This is just a list of little things I've heard wanted, experienced through gameplay that could be changed or thought would be good to implement to let the server world be more "alive".
1 - More female player models: I'm a girl, and all of my characters are "generic male_1" player models. The only female player models are Assistant Overseers, Consultants, or Doctors. That's fine in all, but I'm confused as to why you only see those models for those positions.
2 - Permanent weapons override: If you buy a permanent weapon, and you have a combat role, then your permanent weapon should override the job weapon that the position gives you. Example, if you're a cadet ( like I am rn actually ) and you buy a perma gun, then you don't need to carry around the MP5 anymore, as carrying two guns gets in the way of quickly swapping between a secondary and primary ( The mp5 sits 1st in the UI so often I accidentally switch to it in a fire fight ) Also, you can remove the MP5 with a weapon checker tool, so you can remove it, I would just like to see an option, or an "in world way" of doing it.
3 - SCP level correction: Everyone starts out gaining SCP levels as "safe" SCPs. 2295, 999 & 912 are perfect for what they are. Easy SCPs that people play as to get too more interesting SCPs to play as by gaining SCP XP. They're active, easy, and tend to be helpful, so wouldn't it make sense if they got more experience to help players along? Maybe just give the "safe" SCPs double experience ( 20XP instead of 10XP ) that way they can level up faster for doing the same things they've always done.
Speaking of which
New SCPs:
4 - SCP-018:
SCP-018 is a red Super Ball produced by Wham-O in 1969. It has anomalous properties, bouncing with over 200% efficiency, making it an extremely dangerous projectile capable of reaching speeds over 100 km/h. After causing significant damage and injuries, it was contained by the SCP Foundation.
It is stored in a sealed, padded box submerged in a polyethylene tank to slow its movement if it escapes. Personnel require protective gear when handling it.
- It can replace one of the empty containment cells in Innanimate Objects in LCZ. It should be open to everyone, Class 1 & above. Cross testing will need Class 2 clearance and above as per usual research guidelines. It should be thrown like a grenade consumable, and would need a beam to "catch" it out of the air.
5 - SCP-529:
SCP-529, nicknamed "Josie," is a small, affectionate grey tabby cat with an anomalous feature—its body appears to be cleanly cut in half just past the ribcage, with no visible hindquarters. Despite this, Josie behaves as if her missing half is still present, walking and even attempting to relieve herself normally.
The exposed cross-section is pure black, absorbing all wavelengths of light, and has a slightly yielding texture. Touching it may cause Josie to react either affectionately or aggressively, though scratches from her have no abnormal effects.
Josie is classified as Safe and requires no special containment. She is free to roam the lower levels of the facility but must not be fed cheese, as deprivation causes her distress.
- Josie should just walk around LCZ and any safe areas. Unlike 999, Josie should just walk around and "be a cat". Think of Josie like a SCP spectator camera. No containment breach would occur, and it would be one of the 1st SCPs people could play as.
6 - SCP-1205:
SCP-1205 is a self-restoring patch of decaying floral-print wallpaper affixed to a cut-away wall segment. It regenerates any damaged portions within 24 hours, and attempts to destroy it produce a distant shrieking sound. The wallpaper occasionally alters its shape and size slightly but does not seem to cause harm to observers. However, Incident 1205-G███ raises concerns about possible perception-altering effects. Eyewitness reports suggest it may move on its own, and there are claims that sections of documentation about it have mysteriously disappeared, though this is disputed.
- This one can replace the other empty cell, with a few modifications to match the containment procedures. It should be open to everyone, Class 2 & above. Cross testing will need Class 3 clearance and above as per usual research guidelines. If it is self-replicating, then you could have a breach situation with it, wherein an individual testing on it takes a piece with it and it ends up spreading over walls and other surfaces.
Welp, that's all my suggestions. Thanks for reading and taking them into account. ^w^
1 - More female player models: I'm a girl, and all of my characters are "generic male_1" player models. The only female player models are Assistant Overseers, Consultants, or Doctors. That's fine in all, but I'm confused as to why you only see those models for those positions.
2 - Permanent weapons override: If you buy a permanent weapon, and you have a combat role, then your permanent weapon should override the job weapon that the position gives you. Example, if you're a cadet ( like I am rn actually ) and you buy a perma gun, then you don't need to carry around the MP5 anymore, as carrying two guns gets in the way of quickly swapping between a secondary and primary ( The mp5 sits 1st in the UI so often I accidentally switch to it in a fire fight ) Also, you can remove the MP5 with a weapon checker tool, so you can remove it, I would just like to see an option, or an "in world way" of doing it.
3 - SCP level correction: Everyone starts out gaining SCP levels as "safe" SCPs. 2295, 999 & 912 are perfect for what they are. Easy SCPs that people play as to get too more interesting SCPs to play as by gaining SCP XP. They're active, easy, and tend to be helpful, so wouldn't it make sense if they got more experience to help players along? Maybe just give the "safe" SCPs double experience ( 20XP instead of 10XP ) that way they can level up faster for doing the same things they've always done.
Speaking of which
New SCPs:
4 - SCP-018:
SCP-018 is a red Super Ball produced by Wham-O in 1969. It has anomalous properties, bouncing with over 200% efficiency, making it an extremely dangerous projectile capable of reaching speeds over 100 km/h. After causing significant damage and injuries, it was contained by the SCP Foundation.
It is stored in a sealed, padded box submerged in a polyethylene tank to slow its movement if it escapes. Personnel require protective gear when handling it.
- It can replace one of the empty containment cells in Innanimate Objects in LCZ. It should be open to everyone, Class 1 & above. Cross testing will need Class 2 clearance and above as per usual research guidelines. It should be thrown like a grenade consumable, and would need a beam to "catch" it out of the air.
5 - SCP-529:
SCP-529, nicknamed "Josie," is a small, affectionate grey tabby cat with an anomalous feature—its body appears to be cleanly cut in half just past the ribcage, with no visible hindquarters. Despite this, Josie behaves as if her missing half is still present, walking and even attempting to relieve herself normally.
The exposed cross-section is pure black, absorbing all wavelengths of light, and has a slightly yielding texture. Touching it may cause Josie to react either affectionately or aggressively, though scratches from her have no abnormal effects.
Josie is classified as Safe and requires no special containment. She is free to roam the lower levels of the facility but must not be fed cheese, as deprivation causes her distress.
- Josie should just walk around LCZ and any safe areas. Unlike 999, Josie should just walk around and "be a cat". Think of Josie like a SCP spectator camera. No containment breach would occur, and it would be one of the 1st SCPs people could play as.
6 - SCP-1205:
SCP-1205 is a self-restoring patch of decaying floral-print wallpaper affixed to a cut-away wall segment. It regenerates any damaged portions within 24 hours, and attempts to destroy it produce a distant shrieking sound. The wallpaper occasionally alters its shape and size slightly but does not seem to cause harm to observers. However, Incident 1205-G███ raises concerns about possible perception-altering effects. Eyewitness reports suggest it may move on its own, and there are claims that sections of documentation about it have mysteriously disappeared, though this is disputed.
- This one can replace the other empty cell, with a few modifications to match the containment procedures. It should be open to everyone, Class 2 & above. Cross testing will need Class 3 clearance and above as per usual research guidelines. If it is self-replicating, then you could have a breach situation with it, wherein an individual testing on it takes a piece with it and it ends up spreading over walls and other surfaces.
Welp, that's all my suggestions. Thanks for reading and taking them into account. ^w^