Kyle "ASH" Ringer

Zero Hero

Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 15, 2022
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Name: Kyle Ringer
Occupation: Executive Researcher
Clearance: Level 4
Notice: Advanced Synthetic Humanoid (ASH) Unit



“…but you cannot deny that the ASH project was a success. You continue to argue against results which saved countless lives. I admit, I would wish for no man’s mind to be controlled without even the consideration of consent, but I made a decision which had to be done. I have no regrets regarding the matter.”
-O5-█, during their tribunal regarding the use of ASH technology.

Kyle Ringer is a unique member of the Foundation, in that he is the first ASH unit to be de-classified. Officially, he is the only ASH unit and currently operates under the cover story that he was created as an experiment involving the reverse-engineering of Anderson Robotics products. ASH is not a new technology, but the use of it was ruled to be unethical. Kyle Ringer’s host was constructed during the Site-██ cognitohazard incident, in which Kyle Ringer was affected by a since neutralized memetic anomaly, and was terminated by elements of Eta-10 during emergency response. Unable to contain the incident themselves, O5-█ had Kyle covertly re-animated in the form of an ASH unit in a desperate attempt to get any information about the anomaly wreaking havoc on the site. Kyle’s memories were a gold-mine of information about the anomaly, which led to its containment and accidental neutralization.

While the saving grace for many lives, Kyle’s rebirth as an ASH was discovered and heavily scrutinized by members of the Ethics Committee. This created so much friction as to host a historic tribunal against O5-█ which banned the creation of any new ASHs.

After the incident, Kyle was forced via behavioral inhibitors to keep his existence as an ASH classified. It was only after the ASH tribunal in which the Ethics Committee forced the declassification of most components of the ASH program, and Kyle was allowed to discontinue his cover of being a human. To the agreement of both the Ethics Committee and Overseer Council, Kyle was programmed with heavy behavioral inhibitors, which forbid his ability to divulge his true nature as an android, and is, for all intents and purposes, simply a synthetic human whose personality was tailored by his creators. To this end, any information about Kyle’s life prior to his revival as an ASH is to be scrubbed and expunged.

Kyle Ringer's programming is highly controversial and morally questionable, as it involves inhibiting his true persona and forcing him to keep his true nature a closely-held secret. Kyle is programmed to identify himself as a non-human and is provided with a special ID which marks him as an ASH should he take his human form. Additionally, he has been fitted with heavy behavioral inhibitors that forbid him from divulging his true nature as a former human. Despite the controversy surrounding his programming, Kyle has continued to serve the Foundation with distinction, leveraging his enhanced abilities as an ASH unit to provide both effective, efficient, and calculated insights, while maintaining the intuition of a human being. However, the question of whether his programming is truly ethical and just remains a matter of debate and contention within the Foundation's highest echelons.
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