Legion Kuo's Staff application

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Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): Thegaminglegion1

For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: Since day 1 beta

Age: 18

In what country are you located?: United States

Time zone: EST

Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): MTF E-11 PVT Legion Kuo

Chaos name (include your rank): Beta Legion Kuo II

Civilian name: Kuo Legion

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:128721622

Do you have a mic?: Yes

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
- First application for SCP

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
- Bodyblocking

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?:
- I have past experience in staffing.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
- I have a good year if not more in serious roleplay.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:
- I can be on for 4+ hours a day.

Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?:
- I would love to help out with the serious RP on the server. My time zone also fits very well for when not many staff members are on. I've had many Hours of prior staff on other servers and when not a D-class I take everything seriously. I hope to achieve staff and reach a high enough level to also help my team with Events and game master stuff. Based on my prior knowledge as GM on MRP.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
- I have a goal and an approachable personality, I make sure to get both sides of the story to make any verdicts mostly if I have evidence as in Recordings. I've Seen many sits taken and have heard feedback from other staff and I'm sure I can help out a lot and help make the server more serious and have people enjoy it a bit more.
Dec 25, 2020

~ Neutral

+ Activivity -Active, on most of the time when I'm on.
~ Ability - See below.
- Maturity - While I'm sure you can be mature, during the sit where I warned you for "Bodyblocking", I looked at the clip of the event and you encouraged the other guy to bodyblock the guard too.
+ Roleplay - You are capable of roleplaying seriously.

My verdict is Neutral as of now. I'll be willing to change it if you prove to me that the bodyblocking warn was something you wish not to repeat.​


MRP War Veteran
Dec 26, 2020

You're extremely active in-game and on Teamspeak but besides that, I haven't seen anything good of you. From my personal experiences you do minge quite a lot as d-class and blatantly was ignoring fearRP from me a few days ago. You were also warned recently (yesterday) which doesn't look good. I would be willing to change my verdict if I see better behavior of you.

Good luck...

~ Neutral

+ Activivity -Active, on most of the time when I'm on.
~ Ability - See below.
- Maturity - While I'm sure you can be mature, during the sit where I warned you for "Bodyblocking", I looked at the clip of the event and you encouraged the other guy to bodyblock the guard too.
+ Roleplay - You are capable of roleplaying seriously.

My verdict is Neutral as of now. I'll be willing to change it if you prove to me that the bodyblocking warn was something you wish not to repeat.​
Yes, my fault entirely for that situation. it was all fun and games as a D-class until someone pulled out a gun. was not my intention for him to be killed.


Active member
Jul 20, 2021

you where a grate and helpful mod back in mrp you are active and very good at dealing with most situations now that you come back I belive you would be an excellent staff
Apr 3, 2021

Legion, you are active in TeamSpeak and in-game, but at this current moment in time, I don't know about your ability as staff, you have broken rules often since release, and so for this time, I will be giving you neutral support.

Good luck

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