PAC Requesting Approval
PAC Requested (Which job): All the CI job's but jugg
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:9318387
Photograph of PAC:
(yes biscuits gave me his pac3 :shocked:
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didnt it get approved already in his pac3 request
5.08 Authorisations - If a PAC has been approved for one player, this does not automatically approve it for others. ‘Excessive’ PACs must undergo the process in 5.1 again. SCP PAC3s must be authorised by a member of Server Leadership.already approved
Accepted - [UK] Avery's CI PAC3 Request (3)
PAC Requesting Approval PAC Requested (Which job): CI Jobs except Juggernaut Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:626730025 This PAC is already approved, however I've been told by SL I must get the custom sword model approved for use. The sword replaces my Gut Knife - Fade model, hence why it needs