Denied List of Suggestions by J.M.

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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

Recently, i came back to this server and played around for about 2 days, and have realised that the server didin't change a bit ever since feature wise which by itself is both good and at the same time very bad. Why ? has been in the words of some community members i've talked with kinda "Stale" and "Boring" and aside from critique i did bring some ideas to present in this thread.

I've never been a fan of the Surface Missions, they're buggy at times, uninteresing,encourage more PVP but most importantly they don't create any interesting RP situations that could also be very fun for both Surface Based factions, Nu-7 & DEA. (They're also not considered "In-Character" apparently)

Now i realise that they probably won't be removed as much as i wish they were, but this suggestion is not about their removal. It's about the introduction of something MORE interesting.

Introducing Surface Anomalies (NO, not the funny monsters that chase you...)

Basically items/artifacts, that spawn randomly and unannounced these items would have the potential to be beneficial to the factions causing certain beneficial effects aswell as maybe even cause harm to anyone handling them. Best of all they could be the source of a CATASTROPHE in form of an Infection, Space being bent waaay too hard around a decently large area causing Gravitational Irregularities, Seismic Activities, Radiation, perhaps even giving some people powers etc.

Stuff required:
-Anomalies with varied effects.
-Anomaly Container
-Anomaly Detector (with a small range of detection)

I do realise that the server is Site-Centered update wise, however everyone would benefit from this even the site.

New D-Class Job (D-Class Leader)

-Works the same way Type Blue does Cooldown wise, that or you can have them work the same way Brute and Scout do.
-Spawns with 150hp and 50 armour
-Regular Speed
-Can indepentantly craft weapons from scrap without the need of the Scrap Dealer + some other weapons that are not available at the Scrap Dealer (nothing crazy ofcourse)
-Level Cap of 60+ in the D-Class Tree + 100 Total Levels (this one is honestly up to whoever gets to make this)
-Scrap Prices for the weapons crafted can be expensive by 10-20% than what can be regularly found at the Scrap Dealer

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
No idea, havent been active on the forums in almost a year.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

Surface Artifacts:
-CI gets to Weaponise Anomalies, like they're supposed to (finally)
-UNGOC gets to destroy anomalies aside from just monsters (hooray)
-Nu-7/DEA now have more of a reason to go out on surface and scout for anomalies aside from intentionally seeking PVP with CI. (very cool)
-Parawatch can be like "Woah, look at this cool gizmo i found. It fucking glows guys." leading to a Foundation/UNGOC crackdown on Veilbreaks like this. (yay)
-Civilians being exposed to said anomalies leading to Containment or perhaps even Liquidation/Termination by the UNGOC/Foundation or weaponization by CI.
-MC&D would ALSO be able to search for these items and then be able to sell them off to any faction or person who's interested in them. (MC&D finally taking a W)
-The Research Department would be able do actual research on anything that's not a monster, cross-testing would also be available. (Not all SCP's are monsters)
-There's alot of scenarios that could be born from this addition.

D-Class Leader:

D-Class get a new fun job, that has primarily potential to cause chaos, however from what i've seen there's a work permit system for D-Class which could also potentially have some RP value to the job as for example a Goods/Weapons Manufacturer. The D-Class leader would literally have seized the means of production allowing them to distribute weapons to their valued and trusted inmates, perhaps even giving them an opportunity for profit.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
-Time needed for this
-Server can't probably handle it. but i leave the thinking to you dev guys.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I understand that there's alot of Projects and stuff, but the server will get more interesting thanks to these additions, if majority of this can't be added atleast consider some of the good and do-able stuff.
Listed above ideas are all very interesting, but I do have question here. When you speak of this overhaul, I think you haven’t consider for the civilians much. And here are some of my question.

If let’s say artifacts is put in use, does this means GOIs that killed civilians instantly and not willing to interact with them will be charged with NITRP? Because there has been several times where people bomb, kill instantly due to GOI wanting the content for themselves and refused to really interact with civs unless and just only a simple”evacuate areas.” Or “I kill him so he won’t know our operation”.

What is there to make civilians not that vulnerable? A SWAT team maybe?

What do you plan on to secure civilians for their part of rp instead of having people always treating them as NPCs and ultimately forcing some of them to be just pure minges?
The suggestion i made, does not concern the vulnerability of Civilians for that you have to make a suggestion of your own, it only mentions their role in the potential RP caused by the presented change.

The questions you have presented, if i interpreted them well. Should be staff's concern not mine per se.

However i can give my personal opinion on this, If an Artifact was used on a Civilian Target like Pinewood for example without prior RP or a valid reason being made, then i'd say it falls within RDM and not FailRP/NITRP. then again i'm no staff member so i can't say for sure.

I got a stroke trying to understand the other questions, i'm sorry.

Should civilians have a SWAT Team to make them less vulnerable ? I honestly have no clue, that's not the point of my suggestion, this should be a seperate suggestion from this one.

Civilians just like the majority of this server, are responsible for THEIR own security. and YES they have it HARDER than the rest of the people but in the end it makes sense considering they're at odds with 3 Powerful Factions in the Anomalous Communities (CI,GOC,F). Being treated like an NPC or turning into a troll is dependant on the civilian player themselves in my personal opinion.


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Mar 6, 2023
[Suggestion Denied]

Hello @Jack Manning , we appreciate you taking the time to make a server suggestion.
After reviewing the contents of your suggestion, the Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

While your suggestions of potentials additions to the surface are valid, the Content Team is currently already reviewing the way surface is played, though your suggestions will be kept in mind for discussions about surface game-play.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied, thank you for your time!​
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