Knights Second OSA Application [USA]

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Active member
Oct 27, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:158062459

Discord Name: MRE#0348

For How long have you played CH SCPRP: Almost 1000 hours.

Age: 16

Country: USA

Time Zone: PST

Character Names: Bag Alert (formerly), Knight, "The Habitual"

Civi name: Randy Romania

Server Applying for: USA

Mic? Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held. I have held 01 Maj twice now(Been a CO since 1/1/23 -2/1/23, and 2/19/23 - present day), ECA, CI-B, NU7 LCPL Twice.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? Just a naming con for being Peter Griffin (this was when i first joined the server)

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?: I have months of Senior CL4 Experience. I also have very good leadership capabilities, and am able to keep a calm head on my shoulders during intense situations. I also have the ability to RP well, allowing for events to work and to create server lore with those i interact with. I also get along well with my superiors, and am able to get things done quickly and efficiently in timely manner. And lastly, I am incredibly active on the server, and foundation specifically.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?: They essentially carry out orders for 05. They are their eyes and ears when not on site. They are also expected to uphold site operations in absence of 05 and SC in order to ensure order. For example, they can Auth AA, issue kill orders, and issue sweeps of dblock in place of SC's absence. And lastly, they are normally expected to make reports of departments for 05 to review, whether it be the department as whole or a certain member in said department to evaluate their position.

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Former ECA "Mysophobia" -now executive researcher Cayde- is promptly woken by a phone ringing in his dormitory. Hazy from his deep sleep, Cayde stammers towards the phone, trying his best to wake up before picking up the call.

Phone Records DOR Office --> Executive Cayde's Dormitory. 5:36:08 AM
Cayde, have you prepared the prososal for the meeting with the council?
Yeah, didnt i email you the details?
Let me go check, stay on the line.
*Typing and ruffling sounds in the background
Oh yep, here it is.
Glad it made its way over to you. Is there anything else i can help you with?
No, but remember, this is your first audience with the council. A good impression can lead to a bright future.
I understand, see you at 12.
- End Record. 5:39:35 AM

Meeting Log: 12:01:13 PM
Hello -[REDACTED], thank you for finding time to entertain our proposal.
No need for formalities, the pleasure is all mine. Now, please proceed.
Right, well DOR Emily and I both believe that we may have made progress towards our understanding of SCP-049 and towards the goal of curing those infected by SCP-008. After multiple sessions discussing with SCP-049, we came to the conclusion that many details he describes of the pestilence overlap with known effects of SCP-008.
Where are you going with this?
We believe that if we can introduce SCP-049 to an SCP-008 instance, we may be able to discover more about the pestilence and SCP-008 itself. Safety procedures inclu-
I've heard enough. I'm going to officially deny this.
But sir i-
Did I not make myself clear?
*Brief silence
We'll show ourselves out, thank you for your time.
Cayde, a word please. Alone.
*Sound of door closing in the background
I've read your Foundation File. It says you a former Ethics Assitant?
Yes sir.
Then why did you leave?
I found that Ethics wasn't the right place for me. I found that we had opposing views when dealing with issues.
Please Elaborate.
Well, i have always believed that the ends justify the means. We get dirty, the world stays clean, that type of thing. But Ethics does not share the same views, and i found that i couldnt in good faith continue my work there.
Well, i dont believe you deserve to be an executive.
I am impressed with your resumee, along with your outstanding work in our research department. Recently, the Council has been looking for those who are willing to do the utmost they can for the prosperity of the foundation, regardless of the price. We believe you have a bright future, and on behalf of the council, would like to officially offer you a position as an Overseer Assitant. You start tomorrow 6AM sharp. Alpha-1 will accompany you and help you situate yourself.
Sir, this is a great offer bu-
Oh, i think i forgot to mention, this is a job offer you cant turn down. I look forward to your assistance in the coming months.
End Log: 12:05: 57 PM​


Well-known Member
Jul 13, 2022
SCP Foundation.png
Records and Information Security Administration

From the Office of ████████

Regarding ████████ Assistant Applicant - "Knight"

Application Accepted
Thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of ████████ Assistant

Foundation Command has reviewed your application, and we have decided that you are fit for this position at this time so as such this application will be Accepted. You may contact O5-2 for a briefing on your duties.

On behalf of █-2
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