"Liquid" Karl Executive researcher application [USA]

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"Liquid" Karl

Well-known Member
Jul 26, 2023
Application Details:
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:629864372
  • Discord name: liquid_karl
  • CG SCP Playtime: Around 2.3k+ hours
  • Age: 18
  • Location: USA
  • Time zone: CDT
  • Character Names:
    • CI Name: CI-A Karl "Mindless"
    • Foundation Name: "Liquid" Karl
    • Civilian Name: Soda
  • Server Applying for: SCP-RP USA
  • Mic: Yes
  • Roles Held:
    • CI-D
    • CI-A
    • DEA (uncertain if it counts)
    • SCP-096
    • IA Agent
    • HELD MTF-E11 PVT
    • Executive Researcher
    • Ethics assistant
  • Kicks/Bans/Warnings: None active
Executive Researcher Application:
  • Why applying for Executive Researcher?
I’m applying for the Executive Researcher position because of my past experience as an executive and ethics assistant. I understand the role well and the responsibilities that come with it. After some time away, I’m excited to return and help bring structure and support to the research department.
  • What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?
    My background as an executive and ethics assistant makes me a good fit for this role. I understand leadership, ethical decision-making, and the importance of strong research. I’m good at managing projects, staying organized, and ensuring things run smoothly. I believe I can help the department achieve its goals.
  • How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
I’ve written numerous documents, though recently, I haven’t submitted any for grading. Regardless of the outcome of this application, I will continue to strive for excellence in my work and submit documents when I'm able.
  • Responsibilities of Executive Researcher in RP:
    • Follow Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct.
    • Support team members with tests, studies, and credit requests.
    • Assist peers with document creation and approval.
    • Expand knowledge and share insights.
    • Educate and engage through lectures and active participation in organizational activities.

  • Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

    >Executive Researcher, "Liquid" Karl
    The previous researcher at Site-23, Researcher Karl, was in charge of researching and documenting SCP-3718-H (Link to document HERE). A severe electrical disturbance led to a breach of the SCP when an instance of the SCP, codenamed "Liquid," jumped on and attached itself to Karl's head. Fortunately, it was a much weaker instance, but it still managed to merge its consciousness with the researcher, causing him to experience a severe form of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) and confusion about his true self.
    >Promotions and Transfer
    Jr<Researcher<Sr<Jr.Research director<[TRANSFER AND DEMOTION]
    Researcher Karl's progression through the ranks was marked by a deliberate pace. Though it took him several years to attain the position of overseeing his own SCP for documentation and research, his unwavering determination ultimately led to his appointment as the director of SCP-3718-H. However, shortly after his promotion, he became a danger to both himself and others at Site-23 when SCP-3718-H breached, following which he experienced the aforementioned incident with the "Liquid" instance. This event further underscored the unpredictable and perilous nature of his research subject. [Transferred from site-23<Site-65]
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Weebe San

Active member
Aug 10, 2024

Failed to answer the template’s question “Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:” by stating that “none are active” which wasn’t the question.

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher? For applying for Research, you mention experience as an executive and ethics assistant alongside understanding the roles and responsibilities of the job you're applying for. However, you fail to elaborate or mention what those duties are and instead state "After some time away, I’m excited to return and help bring structure and support to the research department." without elaborating what kind of support or structure you're bringing. In terms of your experience of Executive I've never seen you on the server as either an assistant or an executive. I even got your steam id and looked at our public roster and didn't see your steam id pop up even though the roster goes back all the way to June or the 6th month of the year so you must have been gone a long time. If that was the case, then you should've approached this application with more detail and evidence because as mentioned I don't know you nor have I ever seen you.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?: Similar to my response above you mention again your background and experience in the aforementioned positions. You also mention a variety of good points, yet you don't elaborate or provide context or evidence to either. How are we to determine your suitability for a position if you mention experience and qualities if you don't delve deep into those qualities you state. While experience is something that others may have seen, the part about not seeing you or your steam id on our roster that goes back 3 months ago puzzles me on who you are or your suitability.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent? (Missing)You failed to include this question in your post so we don’t know if or how many you’ve written. Graded documents and what makes an excellent document is extremely important to know and you didn’t include a response or even acknowledge this question in your application.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
You mention bullet points with accurate results but as the above mention you don’t elaborate. How will you ensure the CoC and CoE are followed, how will you support team, etc… Your response barely answers the questions and leaves interpretation up in the air on what you mean.

Overall this application is extremely low effort with a lack of two questions even answered that being “Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:” & “How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?” missing entirely. I’ve never seen you on research or even on the server for that matter. You should’ve put effort into this application if you were seriously considering joining the Executive Research team. I will be including an image below of the application you summitted for context should this change.

-Senior Executive Researcher Will 'Weebe' San
  • reaction_title.7
Reactions: Mozzie

"Liquid" Karl

Well-known Member
Jul 26, 2023

Failed to answer the template’s question “Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:” by stating that “none are active” which wasn’t the question.

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher? For applying for Research, you mention experience as an executive and ethics assistant alongside understanding the roles and responsibilities of the job you're applying for. However, you fail to elaborate or mention what those duties are and instead state "After some time away, I’m excited to return and help bring structure and support to the research department." without elaborating what kind of support or structure you're bringing. In terms of your experience of Executive I've never seen you on the server as either an assistant or an executive. I even got your steam id and looked at our public roster and didn't see your steam id pop up even though the roster goes back all the way to June or the 6th month of the year so you must have been gone a long time. If that was the case, then you should've approached this application with more detail and evidence because as mentioned I don't know you nor have I ever seen you.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?: Similar to my response above you mention again your background and experience in the aforementioned positions. You also mention a variety of good points, yet you don't elaborate or provide context or evidence to either. How are we to determine your suitability for a position if you mention experience and qualities if you don't delve deep into those qualities you state. While experience is something that others may have seen, the part about not seeing you or your steam id on our roster that goes back 3 months ago puzzles me on who you are or your suitability.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent? (Missing)You failed to include this question in your post so we don’t know if or how many you’ve written. Graded documents and what makes an excellent document is extremely important to know and you didn’t include a response or even acknowledge this question in your application.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?: You mention bullet points with accurate results but as the above mention you don’t elaborate. How will you ensure the CoC and CoE are followed, how will you support team, etc… Your response barely answers the questions and leaves interpretation up in the air on what you mean.

Overall this application is extremely low effort with a lack of two questions even answered that being “Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:” & “How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?” missing entirely. I’ve never seen you on research or even on the server for that matter. You should’ve put effort into this application if you were seriously considering joining the Executive Research team. I will be including an image below of the application you summitted for context should this change.

-Senior Executive Researcher Will 'Weebe' San
I do appreciate the criticism and I understand what you're saying but this just feels a bit aggressive and I know that this wasn't your intention. I will do better on my further applications thank you.


Active member
Apr 5, 2024
Incoming Message...
Message Received!

From: BarryUriah11011@Foundation .org
To: LiquidKarl@Foundation .org
Subject: Application moving onto next phase: Interview

Dear 'Liquid' Karl,
thank you for your application into the position of Executive Researcher. I am happy to inform you that your application has been approved for the next stage of the promotion process! Please reach out to me (ratgod101 on the discord) to schedule your interview. We are excited to speak with you, and hopefully welcome you into Research Leadership if the interview goes well.

Sincerely, Barry 'Blue' Uriah | BarryUriah11011@Foundation .org
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