Llexan's UHC Application

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Trial Moderator
Trial Moderator
MilitaryRP Staff
Dec 15, 2024
Which server are you applying for? (UK/US):

Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on MRP:
Since November 12, 2024, according to ktime_menu a total of 10d 8h 50m (almost 250 hours) as of writing this


In what country are you located?:
United States

Time zone:

NATO name (regiment and rank):

SAS CPL Llexan [648]

USSR name (regiment and rank):
10thSD MAJ Llexan

Civilian name:

Do you have a mic?:

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
Yes, this is my first application.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

I received a warning for FearRP on December 8 2024 on the server due to me not understanding completely the rule that you can be kidnapped while not having a gun out. Because of that I went into an argument and killed the kidnapper and was explained afterwards what happened. They let me off with a warning and since then I have familiarized myself with the rules and have complied with any RP situation. I had not received any kicks/warns/bans since then.
Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?:

In a different community I was a commander of a regiment and reported directly to sector lead, on this server I have only obtained the highest rank of Major.
What makes you the best candidate for High Command?:

Honestly, I love being a USSR main, the people are funny and just great to play with. I feel that in wars I am able to hold my own when needed, and able to carry out tasks before it is asked of me. There are a lot of things I want to help with, as some regiments I feel are not all put together and they all need different types of help. I feel that my constant activity can help address some of these issues and there are many ideas I want to at the very least try. I am very organized and quick with work so I love doing internal tasks. I try to add RP situations that change the pace rather than the simple cycle of build fobs and prepare for war. I know there are many things I still need to learn as there are people with 4+ year experience who have mastered many things on the server, but I have a good grasp on what is expected and what to do at all times on the server, and I can facilitate that for the rest of the players. I listen a lot to feedback and quickly change and improve the way I handle and do things as I believe constructive criticism makes handling situations a better situation. I believe that being able to persistently adapt would allow me to facilitate changes and keep activity high, while also improving myself and the other players.
List your in-game ranks on MRP:

10thSD Maj Llexan
SAS Cpl Llexan
List your strengths and weaknesses:

+ Inclusive to everyone, allowing multiple regiments to participate even in small events, and I am not biased against people.

+ Good at managing groups of people and ensuring that everyone is doing what they are supposed to, and if they are not I can always either help out by filling in for those roles that are needed.

+ I listen to peoples grievances and try to help anyone that asks for it.

+ I communicate well and I try to always understand others perspectives.

- Overcomplicate simple things and tend to overthink situations that can just be resolved easily

- I have lead some wars but I do not think I have as much as experience as the rest and need to improve on my shot calling, call outs, and decision making during war

Please give some lore about your HC character and what storylines they would be involved in:

A simple farmer from an unnamed town in Poland. Valdimir Daninovich lost all of his possessions and family as hellfire rained down from the sky. On the brink of death, he was saved and taken in by the Soviet Union. Obsessed with his revenge against those who took everything from him, he joined as a recruit. Working hard day in and out to train himself, so that he may burn NATO to the ground. Having lost everything, there was nothing for him to hold onto. And so, he left his old name, as that name had no bearing on him anymore. He decided on a random string of letters, known as “Llexan”, as his codename for now. Now he fights relentlessly every day to accomplish his goals. He has learned multiple languages and has familiarized himself with multiple weapons and vehicles. Trying to rise higher so that he may topple his enemies one by one. So that one day, he may be at peace with himself.

What are the responsibilities of HC in RP?:

To lead wars, sometimes even needing to hold back just to make appropriate callouts and assessing the situation.

Ensure that regiments are meeting their quotas and that they are acting in line, performing what is expected and improving on what they lack, supporting them when they can.

Creating or assisting with trainings to support new soldiers and practicing with veterans to ensure top shape.

Setting the standard for all soldiers.

What are the responsibilities of HC out of RP?:

Rally support to build up FOBs and getting FOBs built.

Ensuring that all regiments are functioning internally, as in documents and activity on the server, as well as helping support them when they need someone to be active.

Making sure that grievances from players can be passed to Server Leadership, as well as informing them of any issues that need to be resolved. Also making sure that USSR is appropriately represented in these situations.
Llexan I’ve seen you come from a pvt I didn’t expect to come back a day later to Maj and I am surprised with how you have worked hard within 10tg but I don’t believe you are a suitable fit for HC just yet, I would recommend getting out there a bit more asking HC to lead wars as at the moment I haven’t seen you done that yet. If you can lead a few wars and show good leadership faction wide instead of reg wide(which is a lot more difficult) I’ll change my verdict but atm I don’t believe you are experienced enough for HC
What this guy said

Jimmy Special

Staff of the week!
Staff of the Week
Head Moderator
MilitaryRP Staff
Platform Team
Sep 1, 2023
- Kind and friendly person
- You could have a bit more experience but everyone starts somewhere
- The few wars i have seen you lead have been to a good standard

With all that said try and lead more wars when server is active and I'm sure you will be great.

Dear llexan

We would like to express our gratitude for your interest in the position.

We have reviewed your application and have decided to put you on hold, the reason for this decision boils down to a few factors, firstly, comparatively to the rest of the members of high command, you would be the newest member to the server which does factor in when it comes to experience in certain situations and how to adapt to them. The next is your inexperience in leading, having never been RC or similar positions before, while we more than appreciate what you do in 10th we still want to see more from you. The final factor is that there are only 3 slots left in High Command and we will be allocating them more stringently than before, along with the fact that another 10th CO currently has his application up so we have to consider the state of the regiment should 1 or both of you get accepted. From this point onward try to take control of war leading whenever you can as you have often been doing, ensure your regiment is in the best state it can be and we will look over this application again soon.

On Hold

Once again, we would like to thank you for your interest in the position.
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