Kufies staff blacklist appeal

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Feb 19, 2023
New york, USA
Name: Kufie "rogue" Kilack
Steam ID: (havent been on in a bit so N/A)
Previous Rank (convert if required): Senior mod
Who demoted you?: Unknown
Date of demotion?: 4/29/2024
What server were you demoted from?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
What is the case against you?: I had not completed reqs.
Is this true?: Yes
Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: yes, this is my 2nd staff blacklist appeal, my other time was for not giving a week notice.
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: 2 times, very long ago.
What is your side of the story?: I wont sit here and say that i was a perfect staff member and always did my stuff, i have my flaws. I did not complete staff reqs and it is 100% my fault for that.
Why should you return / what will you change?: Im gonna be honest im not looking to return to staff at the moment, just get my blacklist appealed if i do end up changing my mind in the future. But IF i do return, i will make sure to always be ontop of my reqs/duties as a member of the civil networks staff team. I do understand ive had my issues, and ive had my ups and downs. But i do believe i was a good staff member who just didnt do what he needed to, to STAY a staff member.
Feb 19, 2023
New york, USA
not my birthday

cool guy :D

He was one of the better staff members when I still played the server I don't think he should've been blacklisted just for not doing reqs.
Much thanks to all of you, i appriciate and love each of you, Dennied its time, Niox happy birthday irish man, Jacub ur cool, Toaster, thank you.
He keeps trying to gaslight me into thinking that the code of ethics is a thing, this man cannot be trusted
Feb 19, 2023
New york, USA
+ support

While you're at it, please change the reqs from 60 to 45 sits weekly. 60 is just inhumane and can't be reached most of the time, while 45 is still more than enough and always plausible.
While I do agree with this TO A POINT. I do have to side with the higher ups, until you reach SMOD and join a team your only requirements are the 60 sits, which can be done within a week. SMOD-HMOD you have your team reqs aswell as the 60, but when you hit admin+ your reqs are lowered as you have more stuff to do. So it’s not “impossible” it’s more challenging.
While I do agree with this TO A POINT. I do have to side with the higher ups, until you reach SMOD and join a team your only requirements are the 60 sits, which can be done within a week. SMOD-HMOD you have your team reqs aswell as the 60, but when you hit admin+ your reqs are lowered as you have more stuff to do. So it’s not “impossible” it’s more challenging.
In my opinion, staff shouldn't be about completing requirements. Living from paycheck to paycheck so to speak. Needing to provide quality support to the community while also trying to face this quantity just isn't right to me, 45 is still a good amount and it keeps the original intent of having requirements in the first place but also putting less stress on staff and allowing them to focus on more quality support. Although your requirements go down once you reach Admin because of the added workload, it's foolish to think that only admin+ has more to do beyond taking staff sits. Plus what I'm suggesting here is not a major change, 45 is still more than enough.
Feb 19, 2023
New york, USA
In my opinion, staff shouldn't be about completing requirements. Living from paycheck to paycheck so to speak. Needing to provide quality support to the community while also trying to face this quantity just isn't right to me, 45 is still a good amount and it keeps the original intent of having requirements in the first place but also putting less stress on staff and allowing them to focus on more quality support. Although your requirements go down once you reach Admin because of the added workload, it's foolish to think that only admin+ has more to do beyond taking staff sits. Plus what I'm suggesting here is not a major change, 45 is still more than enough.
I do agree it’s not a major change. While 45 would be done we still have the 2 hours of AOD time, which isn’t hard.
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