along with the help of Researchers knowledge to remove SCP-035 without killing the O5 member. It's VITAL that they do this without killing the O5 member as they're vital to the operations of Site-##.

Idea 3.
Executive Researcher [REDACTED] has been acting strange for some time now. MTF A-1 units kidnap him to figure out what is going on. During interrogation he admits that he has been attempting to collapse the foundation for a while now due to its inhumane ways. He further admits that SCP-096 will be the fall of the foundation and will kill them all. MTF units will scatter to attempt to find any pictures of SCP-096 and ensuring he is contained effectively and efficiently before too many deaths occur.

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)

Code Black - Evacuate Immediately.
CI have received word from a traitor within the Foundation that there is a new SCP arriving to Site-## within the next 24-48 hours. CIs mission is to infiltrate Site-## and steal vital top secret documents relating to the transportation and arrival of SCP-####. CI must complete this mission without being caught.

The transport plans are as follows: Heavily armoured truck with SCP-#### contained in the back, there are a LAV-25 at the front and back of the Heavily armoured truck as well as MTF Humvee's on all sides.

CI must plan a secure and secret ambush on the SCP transport in order to gain access to contain the SCP and run experiments on it in order to gain a 1-up on the Foundation.

Whilst MTFs priority is the transportation of the new SCP-####, SCP-076 was able to breach containment due to the lack of Security Personnel with the appropriate clearance. Due to this, the Tech experts and Researchers are working hard to contain SCP-076 in order to keep the facility in order.

However, SCP-076 is proven stronger than the Researchers could imagine and manages to lock all of the EZ doors stopping the Exit of all current personnel inside of the facility as well as the entrance to all MTF and the new SCP-####. The top tech experts work hard to attempt to stop SCP-076 chaotic behaviour however, yet again its proven it's stronger than they imagine and breaches ALL current SCPs on site. Causing site-## to go into complete chaos.

All remaining alive SCP Foundation get an alert from a Site roughly 50-55miles away in which has access to Site-## cameras stating "Site-## is lost, Code Black - Evacuate Immediately".

Site-## is now in Code Black and the remaining individuals who are alive must evacuate the area immediately before a remote nuke is launched and detonated.

List an example mission for each of the following:

O-1: There has been top secret information that a CI Operative has breached the researching department of the foundation to gather information on the foundations day to day activities and experiments. O-1 units will lockdown and pause all researching activities to come to a conclusion on who the CI Operative is. Once found O-1 will arrest, interrogate and terminate the suspect.

A-1: Following the destruction of Site-##. A-1 must figure out who the traitor was to find out what information has been fed to the CI as well as capturing the suspect and terminating them. This individual will be highly protected by CI.

Nu-7: CI have been dormant for a while, meaning they're planning something big. Protect the Foundation from an onslaught from the CI using all equipment you have available. Protect the foundations secrets at all costs.

E-11: Due to a recent CI raid, SCP-#### has gotten loose and is out on the Surface. Word going around is that The Church of the Broken God has captured SCP-#### and is worshipping it as their god. E-11 units will dispatch to multiple possible locations in an attempt to find SCP-#### and bring it back to the facility safely to contain it.

CI: CI have receive information from their inside source from within the foundation that the security around SCP-079 is weakening. CI have come together and gotten their best hackers to attempt to hack into the facility and force a SCP-079 breach with the intention of crumbling the foundation once for all.

Foundation Staff: D-Class have been getting weapons from no-where over the past week or so. After some thinking you realise there must be an influx of weaponry getting into the D-Block. Perform a complete D-Block lockdown to search for a potential civilian or foundation member feeding the D-Block weapons.

Deleted member 1285


- Descriptive and detailed event ideas
- Great understanding of SCP's
- Mature


MRP War Veteran
Mar 30, 2021

- Mature
- Great guy
- Detailed application
- Very good roleplayer

Good luck Kiwi!


Well-known Member
Sep 12, 2021
+ Active in-game and TS3
+ Good RP
+ Former staff member on MRP
+ Mature
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