LoftLivers CSB Application

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Active member
May 17, 2024
Steam ID:
Discord name:disturbia94.
For how long have you played on CN MRP:
In what country are you located?:
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s):USSR: Disturbedd , NATO: Disturbia
Civilian name:
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all NATO or USSR Roles/ranks that you have held:
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I have received a ban for cheating which has since been appealed
Why are you interested in joining CSB?:
- I wish to add more RP to peacetime to avoid it being a time in which nearly every player afks due to the lack of activities which the CSB can provide via events, attacks etc
Why are you the best candidate for CSB?:
- I have spent plenty of time in what I believe to be a heavy RP regiment(KGB) and also i believe RP is essential to keeping the server active during peacetimes, and I believe if I'm a part of the CSB I can bring more RP and fun to the server for everyone.
Please create some lore for your CSB character

At the age of 16, ##### was kidnapped and forced to work for a local warlord, carrying messages,drugs,weapons etc, but also used as a frontline combatant in his disputes, because of this, he developed incredible stamina and speed but also knew his way around a gun, quickly rising to the top of the ranks of the Warlords regime
He was quickly noticed by the regions military and was promptly kidnapped and 'convinced' to join them, this allowed him to quickly become an expert in CQB and Espionage, his career was going well, he was on the fast track to becoming a Captain, until one day, he was sent out on an escort mission to escort the leaders of the region to a secure location, but on the way they made a stop in a small remote village where they were provided food and rest, however, afterwards the leaders ordered them to open fire on the locals including the women and children, and to burn down the village, was there a reason? No, it was pure malice, this disgusted him, and caused him to go AWOL, taking valuable intel and equipment with him, he was soon tracked down by the CSB in the area, who heard of his actions, and he was soon recruited into their ranks, becoming a valued member of the faction.

Do you understand that CSB is a RP faction and caught not doing so will end up in you being removed?
-I do
Sep 28, 2022

Thank you for your interest in CSB and taking out the time to make a CSB application.

We are happy to inform you that me and the Leader team have come to the conclusion that you are ready to move to the next step within CSB.
Please Contact me when you are ready for your interview.

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