What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Takes the following SCPs, and changes their level requirements to the following:
SCP-9000-A-2 | Zero requirement
SCP-9000-A-3 | Zero requirement

SCP-457 | Zero requirement

SCP-860-2 | Zero requirement

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
This specific suggestion has not been done before.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
(+) More variety for newer players.
(+) Less of a grindfest, higher level SCPs don't change but the ones with low requirements are already available immediately.
(+) Doesn't instantly turn off new players who might want to play aggressive SCPs instantly after joining.
(+) Encourages more variety in breaches instead of just the same SCPs, since those 3 SCPs have infantry-esque playstyles.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
(-) Less of a grindfest, aka less of a feeling of accomplishment for unlocking these 4 SCPs.
(-) Encourages people to play SCP-457 & SCP-9000s more, which some people may dislike.
(-) More people will play 860-2, which will cause a chain of reaction that will lead House M.D to get rebooted, which will lead to 457 getting nerfed, which will lead to a parawatch GOI learning about the lore Administrator's true nature. DO NOT ask how.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
860 needs more players.
New players need more options.
457 needs more rep.
9000s obviously need more rep.
House M.D needs to be rebooted.

Takes the following SCPs, and changes their level requirements to the following:
SCP-9000-A-2 | Zero requirement
SCP-9000-A-3 | Zero requirement

SCP-457 | Zero requirement

SCP-860-2 | Zero requirement

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
This specific suggestion has not been done before.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
(+) More variety for newer players.
(+) Less of a grindfest, higher level SCPs don't change but the ones with low requirements are already available immediately.
(+) Doesn't instantly turn off new players who might want to play aggressive SCPs instantly after joining.
(+) Encourages more variety in breaches instead of just the same SCPs, since those 3 SCPs have infantry-esque playstyles.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
(-) Less of a grindfest, aka less of a feeling of accomplishment for unlocking these 4 SCPs.
(-) Encourages people to play SCP-457 & SCP-9000s more, which some people may dislike.
(-) More people will play 860-2, which will cause a chain of reaction that will lead House M.D to get rebooted, which will lead to 457 getting nerfed, which will lead to a parawatch GOI learning about the lore Administrator's true nature. DO NOT ask how.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
860 needs more players.
New players need more options.
457 needs more rep.
9000s obviously need more rep.
House M.D needs to be rebooted.

at that point there's no point in having any requirement, it just makes impatient players who don't wanna grind to level 10 leave before they get the chance to play the fun SCP game as an SCPmaybe total level 5 instead
either way +Support
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