Accepted Let O5/Ethics/Site Director call E.R.T

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Dec 25, 2021
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Allows the O5 Council, Ethics Committee, and Site Director job/rank the ability to manually call between one - three E.R.T teams depending on the SCP breach severity. There will be several guidelines these roles follow, such as;

1. Only one ERT team may be called per breached SCP, the only exception being SCP-008. (If SCP-682 and 076-2 is breached, only two teams can be called. If only SCP-008 is breached, three teams may be called).

2. ERT may only be called manually if one of the following criteria is met; 5+ SCPs have been breached | 2+ SCPs are breaking past Entrance Zone Bulkhead | 3+ SCPs have breached into L.C.Z | A breach has been on-going for 30 minutes

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Yes, but this change introduces guidelines that these roles must follow in order to remain fair to the SCPs while not risking excessively long breaches and maintaining server health

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ Server health improvement
This reduces the amount of 1 - 2+ hour long breaches where ERT hasn't been called automatically, especially with SCP-008 breaches where the automatic ERT will only call one team despite the breach being so severe.

+ More unique powers to these roles
Makes these roles feel more important, even just a little. It makes lore sense and is a logical addition.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- SCP Nerf
This may be a nerf to some SCPs when compared to now, as ERT now can take up to an hour to be called in depending on the scenario even if the breach is pretty severe.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Recently, atleast on the USA server (cannot speak on UK), SCPs have been breaching to severe extents. 3+ SCPs in LCZ killing everyone, 8837 and other SCPs going straight for surface and using their abilities to bypass teslas and turrets then going to C.I base, 682 brute forcing his way to surface, etc. All of this happens and ERT rarely even gets called, even if a breach has been going on for over an hour. I'm not sure why, but it happens. There's been several incidents where O5 and even SL have opted to nuke the site before ERT even came because waiting for ERT to be automatically deployed was not reliable and server health was suffering greatly. Senior Admins are often not available to manually call ERT either considering how high the role is and how few of them are often in game during these events.

This suggestion not only will greatly improve server health, but its been something the community has wanted for a long time. These roles that would get the ability to call ERT manually are trusted roleplay leaders who have been part of the community for months or even years who we should be able to trust to make these fairly easy decisions, especially with the above guidelines, in order to balance SCP gameplay and overall server health. Nuking the server and never calling ERT isn't fun for anybody.
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Dr Random K.

Blacklisted Player
Oct 8, 2023
Site 54
ERT seems way too random
Sometimes it spawns in during relatively light breaches, sometimes you got SCPs rampaging all over and no ERT until a point where we mightve just nuked already
Calling ERT in could solve this :)

Edit: Maybe make it like airstrikes for GOC where any Administration regiment member can request it and the highest online person will get the option to approve it
May 30, 2023
I recall a while back that the reason they don't allow SC and now maybe SD included? The ability to manually call ERT was because having the ability to activate the Warhead alongside it would be too much power given to the players. This does make sense however, it would really be a great middle ground to be able to call ERT rather than considering going all out in the Warhead instead.
ERT seems way too random
Sometimes it spawns in during relatively light breaches, sometimes you got SCPs rampaging all over and no ERT until a point where we mightve just nuked already
Calling ERT in could solve this :)

Edit: Maybe make it like airstrikes for GOC where any Administration regiment member can request it and the highest online person will get the option to approve it
+Support What ever this guy said

Merrick Travolta

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Oct 18, 2023
I believe this should have certain conditions. Such as.

  1. a 3 or 4+ Breach (Easily enforcable via code if i had to guess)
  2. SCP's are breaching entrance zone (Enforcable through SC having cameras on both floor 3 and ethics so they can validate this. if not through coms)
  3. SCP's have reached a total number of kills/instances. (008 specifically can reach high kills)
The amount deployed can be controlled by SC and can just have staff enforce a punishment to SC who deploy too much ERT for too little a force (3 teams of ERT vs 2 scp's that haven't breached heavy)

Otherwise +Support.
Oct 7, 2023
Had to deal with an hour long breach today and had to ask SL to delay the breach queue by some time just so everyone else could get along with their time on the server. If ERT had been called or nuke went off it would have ended so much quicker.
The amount of RP I remember being disrupted when I was O5, and the amount of insane breaches I've dealt with recently have been absurd. Players are afforded responsibility by getting to the position that they are as SC and then SD, please give them some trust to actually start doing this.
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