Last train home

Hello guys,

After playing on this server for nearly 2 years and reaching one of the most covetous positions in the server, I think its time to take a break. And a natural one at that, I always told myself as Chairman, "Leave when it's not fun" and to be honest I was still having fun up until I handed in my resignation to the Super Admins 2 weeks ago, the tipping point for me was that I had a pretty intensive university timetable, and I want to prioritize enjoying my social and educational life by going out and touching some grass, so I figured that the server fell out of my schedule and I really felt it this week, I was struggling to get any hours in and didn't want to fall into inactivity and hog the slot.

As for being Chairman, I've spent 10 or so months second guessing nearly everything I've done and this is a massive weight off my shoulders, but I am nothing if not egotistical and am dying to know if I was any good, and hindsight, and others opinions, are everything when it comes to leadership positions, so do let me know. And for anyone who wants to take up being SC, go for it if you think you're ready, I've always encouraged people to give it a go because the worst case scenario is you get some quality feedback on self improvement.

I might come back, it depends on how I settle into school and how me schedule looks, but after playing this server for non stop for nearly 2 years, my return won't be soon and it won't be significant, i'll pop in for an update or every once and a while.

I have really enjoyed my time on this server, and I've left some messages for SL in the FCOM channels that I would encourage them to take to heart and put to practice, but what has made this server so great is the people I've met, mostly, so here's some of the best folks i've met while here

@Auburn - Fuck you, i literally hate you so fucking much, and I might download GTA, ONLY if you get CS
@AssassinsAim - I can't believe i'll be remembered as the fat chairman
@Asura - Cool it on the suicide bombs
@corbin - Owes me a new couch
@Anthony "Pilot" - 🐐
@Guts - femboy
@Neptune - Neeerd
@Remmy @Cece @François "Napoléon" - best committee i've had the pleasure of working with, you guys will do great things, and good luck in the race for ECC, it's a stiff competition
@Athena - i'll never forgive you for bringing me into Ethics
@Broda - Always great to work with you, great mentor both for GM and for SC
@Naffen Assistant Yang always late to the party
@Falcon Chicken Butt
@elias It's a shame you never got the time to shine
@Charles "Ze" Whittme amazing -1, keep it up brother
@Pennington - Site Admin will crumble when you leave so please dont
@jax @Tim Drake It might not crumble with you folks around, keep it up guys you're doing great
@Dennid - 🐐
@Merrick Travolta - Amazing overseer, keep up the good work
@Tommy lee - Who?
@Scotsman - My favourite scottish superhero
@phill-dee//Andy Patterson - Best PA out there
@Kayla - How have you been DoM this long???? take care
@Yeke - 10/10 CS/CM Always helpful and always a laugh
@Ellie - Sorry yeke but ellie takes the crown of Best CS
@Cheesy - Goated UN GEN Because you want them removed :cool:
@Johnson J. Marauder - Never leave the caravan caravan man
@Alex M. - Worst E-11 COM EVER (jk good luck in war school)
@Mirage - Funny man
@luka @Moon @ryo @John Nuts @susman @Arshia - OG E11 CO Team, lots of fan back in the old days
@jane "puddles" whitlock - do take care
@sandra - best of luck at uni!
@Conor mc gee - Funny irish man
@Cain_Morris13 - Keep up the good work little man and you'll get far
@Vxnt - Sorry I had to lie it was for the bit
@Gregory McCain - I miss you 😢
@Bruce - goated mentor
@Houston Benton - god tier pacs and models, finish med school!1!1!1
@Jeremy Siens - Thank you for dragging me to actual hell
@Red - motorbike
@goondra - Thank you for harrassing Luka into making me LT
@Foxatron - Go to a doctor man
@guidon - My favourite MAJ
@Holland - My favourite MAJ
@Pyrite - I know what you are
@Poli - I know what you are
@Skittles - Helldivers is back on the menu
@Requis @Luft @Sven Sky - Been a pleasure working with you guys as SL
@Edwin - 🐟
@Crumpet - Top tier event that one time
@Critical - I love you and I miss you
@Raven - Eternal ECA, do take care

Thanks so much to everyone, if i missed you thats mb but theres just so many people i've met that it's hard to recall everyone, but just know I really appreciate everyone I've met here because everyone has left some sort of impact that has got me through my two years here. And if you ever want to get back in touch with me, don't hesistate!

Catch you guys on the flipside
Lots of Love,
Feb 24, 2023
@Athena - i'll never forgive you for bringing me into Ethics
I still dont forgive myself

You did great dude, and I am like a proud mother.

GL with uni pal- and drink plenty of Guinness.



Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Jan 2, 2023
@Auburn - Fuck you, i literally hate you so fucking much, and I might download GTA, ONLY if you get CS
If I expressed my true feelings about you my rank would be stripped and my forum name would be struck through.

Good luck with your school man, Happy to know you're putting what matters first.



Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Group Moderator
Dec 20, 2023
o7 redmann I've got an extra large pastry waiting for you next time you're in game I learned how to cook for it(on a real note though one of the best and most thoughtful rp leaders on the server. Even though I didn't serve under you I'm happy to have had you as chairman)
wtf you pressured me into both getting higher in E-11 as well as becoming a GM and mentoring me for 3 months, i don't even get a mention in your leaving post smh

o7 good luck redmann
will always be the best COM
if i had a penny for every... i guess, server group? i join and then 6 months later you leave, i'd have two pennies. it's not a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice.