Leo Macarther's ECA Application [USA]

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Alex D Eisenhower

Active member
Apr 6, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:128090358

Discord name: northfrost.

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 19+days 1,650,300 total seconds [total time. ive been on the server for a few months now]

Age: im 22

In what country are you located?: The USA

Time zone: CMT Utah

Character name(s): Leo Macarther

Civilian name: n/a

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?:
- Yep

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Executive Researcher, MTF E-11 SPC, UNGOC LCPL

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have no warns bans or kicks [other then afk].

What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:
As an executive researcher, I have plenty of experience handling unethical people, ranging from my researchers, gensec, or sometimes even MTF. However, I have never been able to do anything to prevent the Gensec or MTF members from being unethical, and temporary leave [jobbans] from research never seems to have the effect I'm looking for. When people are suspended they will return and continue the bad actions, and I feel that it's not only time for me to move forward in the foundation, I can better help enforce the law and ensure that not only research but genetic, MTF, and all members of the foundation will follow the law by joining the Ethics assistants, and work close with the committee.
I hold a strong belief in the rule of law, and seeing people break it angers me, i joke about breaking a law once in a while but I make it clear it is a joke and yet I see people follow threw and proceed to do horrific things and treet the laws that govern us as little more than a recommendation. I wish to change this, to do my part to crack down, to be that little voice on someone's shoulder that tells them if they follow through with this, they won't escape justice.
What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
Ethics assistants work closely with the ethics committee members and ensure their orders are executed across the site, ensuring that the code of conduct and the ethics constitution are enforced. Watching members of the site ensures no one is breaking the law and if they are bringing them to justice threw IA or other channels if its bad enough. Ontop of these duties the assistants can assist trusted Dclass with getting workers' permits. Ethics assistants also have the responsibility and ability to authorize AA in times of bad SCP breaches, and if a dclass break out is bad enough, an assistant has the power to authorize all dclass KOS beyond the airlock of Dblock.

Assistants assist the ECMs with upholding the rule of law, ensuring that what is done is by the COC and Ethics constitution. Also assisting the ECMs in anything they require help with.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Leo Macarther was born in LA, he grew up in the city and had always had a fascination with understanding the way the world works. As a young man, he entered UCLA hoping to get a degree in microbiology minoring in epidemiology and anthropology, however, fate had other plans and he got his degree in a twin major of microbiology and law with minors in Epidemiology anthropology, and theology. Getting a job in a lab where he could study things under a microscope was never his passion instead he signed up with the CDC where he traveled the world researching the most deadly viruses and largest threats known to him at the time, soon he joined up with a group that moved around even more, the UN offered Leo a chance to study these viruses with international support and he gladly took the job. Leo would devour any knowledge world which eventually led him down a path into the occult, he became a master in an obscure occult science much to the mockery of his allies in the scientific community.

Soon Leo was approached by a strange group of people who invited him to do something for humanity instead of being mocked by his fellow members of the scientific community. He accepted and was brought into the SCP Foundation where his skills and talents became very useful when it came time to understand the nightmares that the foundation kept safely locked up.

His life in the foundation was one excitement after another, rapidly rising the ranks to senior researcher before joining the CRB. Leo was good at his job, running tests on Scps such as Scp-087, Scp-966, and Scp-999. Trying to find new and interesting ways to test on these Scps. His mind expanded outwards and now he seeks to understand subjects such as 096 regeneration, potential ways to apply new medical techniques to the foundation, new armor, and weaponry ideas, and research into the origin of human consciousness. As he did his research with his trusted mentor Athena, they grew closer seeing each other much like siblings and working on research together offering new perspectives on various angles of research.
However tragedy struck when he, Athena, and Astrid were kidnapped by the serpent hand, unfortunately, he was the sole survivor of the serpent hand's ruthless attack and kidnapping, and although he still misses his mentor, he continued her research where she left off, and ensured her death wasn't in vane. When Leo became an Executive researcher he noticed that people were breaking the law a lot, he could do his best to stop his researchers from breaking the law however some would return and continue the break the law, but Leo saw he could never do anything to enforce the law on people from Gensec or MTF or other groups breaking the law.
Leo couldn't take it anymore and decided to protect his beloved foundation, his beloved research department by throwing his hat into the Ethics Committee Assistant's ring. Leo believes he can do more to protect the site where he can ensure no one can get away with violating the laws. And ensure his work and the work of his mentor are never tarnished by people's violation of the laws.
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The Ethics Committee Verdict Report

REGARDING: "Leo Macarthers" Ethics Committee Assistant Application.
Thank you for showing interest in the position of Ethics Assistant, the Committee agrees that you are suited to become an Assistant, please get in contact with Ethics Member "Coral" at your earliest convenience.


Vice Chairman Mr. Pavish
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