Rule Suggestion Loud Sounds rule clarification (008, 914, hacking, etc)

Rule suggestions will be reviewed by Superadmins, this may take longer than standard content suggestions.
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- What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Clarifies the rules regarding people hearing sounds they realistically shouldn't and whether or not they can use them to determine things (Such as an 008 breach, 914 being used from HCZ, hacking being heard through thick concrete walls, etc)

- Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

- Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ Less confusion regarding these scenarios

+ Less metagame and player frustration (if they rule against sounds being used from across zones)

- Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
None, I don't think.

- Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Overall I can't see how this can be negative. This suggestion simply clarifies these scenarios as staff often contradict each other regarding them. One SSL member will say an 008 and 914 sound can be used as in character regardless of location, another will say you can only use it if youre a reasonable distance away (Which is impossible to tell for 008 unless you see it), and another will say not at all.
I think this should just be a map change. Like, should make sound bytes area smaller or something.

Hacking is unnecessary change as you already run around like a chicken with your head cut off confused where it is.

Again this suggestion is to simply clarify a rule that nobody has a clear answer to, not to be for or against these scenarios being metagaming.
I think this should just be a map change. Like, should make sound bytes area smaller or something.
i don't think that's really how it works? it's just like, based on radius

i do agree that there is some clarification needed on this stuff? so,
- Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
i remember a previous suggestion about 008 noises specifically? or 096, one of them. or both. can't remember it off the top of my head and i don't particularly know. either way, iirc it was denied as not needed - because like... yes, despite those things being intuitive, it's also... kind of not, it's why we have 008 valid in ooc, but because we have that and the fact that it's a known bug being worked on alongside 096, it's seen as not needed... i don't particularly agree, especially when staff say they want to reduce the amount of unnecessary rules/rulings etc. to reduce confusion/complexity, make it easier to consume - but then if that's the case, why leave the room open for confusion when it comes to that? like at least have...

ok, here's what i think should happen with the rules.
what is currently staff rulings right now? should be incorporated into the rules - among other redundancy reductions, etc. and then what is staff rulings right now should be like a temporary rulings post to cover things while they are being worked on such as the 096/008 noise rule, because right now, it's unwritten, unspoken - but largely the community just know this and it's kind of unfair for a new player to just know it immediately, that they can't metagame that noise even though as i said again, it's intuitive as an issue... it's weird, i get it. very difficult to reconcile. have to balance between not overwhelming new players and making sure everything they need to know is available to them.

-/+ Neutral
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- support
incredibly confusing if you can't call out sounds you hear because it's too far away even though you heard it, would be really complicated and just overall doesn't provide much benefit, like would the clarification be you can only hear 914 in delta wing? That seems odd, how are you supposed to know where the 008 making noises is to call it IC? Either fix the problem or let people call it if they hear it regardless of where it is.

Bush von Mann

Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 12, 2022
The sounds help a lot for balancing purposes. So massive -SUPPORT, even if it was against the rules.
The rule needs more clarification, since I know 008 screaming is considered "OOC" by also "IC" or something. Not sure, though a lot of folk seem to think its to make it a ruling against using hacking sounds ICly. As long as it is a clarification of "Hey, XYZ sounds can be heard IC normally, ZYX sounds are considered themeing / for admins / gms / ooc stuff" would be nice.
Suggestion Response

Hi Frostbyte,

The SL team feel that this would be very difficult, if not outright impossible to enforce due to how GMOD sounds work, it's unfortunate that it happens, but there is really no way to prevent it, it's just how the game works.

Due to this, no action will be taken in regards to the suggestion.

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