Kw1lls discord ban appeal

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Your Discord name & tag: Kw1ll
What server is this for, Network, DarkRP, SCP or MRP?: SCP but unsure if im banned on others

Permanent Discord ID (see format thread for help): 576530489209257996

Date of ban (if known): sometime a year or more ago

Reason for ban (if known): honestly I don't remember specifics but I know I was being a minge, got salty over a few leftover staff members and decided to take that anger out on the entire team as a whole, which was wholly unjustified and did not give due justice and respect to those in working positions who were trying to make it a better place

Who banned you?: Cloak/Ventz

Prior to this, have you ever been banned off Discord?: as a joke, yes

Why should we remove your ban from Discord? (50 words minimal):
It has been over a year now, I really didn't think I'd ever want to come back considering what the state of the server was back then, but it seems that alot of people have been joining back, alot of people I once knew and were friends with. I would like the chance to prove that I can be a member of the community again, although I may not be as active as I once was, it would be nice to pop in now and again without feeling like an outcast.

Also, to Ventz and Yeke who might or are probably reading this, I am sorry to the way I talked to you two during the entire ordeal, theres alot I could explain about the way I felt or the way at the time I felt justified, but you two were pretty much the only reasons I even stayed as long as I did, and for me to act that way to you guys was not right of me, and I am sorry for that.

(Also, as a precaution to anyone lurking this, dont just give random +Supports because you once knew me, if you don't know the full circumstance of the situations regarding my ban you should leave this post alone, thanks.)


Community Manager
Community Manager
Group Moderator
Mar 20, 2022

Please ensure you follow our discord rules when you rejoin and take time to read them.

Kind Regards
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