Lequises massive goodbye

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I want to start by saying goodbye to one of the most incredible communities I've been a part of you all have truly made my time on this server the best it could be.
O7 to all of you on this server I had a great year but my time to move on has come I shall be back for a few weeks after the HCZ update drops cause ill need to do unethical researcher for the good of the foundation.

This is a massive goodbye list that I have been writing for near 9 hours but it goes from Nu7 -> E11 -> A1,B1,O1 -> CI -> Everyone else
I was going to write a goodbye to the people that have left already but its already taken so long and I hope they all know I've missed them

I've been on this server for about a year mainly in Nu7 and it was the most fun I could have had on the server the greatest regiment from its brotherhood or its strength we showed that our loyalty and braveness are unbreakable by making it known we protect the site, not the interest of one group, We have also shown that Site-65 Clearly needs Nu7 as the site always goes to shit when we have our game nights and unless someone else carries the torch I think meme competitions are over but they were a great way to connect a lot of people especially the last one when it involved all the regiments.

I've met so many people who have become good friends of mine or are great people to play with overall and id love to say to them that they made the server better for me

Nu7: So many people to say goodbye to here but ill try
My murder twins Steven and Saphira: The greatest bodyguards and leaders, leading you to fight CI when you were PVTs I knew you would be great COs of Nu7 you are the people I will miss most and I believe that you would always overtake me to lead the great regiment of Nu7 and is my greatest joy seeing you become the COMs of Nu7.

Red: A truly impactful Nu7 COM you altered Nu7 into something that won't be pushed around and treated like were gensec, and you truly care for Nu7 and I thank you for saving me from that tribunal, You are my brother in crime.

Benjamin: My IG Son, I'm so proud that you have become COM I'm glad you followed me in my trolling days just be aware them A1 people might turn into funny suit men if you rickroll pinewood as I did. I know I've never been the emotional COM but I know you always knew I cared for you and Nu7 Thanks for sticking by me through it all.

Steve C: You have shown great work and Loyalty to Nu7 but I'm always confusing you and goondra that's just me being senile you are a great Nu7 always remember your vows as CPT and follow them through.

Goondra: The person I get confused with Steve, you guys sound very similar but nevertheless you are a great Nu7 and you have shown great skill with fixing relations with the GOC (You might wanna teach ethics).

Soul: The Forever CSG, You showed your skill and loyalty for weeks while trying to get LT, and let it be known I did try to promote you to LT many times but Im sorry it took so long for you to get to LT.

Franqua/Francois/Frank/French: My favorite french person that I can never get the name correct (but that's a reoccurring issue for me) you are amazing at art and you make the greatest designs for Nu7 I think your secretly an artist.

Ivan: The great RIASA man you are holding that department together and you're great Nu7 overall.

Nathaniel: a great CO and Nu7 I hope you decide to return to the CO team as you were great with what you did hopefully things get a better.

Current LDR CSGs:
Alexander woods you talk to much ong but you a good lad and show strength even fighting off CI during your medical issues and I with little Goober well, Affy idk how to tell you but we cant see the drive you send as proof and get some trainings done maybe about punishments Mr head of punishments.

Current CSGs:
Dragon a man who cant be trusted with explosives be less goofy my friend, Vicke for some reason you were called vicks on the roster fixed it dw, thanks for constantly filling out the info for what you've done while I basically tracked your whole journey through the logs Enjoy the Snow, Kaga I see your activity slacking a bit I hope you have a break the site needs you, Zazi the master of the zaza you are such a fun person to play with get on LDR so you can lead the reg fr,
Recoe/Ro-seco you a funny guy but I'm still not going to get your name right hopefully the ceremonies wont be boring without me messing your name up.

Current LDR SGTs: Dan our new make docs look cool man you have the future showings of the RIASA head just need to figure out the roster good luck on your rise into the CO team Thanks for sticking by Nu7 I know promos have been slow, Demar just also fixed your rank on the roster dw and we also cant see the drive for the proof you send on activity logs but other than that your a great Nu7 stick too it and you can easily be promoted just work on trainings, Karol i'm still not going to get your last name right no matter how many times I'm told but just a few more training and you will get to blast CIs head off with a sniper once again I believe in you to get it, Jay we've had our problems before but you've shown great resistance and I believe in you to get CSG, last but not least Snevy I also mess your name up I can read trust me but sometimes I cant but hopefully you can do Nu7 proud as a RIASA man and earn that CSG slot but its normally full just stick through it you will get there.

Current SGTs: Sonny another name I mess up :( I see your activity dropping but I hope you get back to holding the hammer high, Henry Beep - Sky that has to be your name not bepsky your a great Nu7 but the activity has dropped come back to killing CI, Bosshafter I mess your name up a lot too and get on for over 2 hours pls you are a great Nu7 gotta use that skill, Seal a reoccurring Nu7 I hope you get that CSG rank soon so you can destroy CI, Scott GET ON THE HAMMER CALLS but fr don't give up your so close the ultimate goal of a Barret M82, Jimbo unfortunately we haven't interacted that much or I forgot (I'm quite forgetfull tbf) but your a great guy from when we have GL on getting CSG, YoRAh a great Nu7 and you truly hold the hammer high after losing them tails, Janek another name to the list of names I mess up but nevertheless your a great Nu7 and I'm happy you have got to where you have.

Current LDR CPLs: Taylor I'm sorry but I cant remember you but from seeing where you are I assume you hold the hammer high doing Nu7 Proud and we cant see the drive on your logs, Sebastian you do great when I see you on Nu7 and you defiantly can get promoted if you put work into it.

I don't really know or remember most below this rank except these few
Milzy: Didn't interact much but after your performance as a researcher I'm sure RIASA will love you if you put the work in.

Demi: one of my favourite Nu7s you made the time I spent in the regiment great and you're a great friend overall now pls stop calling me an alcoholic.

Mareki: an old Nu7 but an amazing one your back to holding the hammer high hopefully you can lead it soon with demi.

-----------------------------------END OF CURRENT NU7s------------------------------------------------------------

E11 Regiment also quite a few people to say bye to but now that I'm gone you don't have to worry about me stealing your E11s and I take my honorary E11 badge with pride.

Luka: HIiaaaaaaaa The greatest COM of E11 that I've seen you took E11 out of a very broken place and truly saved E11, you are one of the best E11 I know and ill probably be back to annoy you when the HCZ update comes out obviously as a very unethical researcher or medic.

Mirage: an amazing E11 as well I'm proud of you for getting LTCOM I hope you can assist in guiding E11 to a better place and our DMs remain weird Ill also be back to annoy you so don't go anywhere.

John: I've mostly just been annoying at E11 checkpoint when meeting you but at least you never got to angry at me I wish you well in the future.

Jack: a great E11 and wouldn't really be bothered about me sitting at E11 checkpoint very chill E11.

Alex: also a very chill E11 when it comes to it and is a friendly guy to talk to.

Ryo: I'm sorry but my memory isn't great and I don't remember to many interactions but any we did wasn't bad.

Moon Tzu: a great Nu7 back to his E11 ways you were a great E11 CO before and I'm sure you will become one again.

and For the rest of E11 I'm sorry but it took me 5 Hours to write about the entire Nu7 so ima have to skip you but I will say to Josseph sussman your a funny guy to play with and Bartholomew you are also great just stop with the GSD CPT MTFs need you, and Mr betrayed has become a femboy now :(

--------------------------------------------END OF CURRENT E11s------------------------------------------------------------

A1 Reg O1 Reg and B1 Reg I'm grouping you up for convenience as your small regs and my memory's terrible If I forget you I'm sorry I've been looking at the rosters for the other regs to remember but my inside men haven't given me your rosters, If you wasn't mentioned also you weren't online on discord when i was writing this part.

Ozz: Funny guy and a good friend I'm glad you got to CO but it seems you were CO many times while on Dclass, Alot of memories with you like when I first became COM and you kidnapped me as Dclass at 939s CC while sanctuming (idk how to spell) the whole Nu7 reg trying to rescue me you got 70 kills that time I believe truly a menace to deal with and it was great going to 914 with moon and defiantly not chatting shit about every single person and reg in the server or our viable research questions on 914 like "Would you get an Nu7 if you put an E11 in on fine" (sorry E11 love you tho) and the time you made me into an SCP event because I was chilling as dclass that was great just never touch my food corner and you will be fine. On a real note do that event you planned that day

Xilus: idk if your still O1 but still your a great Nu7 and an amazing Aa No wonder you were picked for ISD.

Mike Walker: My CI COM you made CI the best it could be even with the ever growing restrictions and I'm sure you will make a great O1, and well done for beating me in the hacking comp I'm still glad I got 2nd place.

Greyman: your the COM of O1 now so well done you have done great and you have been rewarded for it I'm sure you can make the regiment better than it ever was.

Reiner: Your a great guy and are quite chill when I see you I hope the best for you in the future.

Simon: one of the greatest Nu7s truly made RIASA and all of the CO teams jobs so much easier and all of them will thank you for it you were a great LTCOM and B1 are lucky to have you now hopefully the [Redacted] wont mess your reg position up and you can become a B1 CO

Sorry but ima group some O1/B1 together due to it taking forever to write this
Jerma, Draco, Arisha, Toni, David Urite and otters(I have a vid of me executing you L): your all great people and I've seen you all progress greatly in different roles and you all have been great people to play with.

---------------------------------------END OF CURRENT A1s/O1s/B1s------------------------------------------------

CI is going to be quick but if you weren't mentioned on MTF roles your probably here because I see you as a CI main more that MTF

Johnson: My brother in CI we spent a long time rising the ranks together but I chose the path of Nu7 but we had a lot of fun playing and causing Chaos in the facility you are my favourite CI and I hope you get a higher rank soon.

Bolt: Your a great leader and you have handled CI through its many nerfs.

Tactition: A great leader as well you have shown good reserve when we speak even tho I mainly just say Johnson's the goat but I do believe you have earned your spot on CI you just need to show more of what you do.

Darren: 2 mentions for the 2 servers I had to endure you on, you should be promoted on CI already but they seem to just be ignoring your talent just try to chill a bit more and stop trying to prove yourself to everyone that's why people find you annoying but overall your a great CI and you cause mass chaos.

-------------------------------------------END OF CURRENT CI-----------------------------------------------------

Other Roles that I cant put into separate categories because this is already so long

SA Claire: You were a good Nu7 but I think kaz distracted you too much fr, I'm joking tho you were a great Nu7 and will hopefully be a great SA too

Jimmy Wrecking: an amazing guy always supporting Nu7 and always someone you can chill with Still keeping the hammer high.

Luft: Didn't interact that much but you are a chill guy.

Ganch: amazing Nu7 idk what you do now but I hope your holding the hammer high

ECC Phoenix: You left Nu7 and turned real bad but as of recent you've become a great person to play with and are more chill than you was I'm glad that you can hold the hammer high again.

SD Gregory: We didn't interact to much but your a funny guy to play with and escorting you around was great or when a TMOD and TGM tried to do an event and they fumbled because of your questions.

Cuddles: Don't really know you but you make amazing pacs for different SCPs.
Pacman: You also make amazing pacs and your an amazing Nu7.

The Nihilist and James Lyndon(I think they're separate): these 2 O5s are great people and Hold the hammer high doing the site proud

Cassius: Was a great O5 and quite a chill guy when he's not being scary suit man.

Zach Andreevs: Great guy and came back after seeing me being tribunaled and is always chill when you see him

Slicker/Sniffer (I think): Funny guy in game just don't say his name if you don't want to hear "Sniff her I bearly know her" and also keep your back away from him he will sniff you.

Avery Winters: Great man of every reg very distinct voice and a great leader

Ana: Not buttered bread is fine cope more

Quin: Funny guy when he was E11 and was great when I went up to him when he was on O5 and said "you sound like someone I used to know called quin" The forgotten promptly kidnapped and executed me with that sentence :(, few days after LT was wild.

Ventz: I'm not gonna finish that SCP skin cause idk how to add custom images to the gun skins :(

If you wasn't mentioned its because you were offline on discord at the time of this
-------------------------------------------------END OF RANDOM ROLES------------------------------------------------------------
Now that I'm leaving I have to say! Some thing happened on 10/12


Well-known Member
Jul 12, 2022
o7 missed having you on the checkpoint, those and the 914 talks with that A-1 was the peek of my CO times


Well-known Member
Aug 31, 2022
O7 my man, It's sad to see you go, you served your regiment well and I wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors.

P.S. - James Lyndon is O5-1 "The Nihilist" & I am the other O5, James Henderson/"The Disciple" :rolleyes:
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