Your Discord name & tag: Lenisonik#3002
What server is this for, DarkRP or MRP?: DarkRP
Permanent Discord ID (see format thread for help): 225240425705897985
Date of ban (if known): 1-2 Months ago
Reason for ban (if known): Scam link
Who banned you?: Unknown, it just says the reason
Prior to this, have you ever been banned off Discord?: Never
Why should we remove your ban from Discord? (50 words minimal)
At the time there was a Discord virus going around disguised as a nitro gift, I received one from a close friend and didn't think of it as a scam, after clicking on it, since I have everything on autofill, it loggged in and sent the same virus link to all servers I was apart of. I managed to get my account unbanned from most of the servers and now its secure. I know I should've been more careful but I didn't know that kind of virus/scam links even existed.
This is not a robot talking
What server is this for, DarkRP or MRP?: DarkRP
Permanent Discord ID (see format thread for help): 225240425705897985
Date of ban (if known): 1-2 Months ago
Reason for ban (if known): Scam link
Who banned you?: Unknown, it just says the reason
Prior to this, have you ever been banned off Discord?: Never
Why should we remove your ban from Discord? (50 words minimal)
At the time there was a Discord virus going around disguised as a nitro gift, I received one from a close friend and didn't think of it as a scam, after clicking on it, since I have everything on autofill, it loggged in and sent the same virus link to all servers I was apart of. I managed to get my account unbanned from most of the servers and now its secure. I know I should've been more careful but I didn't know that kind of virus/scam links even existed.
This is not a robot talking